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Rooxon's WeaponsHD

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I fixed up a bit the Adept, as I'm gonna make it have chrome-like reflections with an enviromental map... Not on all parts, but I'm satisfied as I can be on the look. Also downsized the texture on the Adept to 512x512.


scradept.jpg - Fixed adept hiltscrpraetor.jpg- Ladies and Gentleman, I give you... The Praetor.




Right now I'm in the process of reworking the consul, I'll add pics here soon... and I'll be well over half done with the single sabers for the pack, which means that after this, I'm only gonna have to write some shader files, modify the sab files a bit, @ is helping me testing my mods out and after that, it's release time. :3 just a few more days

Circa, Bek, GPChannel and 2 others like this

Awesome work here, but I think you need to try and make more variations in the metal, it all looks grungy and slightly scratched. If it were, say, stainless steal, it wouldn't have much in the way of scratches, mostly dirt and grit so perhaps not completely shiny. Perhaps adding some chipped paint could look good as well.


The Praetor was always my favorite hilt. I picked it the very first time I played JA. I look forward to seeing it's progress! It looks great so far. I'm not sure what to suggest right now.

Posted (edited)

Yeah well I've done just the texture :D @@Omicron, well you're kinda right, I also don't like this look anymore... I have to look for some photoshop tuts for different metal texturing and I'll try some variations, the pictures will be up soon

EDIT:  I like this texture actually a bit better myself. It looks a little bit dull, but with a nice shader, it could be pretty good ingame.



Another possibility I had in mind:



Which one do you like more? Please leave me a comment!

The Sentinel 



Edited by Rooxon
Ruxith, GPChannel, Bane_Ross and 1 other like this

Guy's, I'm gonna start posting in this topic a bit differently. First off, the sabers I presume are completed more or less (model and tex), will be posted in the FIRST POST ONLY. Secondly, I'll be posting pics normally on things I need your opinion... so please, read what interests me and try to give me some feedback, 'cause this mod's made for YOU, for the community. It's what I actually need the most and get very little.


Hmm. The Praetor's main texture is interesting. Is that supposed to be a worn/dirty spot where a hand has been a lot? I kinda like that.


The Sentinel looks nothing like the original. :P I suggest make the emitter a lot closer to the original.


You mean just the top? I'm making higher polys of them Circa :P They're my mod pack, because they're not some strict fix of the models, it's made to some degree to my liking. They're still meant to look LIKE the originals, allthough. :)

EDIT: Ya know what? I'm actually too kind to oversee what you said... I would've edited it either way. I like it. @@Circa you?


UPDATE: 6sscrnew2.jpg

I updated the first fix... I looked again at the original... :) I hope this saber is a good replacement now @@Circa :)

Bane_Ross, Circa and Bek like this

I'm not trying to restrict your creativity at all. :P Just stating my opinion that I like the original design better, that's all. You don't have to cater to my every suggestion.


I like that a lot better. Nice job.  :winkthumb:

Rooxon likes this

@@Circa The first or second fix? :D I'm staying with the second, it's more like the original... tough this stupid gmax always messes with the map drawing on every edge...It reads the UV map wrong I think. as you can see especially well here on the top in the picture...


@@Circa The first or second fix? :D I'm staying with the second, it's more like the original... tough this stupid gmax always messes with the map drawing on every edge... as you can see especially well here on the top...

The second. Looks much better.

Rooxon likes this

The second. Looks much better.


Yay ^^ Just 3 more sabers to go, then I have to yet add Katarn's, Luke's, Stinger and my Revan's sabers to the SP menu, make them have a name in the menu and voila! :3

Barricade24 likes this

The Adjudicator - DONE.





rather than texturing the buttons/switches onto the metal, I would actually have them modelled on


You mean the Sentinel? Yeah, will do. I was thinking the same thing.

Circa, Bane_Ross, Bek and 1 other like this

The Adjudicator - DONE.







You mean the Sentinel? Yeah, will do. I was thinking the same thing.

yeah, I was referring to Sentinel


And Adjudicator looks almost spot on to the original iirc, nice work!

Rooxon likes this

yeah, I was referring to Sentinel


And Adjudicator looks almost spot on to the original iirc, nice work!

Thank you very much! Though I'm gonna hit my head in the wall tonight quite a few times, 'cause now I have to start the most anoying saber of them all -.- The defender is a pain in the a** to model.




Will you be doing other weapons from JKA, ie guns, or are you going to just do hilts?

My whole plan is in the first post of this topic. :) Any major updates on the mod will be updated and presented there.. But in short, yes. I was planning on doing them also. First is the hilts remake and I'll see how I can help the Gold Pack, after that I'm gonna continue.

Circa likes this

Basically, we'd like to just have all new models for the weapons for the Gold Pack. So I don't think there will be anything special for you to do for it. We'd just like to include them. 


I'm sure @@eezstreet is wanting to use the guns for JK2:HD.


Well I'm rethinking my WeaponsHD mod as of now, you know @@Circa? Actually I'm gonna keep the Arbiter as he is and most of the other sabers, but I'm gonna re-do most of the others or re-edit them. I'm gonna do an actual RE-CREATION, down to every single possible detail... I think that's what you want to see.. and you know what? That's actually what this could or rather SCHOULD be for the gold pack. I'll include the feature with additional skins and just offer my own texture draw for choice, as I already planned anyway. :)

Circa likes this

It's not about that really :P from my perspective, as a modder that makes files public, I think it schould be done to the publics choice. I can always make my own mods or things I want my way to play with :P And I reckon it would be fitting to make actuall HD Recreations of the originals, as I said, down to every last detail. I can offer my texture choice as an addition. That's decided, written down and now everybody knows it haha :D

@@eezstreet are you working or at least familiar with gmax? Else, when I finish the guns also sometime later on, you're gonna need my help to do the mod for you and any model fixing, bugs... If so, I offer it. :P You may take the guns models when I finish, no prob.

EDIT: Okay the model for the Defender is done and I have practically all the hard models behind me for now. The firebrand is kinda the easiest of the sabers to do :P I'm already sketchin up the singles from the dual sabers.

in the mean time, you may take a look at the new defender, though don't think this is the final version, I'm in the process of fine-aligning vertexes and UV maping, tough the "shield" that's around the hilt will probably need reworking on a higher poly base.
I'll have to go along with a more complicated mapping. -.-



Bek and Circa like this

Hey guys I've just wanted to let you know that I'm learning as crazy because of three exams still left after this vacations. I've been drafting and doing small fixes to my existing models (and those that are gonna stay for the first full release) and I've updated the blades mod. I'll be going full speed ahead in a week or so :) I know noone's rushing things, it's just that I wanted to let you know. I'm online every day, though :)

EDIT: I actually found some time today (probably that's an exception) and I've done this:


I hope you like it! The avanger is done, also double-sided. Hidden Bek helps me all the time testing the things out now and reporting any miss-sized parts of the blades, wrong placement of tags, wrong saberlengths... and so on and so on. By the next release of the dual sabers pack, I'll throw in a choice-pk3 to make those sabers availible in the SP saber menus. Any further wishes? thoughts on how I'm going on? I need something :P

I'm editing this post once again... I'd like to state just that the new consul, adept and defender models are gonna be a kind of "surprise" in the next release, I won't show you pictures as they'll be the first three sabers finished for the 1.0 version.

Circa and Bek like this

Heya, I'm slowly getting by with the exams, though not just yet. Today I found a little time in front of my computer, and this is what came together:

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my recreation of Desann's Saber:


Here's a clear progression of my way of texturing.. I'm doing all my textures this way, if anyone's curious how I do them totaly from scratch. It's basically mostly shading or adding little lines with an overlay blending to create details.
After the main texturing part, I copy the whole layer, sharpen it, apply a Style/Emboss filter, overlay and merge them. This routine makes the textures look more real.scrdesann.jpg


After this, I apply various other filters to make the texture look better, more cohesive, toned correctly... also what I tired out on this saber for the first time, at the far end of my work I applied a metal texture with soft-light blending.. this is the result:

Well I took my time, made the texture a whole lot better... and also shadered it properly to get a nice brown reflection on the gray-tone texture. In-game it looks like this:



Comparison with the original:

ORIGINAL                                                                                                                 MINE




The plan for now is to get by my exams at faculty, and to recreate luke's saber. With that, I'll have all four models done for the sabers in my Misc Sabers pack, I only need to take a good thought on how to make the sith sword and scepter. 
I want them to be special in a way, at least cooler than the originals. And with 2 dual sabers done and their single counterparts also, I need to do the remaining 3 and also the sabers for the second on-going pack will be completed.

Quick summary:

Dual sabers pack
 - Guardian *DONE*
 - Avenger *DONE*
 - Vindicator
 - Champion

 - Vindicator

Misc sabers pack
 - Katarn *Upgraded the already-released version* *DONE*
 - Stinger or Reborn *DONE*
 - Desann *DONE*
 - Luke
 - Sith sword
 - Sith scepter

Some concepts I forgot to upload a few days ago:



Omicron and Circa like this

Guys forgive me for multi-posting please! I just want to present a new saber with each post, which keeps you all updated and the whole forum can see when I post something new... some people have been writing to me if I gave up already heh :D that's not the case.

Anyway, today is a good day. I found time to do one more saber, and this one in particulary is my favorite! I'm kinda oldschool, you know.

Luke's Lightsaber

Mine:                                                                                                                      Original:








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