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[Request]Lord Starkiller skin

Guest Lord Starkiller

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Guest Lord Starkiller

Hi all

My request is if someone can create me the Lord Starkiller skin from TFU 2 for jedi academy please. I leave a few images down.

Thank you in anticipation.










@@Darth Shiftee

Do you still have the source files for your sith stalker? Namely the xsi all rigged that you can possibly add on the few pieces to make this frequently asked for skin a possibility? Then you could even have your sith stalker skin be both models in one? It would simply be adding the backplate of the helmet, some new shoulderguards, and swap the bottom furlows with a robe bottom. Would be way easier than having anyone else start from scratch, and would fill a ton of requests. You wouldn't even necessarily HAVE to change the bottom furlow, just a reskin of it would suffice. Making just adding the shoulderguards, and that back plate of the helmet, and reskinning his arms. pretty easy compared to someone starting from scratch

Omicron and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  On 1/30/2014 at 5:36 PM, ChalklYne said:

@@Darth Shiftee

Do you still have the source files for your sith stalker? Namely the xsi all rigged that you can possibly add on the few pieces to make this frequently asked for skin a possibility? Then you could even have your sith stalker skin be both models in one? It would simply be adding the backplate of the helmet, some new shoulderguards, and swap the bottom furlows with a robe bottom. Would be way easier than having anyone else start from scratch, and would fill a ton of requests. You wouldn't even necessarily HAVE to change the bottom furlow, just a reskin of it would suffice. Making just adding the shoulderguards, and that back plate of the helmet, and reskinning his arms. pretty easy compared to someone starting from scratch

@@Darth Shiftee As Chalk said, it could be done if you have the source.


I still have the source files, but it would involve more work than i'd like. As you said, i could recycle a good amount of parts but it would require new textures and new meshes, i'd rather make something as accurate as i can over something half decent. I'll consider it but don't hold your breath.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  On 1/30/2014 at 8:56 PM, Darth Shiftee said:

I still have the source files, but it would involve more work than i'd like. As you said, i could recycle a good amount of parts but it would require new textures and new meshes, i'd rather make something as accurate as i can over something half decent. I'll consider it but don't hold your breath.

Well, if by any chance you can't, give it to Chalk. He seems more than willing to make a legit Lord Starkiller. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/30/2014 at 5:39 PM, Omicron said:

Also having the tatooine version would be cool as well.


I agree. I liked that version far more than the hoth one, but they were all fantastic.

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