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Converting to JA++...or not

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Been thinking of going over to the JA++ side but as I look around the forums and its process Im not sure if its Up to be used or testing.
What Ive found (Im sure I missed some stuff) is Client side works..sorta few cmds work then dont.         Server part which is what Im talking about seems to be released but still in process of not complete.

So Ill start off with, Is the JA++ mod usable yet that a clan can use? or wait for more releases.


I thought the same about the client-side, but it is much more complete than the JA+ client at this point I'd say.

Does (JAWA) use ja++ or ja+ serverside?


Yes the Client works fine, never really ever had problems with any type of client really.

The server-side loads I belive. I gotten my server to switch from JA+ to JA++ followed the intructions remove this, delete that. Only so many things Ive scratched my head over, lack of admin or Ive missed a readme some place how to set it up since the old way wont work :P
and I set up the Hook o Grapple and the old cmd +button12 doesn't work. Maybe my cfg is wrong but that is another thing I have all the cvars and very little understanding if they are required.
(Ive gotten so lazy and use to always given a server.cfg by mods I never make them myself)
So I guess my main issue is the server.cfg & admin creation.



I don't think there is a grapple on JA++. I could be wrong about that however.


As for admins you need to make an admins.dat file and setup your admin usernames and passwords there.



{ "Bob" "password" -1 }
{ "CoffeCup" "password" 3145694 }

Username/password/command permissions


After that you'd just use the ja++ login commands.


Which would just be /amlogin adminusername adminpassword

Bacon likes this

As for admins you need to make an admins.dat file and setup your admin usernames and passwords there.

{ "Bob" "password" -1 }
{ "CoffeCup" "password" 3145694 }

Wow that is different way of doing it. reminds me of Makermod sorta


As for the grapple, should be due to the bit-cal having it and , japp_allowHook x (Bit flag of gametypes that grapple hook is allowed in) (found off site as Usful cvar.)


The latest development version rewrote the admin file format, and added ingame/rcon ways to manage admins (add, edit, delete) without having to restart server/map.

It also fixed japp_allowHook


If you have a compiler, you can find the source on github and compile it yourself. I don't have FTP access to make "official" updates.

MoonDog and Bacon like this

Well I downloaded the, "latest: Revision 1 on the site and I have to tell you, the Hook don't work.
Also how does the new ingame rcon work to add edit delete etc admins?    May also in next update add in a help or Info thing. Shows what does what.

All these new commands been changed can't figure out how to use them, "spawn npcs" for one.  Well that is about all I can muster from few hours of playing. Can't be managable unless I can figure out all usful cmds that work.
(/npc spawn jedi   *dont work saying server isn't cheat active :P)


When we trialled the server-side, we were very happy with how it ran apart from admin being a bit awkward to use (Login/account wise) but I believe that has been taken care of if I am reading Raz's post correctly.


You know what would be beneficial to users, @@Raz0r? A page with functionality currently in the server-side release e.g. all the features of JA+ you do/don't plan to add along with the features you have added... these could be highlighted in red and green so people are fully aware of what they're replacing their server with. Amber could also be used to show what you are working on currently, so people can see.


Whether people like it or not, JA+ still seems to be the most favoured mod in the game, so catering to familiarity and being clear will allow the server-side to take off easily as a viable replacement... because JA+ definitely DOES need replacing due to its author vanishing.

Omicron, Bacon, Circa and 1 other like this

Least a page showing all commands, settings and maybe a server.cfg that works with all proper information required :P
Not knowing how to use most the stuff as an Admin is sad and unusable till it becomes so....SO I guess Ill stick with JA+ as a server till this is complete.


Least a page showing all commands, settings and maybe a server.cfg that works with all proper information required :P

Not knowing how to use most the stuff as an Admin is sad and unusable till it becomes so....SO I guess Ill stick with JA+ as a server till this is complete.

New commands and cvars


Full command list

Full cvar list

Admin commands


Default settings for cvars should be fine.


A page with functionality currently in the server-side release e.g. all the features of JA+ you do/don't plan to add along with the features you have added... these could be highlighted in red and green so people are fully aware of what they're replacing their server with. Amber could also be used to show what you are working on currently, so people can see.

I don't even know what's missing. If people find something missing or want something added, I'll do it.



"Waiting until it's completed" won't really work. I've already done a lot of initial work.

It'd be much faster if people are using it - sending bug reports, feature requests, etc. The demand has to be there.

Circa, Morabis and eezstreet like this

It'd be much faster if people are using it - sending bug reports, feature requests, etc. The demand has to be there.


I will test the server side pack and gonna give a feedback soon. :)

Shadzy and Bacon like this

So any idea why grapple dont work then?
Those are nice...pages but still confusing too read but know where to look and what to copy easy, only problem I had but figured out was just addin "japp (what ever the cvar is) doesn't work you have to put "set japp"


I would have been fine with leaving my server on JA++ 24/7, but my clanmates are terrified of change. I gave them all blankets and mugs of cocoa, but their nerves could not be restored.


Considering compiling the latest and doing it anyway.


I will test the server side pack and gonna give a feedback soon. :)

Just to point out, I will be testing it with him, so expect feedback collected by 2 people in his response!


So any idea why grapple dont work then?

Because the latest download on the site is not the actual latest version (which is on Github and contains the fix for grapple, but has to be manually compiled)

I don't have FTP access


Because the latest download on the site is not the actual latest version (which is on Github and contains the fix for grapple, but has to be manually compiled)

I don't have FTP access

So since I have no knowledge of such a thing It is broken to me then. And you can probly post another link on "How to Compile manually" but Ill say it now...wont help my tiny brain.

Out of all the mods Ive tried this one gives me more trouble ^.^


@@Raz0r I just compiled the server code with VS2012 but the strafe jumping physics are very weird unless I use pmove_float 1. japp_promode 1/0 doesn't seem change anything


*old link removed*


I must say this is the best server side mod because of the features. But I haven't seen a single server running it :ph34r: :unsure:

And question / suggestion: How to give starting ammo for weapons? If I wanted server with only disruptor is it possible to have 'unlimited' ammo? :)

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