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Tip: Make the sub-sections viewable to guests. Most people like to lurk before they sign up for a new forum, and being told they have to register just to view a site before they join it can put a lot of people off.

Omicron and Bacon like this

So why should I go there instead of JKHub? Does it offer anything new?

That would be up to you not me its your choice that is the purpose. I felt i needed a fresh start so I made this forum. The whole point is to make the Jedi Academy community more active than it is. I get sick and frustrated when people host a jka server and its always empty.

Why jkgalaxy? Might get confused with JKG.

The url is jkgalaxy, at first I couldn't figure out a name for the forum so I named it JK3 Universe in the end :D


So you are saying a random, poorly made proboard is going to create an explosion of JKA activity? A random proboard you are promoting at the central and main hub of the JKA community/modding community where the traffic needs to be centered?

Bacon, katanamaru and Omicron like this

So you are saying a random, poorly made proboard is going to create an explosion of JKA activity? A random proboard you are promoting at the central and main hub of the JKA community/modding community where the traffic needs to be centered?

Personally, I don't like you attitude. And FYI the community (or whatever you call it) will be centered around who they want to be centered around. I also didn't appreciate you spamming on my forum moondog. Especially considering you took a snapshot of the whole thing. You had no right to to do that. First you create too many threads at once, spam the shoutbox, and make a complete fool of yourself. Well done, you got yourself banned in less than 14 minutes after registering. That is a complete WOW you idiot I am deeply considering reporting you for harassment <_<


such advertise. wow

You actually registered to spam? Wow. Voicing concerns is one thing, but actively sabotaging/disrupting it is pretty disgusting.

You actually registered to spam? Wow. Voicing concerns is one thing, but actively sabotaging/disrupting it is pretty disgusting.


Hear, hear


Personally, I don't like you attitude. And FYI the community (or whatever you call it) will be centered around who they want to be centered around. I also didn't appreciate you spamming on my forum moondog. Especially considering you took a snapshot of the whole thing. You had no right to to do that. First you create too many threads at once, spam the shoutbox, and make a complete fool of yourself. Well done, you got yourself banned in less than 14 minutes after registering.

Do you have proof that he specifically did this? It's not like he registered under the name "Moondog" and started spamming your forum (so far as I know)...proboards are very frequently hit by spambots and he was probably joking about all the spambots on your forum. That's a bit of a bold accusation on your part.


That is a complete WOW you idiot I am deeply considering reporting you for harassment <_<

On where? JKHub? No harrassment being done on JKHub so far as I see. Just a guy poking fun at your forum for having spambots.


IP pics or it didn't happen.



It did happen. I wouldn't have banned someone if it didn't happen. What do you think I am a jerk.

Nobody is arguing whether or not you got hit by a spambot..Moondog proved that you did via photographic evidence. The question is whether or not he specifically did it. Grab the IP and trace it. You have the tools to do so, so do it.


I see the boards are no longer public so I couldn't take a screenshot without registering.


If I were going to spam a forum, I'd use a VPN or a proxy. If I were going to provide an IP after having done so, I'd also use a proxy or a VPN. (An example of why accusations would be pointless.)


So in what way have you confirmed I did anything other than use the Snipping Tool really quick and plaster words on it?

eezstreet likes this

He did do it because he took a screenshot of it and posted it. To solve this whole thing Moondog, please try to access the forums at http://jkgalaxy.boards.net, http://starfleet-command.proboards.com, or http://kotor-galaxies.proboards.com.

Why would moondog take a screenshot of my forum with the exact same username that was spamming my forum?


Also, i've had issues with bots in the past but nothing compared to this. Usually the spam bots would just view the forum and leave but sometimes they'd register but not post anything.


The IP is and according to http://www.iplocation.net/index.php:


Geolocation data from IP2Location (Product: DB4)
  IP Address Country Region City ISP United States Wisconsin Madison Charter Communications  

Geolocation data from IPligence (Product: Max)
  IP Address Country Region City ISP United States Wisconsin Madison Ipv4 Address Block Not Managed By The Ripe Ncc     Continent Latitude Longitude Time Zone     North America 43.0738 -89.4589 CST  

Geolocation data from IP Address Labs (Product: Pro)
  IP Address Country Region City ISP United States Wisconsin Madison Charter Communications     Continent Latitude Longitude Organization     North America 43.0731 -89.4012 Charter Communications  

Geolocation data from MaxMind (Product: GeoLiteCity)
  IP Address Country Region City Postal Code Area Code United States WI Madison   608  

Registry Information for


and for ip-tracker.org:


IP Address: Hostname: 24-196-66-154.static.mdsn.wi.charter.com IP Blacklist Check: Not Blacklisted IP Lookup Location For IP Address: Continent: North America (NA) Country: United States  us.png (US) Capital: Washington State: Wisconsin City Location: Madison Area: 608 ISP: Charter Communications Organization: Charter Communications Time zone: America/Chicago Additional IP Lookup Info for IP Address: Continent Lat/Lon: 46.07305 / -100.546 Country Lat/Lon: 38 / -98 City Lat/Lon: (43.0731) / (-89.4012) IP Language: English IP Address Speed: Broadband Internet Speed IP Currency: United States dollar($) (USD) IDD Code: +1

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