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Is JA multiplayer dying?

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It's JA or (if you prefer) JK3 or JKA (though I dislike this as it makes no sense -> Jedi Knight Academy is not the name of the game).


JKA3 is fairly redundant, and there's been 3 JK games now, so swjk is a bit confusing.



all I'm sayin

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Well, we've got openjk, and we've got raz0r who's willing to work on compja. We've also got other coders messing around in #jacoders, but - no disrespect here - this is mainly messing around and learning, using the source code in their spare time. This isn't going to get us anywhere. What we'd need is a company to support a small team of dedicated coders with a clear vision. This means, putting together good game design documents, looking into the financial side of distribution models and return on investment, then making a proposal and approaching a game developer. There are enough companies out there who are willing to take risks, especially when you put forward twitch numbers that support the growth of core audiences that can be reached and smaller efforts such as hearthstone that was developped internally as a small project within Blizzard.



As much as I'd like to see compJA  completed or a "New  game", I really doubt it happening due to the majority of the coders/designers here having little to no time/motivation, sadly.


I'd love to be proved wrong though.

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Here's how we do it: Platinum gets the license and makes the new game. Look at Metal Gear Rising's combat system: would be perfect for MP and especially lightsaber combat. The story in Rising was amazing and the animations were really good. I didn't find many bugs, either. Also, that soundtrack. So I say we have platinum make a Rising-like Star Wars game. Without Rosh Penin, obviously.

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One thing I learned from the old games is that while there are fans and people willing to have fun with the, there will always be movement.


JK is an example. They spoke about it about 10 years ago and today we are even doing tournaments :P

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Here's how we do it: Platinum gets the license and makes the new game. Look at Metal Gear Rising's combat system: would be perfect for MP and especially lightsaber combat. The story in Rising was amazing and the animations were really good. I didn't find many bugs, either. Also, that soundtrack. So I say we have platinum make a Rising-like Star Wars game. Without Rosh Penin, obviously.


wat o_o

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  • 3 weeks later...

Blade Symphony is not a good game (so far). The animations are really weird and the combat is kinda random. And the community is small and already full of idiots.

Imo Chivalry is the only good multiplayer melee combat game since Jedi Academy even though it's obviously quite different to JK. But there are still a couple of JK players in chivalry (for example tehjumpingjawa, Nerevar, cptdno, myself...).

Afaik Blade Symphony is still in alpha though so there is still hope

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I wouldn't say that Chivalry is "way too simplistic". The skill ceiling is not as high as in a game like Quake but it's far from being simple. You can perform 5 different attacks, you can active block, feint and drag (which pretty much works like poke or "aim" in JK except for the fact that you can't increase your damage by doing so) etc. The only real problem that this game has are the bugs and the class balance.

It's way more complex than Blade Symphony which feels like a Jedi Knight 2 on drugs for casuals (at least back then when I was playing it) :P


The problem that I see with compJA (if it ever will get a release) is honestely how you want to attract people to actually play it. Most JK players will stick to JK and the rest of the people will be scared by the graphics. That's pretty much the same problem that all these Quake clones have.

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  • 3 weeks later...

even if ja dies it will still have players but i do think openjk will help it got me back into it and i see alot of old clans still play like ek openjk helps alot and i hope one day thanks to it mods like ja+ will run on windows, linux and mac

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ja++ does not run for me it crashes when a ja+ server

You should report that bug. I've successfully connected to JA+ servers with it on Linux 64 bit and Windows 32 bit. Feel free to report it on the forums or Github issue tracker, I'm most interested in fixing it if it is a JA++ or OpenJK issue.

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