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JA: Enhanced Code Base

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On 7/2/2020 at 8:56 PM, redsaurus said:

And here's a new release: https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/releases/tag/v1.0.7-alpha

  • Fix cutscene skipping crash
  • MP-style saber hilt list
  • Latest OpenJK
  • Better renderer fallback if wrong API version in set renderer

Delete the z_ja_enhanced_106a.pk3 file if you have it, and overwrite your old jaenhanced.pk3 in the jaenhanced folder with the new one.

mate just asking...
Common error,that dark side kor2 have that loading problem,where we can hear the npc's but the map just cant load and it stops at 95% or something like that.
Will u fix it? 

1 hour ago, GPChannel said:

mate just asking...
Common error,that dark side kor2 have that loading problem,where we can hear the npc's but the map just cant load and it stops at 95% or something like that.
Will u fix it? 

I didn't know about it - which version of JA enhanced was that with? Does it happen every time?

  • 1 year later...

Been a while but fixed a couple of bugs people reported (no release with the fixes yet). It’s probably reached a stage where the major SP mods have all of the features from this that people actually want, which means there’s less need for this.

Any major bugs that need fixing for what’s probably going to be a final release?

Circa and TheWhitePhoenix like this
5 hours ago, redsaurus said:

Been a while but fixed a couple of bugs people reported (no release with the fixes yet). It’s probably reached a stage where the major SP mods have all of the features from this that people actually want, which means there’s less need for this.

Any major bugs that need fixing for what’s probably going to be a final release?

I personally haven't recommended it for basejka SP because of bugs, but if the final release is stable enough to recommend over normal OpenJK SP then I think you can call it a success. I don't think other major SP mods are in the same category as this one, like MD or GL, since they change the game into something completely new.

2 hours ago, Circa said:

I personally haven't recommended it for basejka SP because of bugs, but if the final release is stable enough to recommend over normal OpenJK SP then I think you can call it a success. I don't think other major SP mods are in the same category as this one, like MD or GL, since they change the game into something completely new.

I wasn't aware of much broken over openjk in the most recent alpha, but things rarely get reported.

I'll put out a new build in the next few weeks and hopefully there'll be a chance for people to see if there are obvious bugs. Depending on how much time I have, I'll try to get some more widescreen aspect ratio correction stuff in.

Circa likes this
On 8/2/2021 at 4:31 PM, redsaurus said:

I wasn't aware of much broken over openjk in the most recent alpha, but things rarely get reported.

I'll put out a new build in the next few weeks and hopefully there'll be a chance for people to see if there are obvious bugs. Depending on how much time I have, I'll try to get some more widescreen aspect ratio correction stuff in.

If you get the release built, feel free to send it my way and I'll put it through it's paces with a full playthrough and common cheat gameplay and hopefully I'll catch anything major before you release it fully.

On 8/5/2021 at 6:09 PM, Circa said:

If you get the release built, feel free to send it my way and I'll put it through it's paces with a full playthrough and common cheat gameplay and hopefully I'll catch anything major before you release it fully.

I'm going to get some of the widescreen fixes in first, but I'll let you know once it's ready for a playthrough.

Circa likes this
Posted (edited)

@redsaurus sent me a new build to test.

I started a new playthrough with a clean base to see what I could find, and unfortunately there is probably more than you anticipated. 😛 All of this is me trying to look at this mod from the viewpoint of a new player, which I think is important for any mod, but also keeping all the more exclusive features available for veteran players as well.


  • Player menu options
    • what are the hooded ones for? they didn’t work for me; assuming I didn’t have the model for them
    • maybe add an optional menu for the additional heads instead; seems more like cheats than part of the core game
    • we could just add a cheat menu similar to the new console versions and include that portion there?
  • Can’t click out of RGB saber menu without clicking the icon again (which isn’t huge, but did take me a bit to realize)
  • Default saber core size and glow are huge, I think setting both at 0.75 looks more accurate to movies and original
  • MP movement doesn’t appear to work at all, I think it should be on by default
  • First person saber stuck when saber is off in first person (it fixed after the first couple times, can’t reproduce consistently)
  • First person saber default FOV should be higher like 90 or 100, it’s hard to use so limited
  • Grass sprite pop-in distance is very close (also an issue in vanilla, nvm)
  • Stuck after every cutscene, clicking mouse fixes it
  • Cutscenes in widescreen are cut off, maybe removing black bars would be the simple fix?
  • Rosh has his saber in some cutscenes when he normally wouldn’t (academy1)
  • One more light side power in menu? Is it supposed to be Repulse?
  • Flipped holsters is opposite of what they should be in the menu, to my logic. I’m not sure the use case of it would be though. I think you made that when our solution was supposed to be adding a new tag to all saber models, but I think that might need to be hidden from the menu to avoid confusing people since that isn’t what we ended up doing
  • headplayermodel doesnt work after reload, I actually couldn’t get it to work at all after the first time I tried it, it would just put the head on top of the existing one, creating nightmare fuel
  • weapon 0 doesn't work



This is a list of things I would like to see happen but aren’t necessarily bugs.

  • Default settings might need to be looked at (less time for people to mess with too many settings, the better)
    • defaulting to widescreen might be a good option, maybe just r_mode -2 or whichever one sets it automatically in full screen
    • FOV 90 for first person
    • MP movement on
    • saber core and glow .75
  • Default controls for force powers would probably be good to have
  • Widescreen options in the menu, some common ones like 720p, 1080p, 2160p, and even 16:10 like 1280x800 which is what I normally play at in windowed.
  • Cvar to disable idle animations for the player. Just another pet peeve of mine, but could be useful for others. Especially for taking screenshots. I had someone do this for my MP mod.
  • Can holstered sabers be on the left side by default? Jedi traditionally wear their sabers on the opposite of their dominant hand, maybe make it default to left but have an option in the .sab file to swap it if desired for modders?
  • Can holstered sabers be forced to always touching the nearest model mesh or something similar? I assume they are fixed to the bone or tag, but most of the playermodels will have a large gap between the saber and the player. I'm wondering if there's a way to always have it touching the player so it looks like it's attached, despite how slim or chunky the player or the saber model is.
  • How much work would it be to add new weapons like sabers, fitting them to existing classes - like add a new model but it functions just like a blaster pistol with a unique sound and effect color, like sabers do. Instead of .sab files we could have .weap or files or something similar. As opposed to how it is now where you have to code in new weapons directly. (sounds like a lot of work, but I'm curious what you think)
  • Adding to the above bullet point, could SFX sabers be translated into blaster effects with RGB and everything?
  • Could we have headswap, but for all parts, so you can use the pants of one model, the torso of another, and the head of another?
Edited by Circa
mjt likes this
  • Circa changed the title to JA: Enhanced Code Base
On 8/9/2021 at 1:56 AM, Circa said:

@redsaurus sent me a new build to test.

I started a new playthrough with a clean base to see what I could find, and unfortunately there is probably more than you anticipated. 😛 All of this is me trying to look at this mod from the viewpoint of a new player, which I think is important for any mod, but also keeping all the more exclusive features available for veteran players as well.


  • Player menu options
    • what are the hooded ones for? they didn’t work for me; assuming I didn’t have the model for them
    • maybe add an optional menu for the additional heads instead; seems more like cheats than part of the core game
    • we could just add a cheat menu similar to the new console versions and include that portion there?
  • Can’t click out of RGB saber menu without clicking the icon again (which isn’t huge, but did take me a bit to realize)
  • Default saber core size and glow are huge, I think setting both at 0.75 looks more accurate to movies and original
  • MP movement doesn’t appear to work at all, I think it should be on by default
  • First person saber stuck when saber is off in first person (it fixed after the first couple times, can’t reproduce consistently)
  • First person saber default FOV should be higher like 90 or 100, it’s hard to use so limited
  • Grass sprite pop-in distance is very close (also an issue in vanilla, nvm)
  • Stuck after every cutscene, clicking mouse fixes it
  • Cutscenes in widescreen are cut off, maybe removing black bars would be the simple fix?
  • Rosh has his saber in some cutscenes when he normally wouldn’t (academy1)
  • One more light side power in menu? Is it supposed to be Repulse?
  • Flipped holsters is opposite of what they should be in the menu, to my logic. I’m not sure the use case of it would be though. I think you made that when our solution was supposed to be adding a new tag to all saber models, but I think that might need to be hidden from the menu to avoid confusing people since that isn’t what we ended up doing
  • headplayermodel doesnt work after reload, I actually couldn’t get it to work at all after the first time I tried it, it would just put the head on top of the existing one, creating nightmare fuel
  • weapon 0 doesn't work



This is a list of things I would like to see happen but aren’t necessarily bugs.

  • Default settings might need to be looked at (less time for people to mess with too many settings, the better)
    • defaulting to widescreen might be a good option, maybe just r_mode -2 or whichever one sets it automatically in full screen
    • FOV 90 for first person
    • MP movement on
    • saber core and glow .75
  • Default controls for force powers would probably be good to have
  • Widescreen options in the menu, some common ones like 720p, 1080p, 2160p, and even 16:10 like 1280x800 which is what I normally play at in windowed.
  • Cvar to disable idle animations for the player. Just another pet peeve of mine, but could be useful for others. Especially for taking screenshots. I had someone do this for my MP mod.
  • Can holstered sabers be on the left side by default? Jedi traditionally wear their sabers on the opposite of their dominant hand, maybe make it default to left but have an option in the .sab file to swap it if desired for modders?
  • Can holstered sabers be forced to always touching the nearest model mesh or something similar? I assume they are fixed to the bone or tag, but most of the playermodels will have a large gap between the saber and the player. I'm wondering if there's a way to always have it touching the player so it looks like it's attached, despite how slim or chunky the player or the saber model is.
  • How much work would it be to add new weapons like sabers, fitting them to existing classes - like add a new model but it functions just like a blaster pistol with a unique sound and effect color, like sabers do. Instead of .sab files we could have .weap or files or something similar. As opposed to how it is now where you have to code in new weapons directly. (sounds like a lot of work, but I'm curious what you think)
  • Adding to the above bullet point, could SFX sabers be translated into blaster effects with RGB and everything?
  • Could we have headswap, but for all parts, so you can use the pants of one model, the torso of another, and the head of another?


for the ones I'm intending to do anything about:

  • I'll add a more obvious way to close the RGB saber popup window.
  • MP movement is just the OpenJK "allow bunnyhopping" cvar rather than full MP movement. The menu will be updated so that it points at this.
  • We couldn't reproduce getting stuck in cutscenes as far as I remember.
  • I've taken out the black bars for cutscenes in widescreen - I'm not sure it's great with subtitles though.
  • Rosh has his saber there in base too.
  • "full" headplayermodel with 2 arguments (model + skin) should work properly after reloads. Perhaps I'll just take out the version with 1 argument if it makes things seem buggy.
  • This was a base issue again, but is fixed.
  • Defaulting to fullscreen seems to make sense, along with the extra menu options.
  • A cvar to disable idle animations should be easy to add.
mjt, Smoo and Circa like this
  • 10 months later...

Hey guys, I really enjoyed in the earlier patches where sith can deflect force destruction and wondering how I can reactivate that code or if there's a way to make it so half of the time it is deflected. I like the idea of weaker sith not having the option of doing much against it but it feels like reborn masters or tavion should be able to throw it right back for being such an over-powered weapon.

I also want to say that despite playing this campaign on and off for nearly 20 years, what this mod has accomplished is what's keeping my interest in SP JKA going. You guys are doing great work and redsaurus is incredible for working on this still. Much appreciation!

Circa likes this

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