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Star Wars Rebels

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  On 10/11/2014 at 12:39 AM, Merek said:


Hating on TFU eh? Well, look at it this way: Star Wars Rebels is another way of fucking up the story like TFU.



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Explain then how? It doesn't have any large battles yet.


@@hleV, where do you get off? I'm sorry but, what is wrong with TCW as a whole? What is wrong with its storytelling ability? Its aspects? Its characters? Its dynamics? I think they were all used to amazing effect in different genres integrated into the Star Wars world, at least by TCW Season 3. We see:

  • The dangers of the life of a Sith
  • How a war can change all facets of life
  • The means individuals are willing to utilize to forge an end
  • The cost of honor and security
  • Obi-Wan and Anakin's resemblance of Luke later on in the OT
  • How revenge destroys lives in more ways than one
  • The tragedies and slights against Anakin that drag him closer to he the darkness within himself
  • The dawning realization that the darker fate awaiting everyone is unavoidable
  • Etc.

Just, after a while, seeing another one of your lovely comments seems almost ungrateful. TCW did what the prequels couldn't, in fact improved them to a degree. (At least RotS.) If you're going to argue it was kiddy just because you didn't like the animation and there a few stepping stones in the first two seasons, then I'm afraid you've completely missed the point here. There are so many variants of introspection within TCW, so many different genre integrations, so many things that have never been done in Star Wars before. We've been able to experience different shades of gray with both the good and the bad. If you can't find it within yourself to appreciate what has been done here, and you're going to cry over dumb things, then you just shouldn't judge at all.

Delmi and Onysfx like this
  On 10/28/2014 at 9:59 PM, Intone said:

 TCW did what the prequels couldn't, in fact improved them to a degree.

Excuse me?


  On 10/28/2014 at 9:59 PM, Intone said:

The tragedies and slights against Anakin that drag him closer to he the darkness within himself

That was really poorly done.



In general, I actually kinda like TCW, but I'll never accept it to be canon. It's just a pretty neat story in Star Wars universe for the younger ones. Every argument that tries to make the series look serious is just silly.


Sorry for the off-topic.

z3filus likes this
  On 10/28/2014 at 3:16 PM, Barricade24 said:

This recent episode with the Inquisitor was probably one of the better episodes so far. However I am quite disappointed as to how toned down the Empire is. Right now they seem to be just shown as bullies that try to do bad stuff but never really do anything that makes you cringe. I believe it was said that Rebels was going to get darker but for right now it hasn't really gotten to quite the point where it satisfies what I am looking for.


Well, on a smaller scale that mutton-chop officer kicked a stormtrooper to his death. 

Bek likes this

TCW has magic, zombies, Force users hundreds of times more powerful than anything we will ever see in the movies (talking about the light/dark/their father thing), alive Maul, magic world of ghosts (Yoda sequence), etc. You can point out any good thing about TCW and it still won't beat all that crap it introduced.

Sithani likes this

Let's stay true to the topic of the thread: we are talking about Rebels here.


I haven't seen the latest episode just yet, but I read an interesting article regarding Rebels. I hear the episode had quite a dark and I would say even gross moment (though I can't justify this word here, I haven't seen it yet, sorry) regarding one of the older characters from the prequels. The more interesting part of the article is that TCW became more popular after the Episode about Point Rain. And the latest episode of Rise of the Old masters is close in its role to that of Point Rain from TCW.


I believe, that Rebels will have to be childish, whether someone wants that or not. The reasons for that are: Star Wars have been for the most part for quite a large audience of very different age, it was always intended, that children could watch a film, etc. The second reason is that it is an animated series, so it can't be an adult only story. Otherwise it would have limited access to the people, banned in some situations.


I can agree on ordinary things, which can be seen in many other cartoons, and it adds nothing unusual perhaps to the story. However the whole Star Wars saga is based upon myths and legends, which are sometimes unknown to most people. G.Lucas said himself, that he got inspiration from Ancient mythology, and we can clearly see patterns of known historical European and world events. The Phantom Menace is derived in one way or another from a very certain Japanese movie Hidden Fortress. The hairstyle of some characters are based on those known from ancient civilizations of Latin America, while names like Padme or Naboo are the ones, which were words used in Mesopotamia. 


Describing something as crap is rarely real critics, and is used in many cases for the sake of calling a thing that way, rather than trying to discuss true pros and cons of the subject.

z3filus likes this

Having watched Rise of the Old Masters, I must say, that this episode is closer to what I expect from the series than the one with C-3PO. Again familiar music motives, but there are some things more about this one. I feel this episode is in more connection with the premiere, than other stories (for now).




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  On 10/29/2014 at 9:00 PM, NumberWan said:

Let's stay true to the topic of the thread: we are talking about Rebels here.


Describing something as crap is rarely real critics..



SW:Rebels is what fans should follow before the premiere of SW7 , because there may be a link between these two


I watched the first 2 episodes of SWR and I liked it.



That's what became clear with the latest episode. I saw several scenes when I wanted to shout "Hey, what are you waiting for? Here's your chance to break the stromtrooper effect used so many times in Star Wars and elsewhere", but instead they just stand pointing guns or fight the enemy with bare hands.


Notably, it seems, no character (except for Luminara) has been killed in SW Rebels, as of yet. It's not clear what happens to stormtroopers in scenes, when TIE is blown up or we see major fightings. But I feel, all of them remain alive.

  On 11/2/2014 at 10:37 PM, DT85 said:

I liked the recent one, though I wonder why all Stormtroopers are so stupid if they go through such training....

Yeah, it kills me how Stormtroopers are made to be buffoons...


Clonetroopers were made more efficient and more professional, not because they were trained to do so, but because by the time of filming of the AOTC

war had been made more entertaining and the directors are actually looking  for interesting ways to bring the battle from the screen into our livingrooms.


In the original trilogy the stormtrooper actors only had to look sharp in polished armors, and with some random lasers added flying across the TV-screen.


For now Imperial stormtroopers seem to be good enough only for bullying citizens of Lothal. I see no other option for that.


It is clear, that Rebels can't show too much brutality (we are unlikely to see a stormtrooper shooting an innocent pedestrian in the street, though this is the most likely scenario since we know what happens in Episode IV), because it's a show for teens and children, being an animated show after all.


When someone says, that the Empire here also looks more like a bully, I can't agree more. But bear in mind, that this is the closest thing to what they are allowed to show about the evil Empire. It's a classical dictatorship with totalitarian government. It's risky to include one things into the plot and safer - others. If the authors could show the very true and evil face of the Empire, without using milder descriptions and ways, we would see in SW Rebels scenes, similar to Kristallnacht and Medz Yeghern. It would be difficult to broadcast such a show even if the meaning were right.

Bek likes this

This is a small review of episode 5, which just came out today, if you haven't seen it, beware of spoilers. Regardless, I just wanted to share this because it gives some insight between the differences of clones and stormtroopers.

NumberWan likes this

I am glad, that stormtroopers are not clone troopers. Well, at least most of them aren't. The sources of the time of Mysteries of the Sith video game suggested, that clones never actually served the Republic (it was before Episode II, well), and that after the legendary Clone Wars the technology of Spaarti cylinders was disbanded in the Empire. With the release of the Prequels, the story began changing. The clones were now in the hands of the Republic fighting the droids of the separatists. 


The Spaarti cylinders still remained as one of a few ways to clone a being, and in 20 years cloning was stopped (at least officially). It seems for now the Rebels are following the right trait and we see no major contradictions here...


After Season 1, perhaps starting with Season 2 The Clone Wars began exploiting other materials, reestablishing stronger connections with the films and other sources. I am actually grateful to the series, because it breaks in a manner the new rule of disbanding all previous EU stories, via acknowledging Republic Commando (we see the main team in one of the episodes, thus the events of RC are close to canon), and KOTOR (we see Selkath in several episodes, also Dooku comments on Manaan, while one episode was supposed to include Revan as a Force ghost), among other things. We also see a senator from Taris, which makes the planet official.


I do hope that Rebels will also find path to such things to glimpse and thus be re-established in Star Wars once again.

  On 11/4/2014 at 4:29 AM, Onysfx said:


This is a small review of episode 5, which just came out today, if you haven't seen it, beware of spoilers.


I just finished watching the latest episode of StarWarsRebels.  Really makes me wonder why would the stormtroopers be so incapable...  compared to cadets.


This doesn't make any sense..

  On 11/4/2014 at 11:11 AM, zeƒilus said:

I just finished watching the latest episode of StarWarsRebels.  Really makes me wonder why would the stormtroopers be so incapable...  compared to cadets.


This doesn't make any sense..

Ya xD. Well, I would give this theory: Perhaps that is a new form of training for the empire, as well, the stormtrooper helmets make it impossible to see/aim anyway.


EDIT: If you watch near the end of the video I posted, you'll see a little trailer for the next episode. Hera and Sabine find Rydonium (think that's how it's spelled), as well according to another video, a crashed republic gunship in the hanger. Could this possibly mean Gregor returning?




 Could this possibly mean Gregor returning?

I think your'e a little too hopeful, yet again if I'm wrong then the cheese is  on me.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/4/2014 at 3:42 PM, Onysfx said:

If you watch near the end of the video I posted, you'll see a little trailer for the next episode. Hera and Sabine find Rydonium (think that's how it's spelled),

as well according to another video, a crashed republic gunship in the hanger. Could this possibly mean Gregor returning?




who dafuq is Gregor? Google


Clone Captain CC-5576-39 “Gregor” in typically heroic fashion for the clones seemingly sacrificed himself to allow D-Squad  to escape Abafar,

but we never actually see Gregor die in battle. The result of this is that Gregor’s fate is unresolved with the end of The Clone Wars.

Edited by zeƒilus

Did you guys ever stop and think that in the vastness of the galaxy that the Empire is trying to control that these backwater areas being visited just don't have the Empire's brightest policing it? I think this video sums it up pretty well.


* volume is low so you may have to turn up the speakers.



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I don't think we will see Gregor, though I made a list of possible characters for Episode VII, who can return from both of the trilogies.

More likely we will see a more significant clone, who might have appeared in more than one episode. Though they said, that they wanted to make another story for Gregor, but that was before cancellation of the CW.


Baron Papanoida, Mon Mothma, Naberrie family, characters from Mandalore, Chewbacca and many more might appear in Rebels too.

  On 11/4/2014 at 9:17 PM, NumberWan said:

I don't think we will see Gregor, though I made a list of possible characters for Episode VII, who can return from both of the trilogies.

Baron Papanoida, Mon Mothma, Naberrie family, characters from Mandalore, Chewbacca and many more might appear in Rebels too.


It seems a lot of TCW fans are thinking there's enough evidence to support the rumour of Gregor's return. This may be wishful thinking, we'll see.

Since Mon Mothma was an important political figure and one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, I wouldn't be surprised to see her in SWR.


The latest episode (Breadking Ranks) had a strong connection with Clone Wars series - both visually and via music. While watched the scene with cadets I couldn't ignore the resemblance between the two.


Thinking of the CW while watching Rebels and the fact that these two happen actually in one Galaxy, I feel somehow sad. Most if not all from that epoch is gone by this time period. Though the next episode will have a glimpse into the past.

z3filus likes this

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