Lamented Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 Hey all. I've canceled my Soul Calibur IV Darth Vader project unfortunately since this idea etched in my mind for a really long time. I decided to work on a Single Player Total Conversion Mod based on the character that I became unusually obsessed with. It's unfair that he was only in 7 episodes out of 5 seasons in the Clone Wars, so I'm not only introducing his story into this mod, but I'm creating a new storyline as well that will require really good cinematic creators and voice-actors/editors. But storylines aside, here are my ideas all centered on the gameplay: Saber Forms, Abilities and Features Forms - Long ago, I used to play OJP and I was really inspired by the work they put into making Saber Forms useable in JKA, and I recognized three styles Savage utilized: Djem So, Lus-ma, and Juyo. I'd like to make a similar system, though these things would have to come through stages. Djem So was Savage's optional style, and this skill could be learned by Dooku. As for Lus-ma, that could come through Dooku's knowledge and spars against opponents such like MagnaGuards and General Grievous himself. And Juyo is the skill you would learn from Darth Maul. Abilities - I don't know if any of you have played Movie Battles II before, but if you have, I take it you might've used the Wookiee Rage system (the more pain you endure, the larger your rage meter increases). I noticed how similar Savage was in this aspect, and I decided to make his own kind of meter that would increase his Force Powers, such as two-handed choke that either give twice the pain on one person or the regular pain on two. It could also increase Force Push highly, but I was most interested in how it increased his physical ability. Saber-wise, this launched meter will make you faster and your swings will send people flying or have them floored, depending on how you swing at them. Lastly, a new saber deflection system focused on Savage's windmill tactic will be created, as well as a Staff saberthrow. Features - The creation of Savage Opress's lightsaber always remained a mystery, but I noticed that the emitter guard was similar to Anakin Skywalker's, and the tip same as Dooku's. Also, it had relative comparison to Darth Maul's own lightsaber. I noticed that the forms he used are used famously by each of these guys, and that his saber design is similar to theirs as well. Before you create your lightsaber, you would have to research these people and gain knowledge from Count Dooku too. Only after all of this, Savage can formulate his saber design. Also, the watching of lightsaber creation would require good modelers, skinners and animators. Like in SWTOR, you'd be permitted to see all of the components spread apart via Telekinesis and see them put together. I plan to have this happen in a cave. Lastly, you'd have to search the special lightsaber power crystal that he uses that modified his resonance hum and animal-like ignition on the ancient Sith homeworld Korriban (I'm considering that to be the place for the watching of his Lightsaber creation). Realm Dismemberment - I noticed how Savage lost an arm to Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber blade and how he didn't pass out like Anakin did. He beared the pain but somehow managed to escape Hondo and his pirates with Maul without one of his arms, and that would be no mean feat by my standards. I'm considering the fact that rather than die once you are dismembered, you should go through 5-second shock/paralyzation and when walking be forced to walk a bit weaker than usual. Speaking of dismemberment, I wanna create the possibility of even horns being able to be dismembered. If one horn (the most sensitive part of a Zabrak) is dismembered, it will boost your rage-meter half-full. Model scale - I want to make Savage 2.18 meters tall, but I'm unsatisfied that if you scale somebody, the rest of the model becomes bigger. I'd like to make scaling based only on height. Force Powers Telekinesis - Taught by DookuChoke - Taught by DookuPush - Taught by Dooku and Darth MaulRepulse - Self-taught, also result of the Rage MeterSaber Throw - Taught by Darth MaulForce Cloak - Taught by Darth Maul OBVIOUS QUESTION Q: You realize you'll need a team for this, right?A: What do you think? Of course I'll need one. Final Statement If anyone would like to contribute to this mod, help develop it, or give me suggestions, any of it is welcome.
minilogoguy18 Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 What are your skills? If you don't have a major skill to help move this along like real coding knowledge, modeling, animation or texuring FROM SCRATCH then this is more like a request than a WIP.
Botdra Posted May 26, 2013 Posted May 26, 2013 What are your skills? If you don't have a major skill to help move this along like real coding knowledge, modeling, animation or texuring FROM SCRATCH then this is more like a request than a WIP. This.
Futuza Posted May 26, 2013 Posted May 26, 2013 Goodluck. Hope it succeeds, just fair warning, don't be surprised if this mod never gets off the ground. A Savage Opress model with npc files and sounds would be a reasonable starting ground before going elsewhere. ChalklYne likes this
Corto Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 So, help me understand. You couldn't tackle a Vader model so you're starting a total conversion? I'm not going to wish luck, for that would be pulling your finger. I'm gonna ask you to reconsider, learn 3d modeling or level design at least, or if putting together some code is your thing, then learn how to write stuff in C/C++. The best mods I've seen around started as the work of one person and the got the attention to needed to bring to a bigger scale.
Lamented Posted June 10, 2013 Author Posted June 10, 2013 I was a little discouraged at your down-putting comments becase I was misunderstood, so I decided I'm gonna leave this supposedly fail-bait mod behind and just work on an actual game with a few knowledgeable friends I got back with. If you bros have any suggestions or ideas on how I should make this game and what I should add to it, please leave them in the comments below. Thank you, I guess...
Botdra Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 I was a little discouraged at your down-putting comments becase I was misunderstood, so I decided I'm gonna leave this supposedly fail-bait mod behind and just work on an actual game with a few knowledgeable friends I got back with. If you bros have any suggestions or ideas on how I should make this game and what I should add to it, please leave them in the comments below. Thank you, I guess... Nothing here was meant to attack you, they were all extremely valid points, so there's no need to act like a victim. In fact I think it was all helpful advice for anyone trying to do a TC mod. If you're offended by something like Corto's comment about you not being able to do a Vader model and now wanting to do a TC, then you're in the wrong place. It's a completely fair point to bring up. And anyone who is requesting help with a TC should expect to contribute to that mod to some extent - which is why people were asking what your skills were. Again, completely valid question. Now just to clarify, are you working on a game with some friends of this mod idea you had? Or completely different story/idea? therfiles likes this
Futuza Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 I was a little discouraged at your down-putting comments becase I was misunderstood, so I decided I'm gonna leave this supposedly fail-bait mod behind and just work on an actual game with a few knowledgeable friends I got back with. If you bros have any suggestions or ideas on how I should make this game and what I should add to it, please leave them in the comments below. Thank you, I guess...My point, that you apparently didn't understand, was that you need to start smaller first. Make a Savage Oppress model first, then move onto more complicated things. You are trying to swallow more than you can handel by yourself (yes I know you want a team, but you don't have one yet). Other people may be willing to participate if you show them some work in progress first/show you can actually produce something. For example, take a look at this thread: First of all its a simple idea, additionally Botdra is actually getting support and perhaps assistance with it, because he showed he can actually produce something and he continues to improve it.
Corto Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 I was a little discouraged at your down-putting comments becase I was misunderstood, so I decided I'm gonna leave this supposedly fail-bait mod behind and just work on an actual game with a few knowledgeable friends I got back with. If you bros have any suggestions or ideas on how I should make this game and what I should add to it, please leave them in the comments below. Thank you, I guess... Alright, fuck logic. JAWSFreelao, Circa, Futuza and 1 other like this
ChalklYne Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 oh crap i didnt even see this thread resurface. hey deviance PM me bro before u get into yer next project we'll get u a syllabus going and u can see what u have to bring to the table, what youll need, and we can go from there. instead of tackling a full TC why dont u make the characters first? then the maps? etc. start with 1 character or map or force power and lets help u finish that and we'll go from there dude no worries. and no there was really no disrespect form what i read just more harsh truth i would say. trust me id know lmao on a side note... i lawl every damn time someone makes corto facepalm lmao... u always have the best comebacks dude. u and inyri are beasts with posting. hell i had inyri chew me out so bad one time on a model i honestly almost cried lmfao its not her fault tho. patience nor compassion have been ported over to linux yet. i like this site have i said that recently? bless this site in all its glory. this and datehookup lmfao that site has me layin more pipe than a mario brother out here rofl whooo its gunna be one of those mornings. PM me u silly bastard we'll get u steered in the right direction. just dont give up no more tho. ill be yer teacher, not yer cheerleader lol Circa and Corto like this
Futuza Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 Small request @ChalklYne: Please, please your sentences are begging for capitalization. It makes it look so much more readable and will naturally make you look smarter if you properly capitalize the beginning of your sentences. Botdra likes this
ChalklYne Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 no. i appreciate the pointer tho and have always wished i looked smarter lol. sorry grammar nazi u got the wrong guy 4 this. but i will meet u 1/2way and now my sentences will be all sperated with double spaces. see? lol mmmm now thats pretty
ChalklYne Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 Goodluck. Hope it succeeds, just fair warning, don't be surprised if this mod never gets off the ground. A Savage Opress model with npc files and sounds would be a reasonable starting ground before going elsewhere.i didnt even read this... yeah. start there.matter of fact, ill make a deal with u... u model the body and ill make u a savage head. thats a decent proposal to start with. have u any modelling skills? or any skills whatsoever? im confused what are u familiar with so far? its been asked like 3 times. it would help us actually help u.
Corto Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 no. i appreciate the pointer tho and have always wished i looked smarter lol. sorry grammar nazi u got the wrong guy 4 this. but i will meet u 1/2way and now my sentences will be all sperated with double spaces. see? lol mmmm now thats pretty It was an honest request buddy. Some things are cooler when you respect them, like grammar rules. No need to go all "yo dawg" on us. Circa likes this
ChalklYne Posted June 10, 2013 Posted June 10, 2013 didnt think i was being dooshy in return. water under the bridge my friend. its just not gunna happen i move too damn fast i think too much i type right when it comes to mind and if im holding shift and doublwe spaceing and worrying about my spelling im more likely to lose my train of thought about the point im trying to get across. how does savage die btw? i been needing an extra character for my tfu'esque mod im doing. and i didnt want him to have anything to do with tfu but be dead around the time of tfu. maybe ill research a bit and come back to ya about it. EDIT:how oppress dies looks like palpatine kills him on mandalore for being a threat to the sith order
Lamented Posted June 11, 2013 Author Posted June 11, 2013 Isn't there already a Savage Opress model? I was thinking on editing the model (I'm a half-amateur modeler) on the kilt and making the texture better, as well as editing it to become different skins, like when he's bruised, when he has one horn and when he has a cybernetic arm, etc.
Lamented Posted June 11, 2013 Author Posted June 11, 2013 Yeah Chalk, I'd like to take you up on your offer. Should we modify the already-submitted Savage Opress model? The torso is perfectly modeled (probably cause it's a port from CWA) but the head is deficient, as I've done zoom-ups on Modview and seen the flaws in the eyes, the 8-bit crap version of what should be teeth and the unrealistic texture. I think it'd be easier if you were to modify the model on the head while I worked on textures, as I am better with textures than I am with anything else. As for your guys' questions on what my skills are, I'm not terrible. I'm just trying to find out how to use the released source code to my advantage.
minilogoguy18 Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 The other model is a port, not sure if it's still up for download since porting nearly got the community shut down years back over legal issues at filefront (now gamefront) and I wouldn't want all that mess happening here, best to make your own model. More fulfilling and you'll learn way more, each model you make will only be better than the last.
Lamented Posted June 11, 2013 Author Posted June 11, 2013 I take it back--that model is faulty with animations. But I'm not nearly good enough to model his entire torso IMO. If I could find a tutorial, that would be nice.
minilogoguy18 Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 Don't wait on a JA modeling tutorial becuase your human life span will expire before it happens, instead you do this. 1: Learn the software of choice (Softimage/3DS Max/Blender/maybe even Maya if it can export to dotXSI 3.5, older versions could)2: Learn to model in that software3: Learn how to take your model and put it in game which a lot of people here can help with There are thousands of tutorials out there, there is no such thing as modeling specifically for 1 game, modeling is modeling, first you learn it then you learn how to make the models work in game. Google and Youtube will get you started, also make an account at, tons of info there as well as professional game artists to offer advice. Botdra likes this
Psyk0Sith Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 ...and the most important aspect of character modeling is understanding anatomy.
Corto Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 Inyri, I'm gonna need your help about how to put new weapon models on the game.
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