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Defititally the closest you have come!


Spot-on there. By the way I love your signature.


Question: Are you female? I can't tell because of your profile picture...

                This is a dumb question if your signature says otherwise.

nvm I bothered reading your profile XD. Move along, move along

Omicron likes this
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Spot-on there. By the way I love your signature.


Question: Are you female? I can't tell because of your profile picture...

                This is a dumb question if your signature says otherwise.

nvm I bothered reading your profile XD. Move along, move along

Thanks :) It's something I made awhile back, and I found it again, so I decided to use it.


And yeh, I'm not a female, I'm male :P

Circa likes this
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Where do you live @? I might be able to get you a female or two. it says Oceanside on your profile... if that is correct I can definitely get u laid bro. As long as you're over 18 and not looking like a complete ogre. If you DO live in Oceanside... PM me I will hook you up. We're practically neighbors. 


PM me about getting some ladies, and try not to flirt with any more of our members plz XD


Now stop spammin muh thread before I sands of time your ass.

Lamented and Ruxith like this
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Chalk, can you start doing screenshots like this:


1 straight from the front view


1 straight from the side view (left or right)


1 3/4 view (google it) which can be high or low angle as you please.



This gives us the best screenshots to give you feedback on. All the random camera angles are just making it harder to tell what's going on sometimes, or hides mistakes. Make it easy and post the "boring" screenshot views, they're the best for feedback, do beauty shots when you're done xD or as an extra.

ChalklYne and Circa like this
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It's looking really good man. The eyes still look odd. Like he's staring into my soul. They could be too sunken in still too, judging by the side shot, but I'm not sure.


The main issue now is that the face is sticking out too far. It looks stretched.


Should be more like this:








Backup this version though! It's probably the best so far.

katanamaru and ChalklYne like this
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Looks beautiful.  So I don't get it, you make the body almost perfect (from point of view) in like 1-2 attempts, and yet that damn head still looks funky even after 25+ attempts.  I mean...why heads giving you trouble?  Still keep up the good work.

JKG Developer

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Looks beautiful.  So I don't get it, you make the body almost perfect (from point of view) in like 1-2 attempts, and yet that damn head still looks funky even after 25+ attempts.  I mean...why heads giving you trouble?  Still keep up the good work.


Well.. here is my theory on that... 


Back when I was in art class in school.. I would focus very much on the fine details of a piece and not really get the overall shape correct.. or have the angle very off. I think I do everything backwards even to this day. I would focus very heavily on wrinkles and shading and blemishes and stuff and the damn shape and angle would be all jacked because I kinda did that last =X I was very focused on the folds of the fat of his lips and his buttchin and things of that nature that I never really initially just made it look human first XD


Make any sense?

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The body looks good. I'd consider looking at his forearms. They look a little slim to me. The biceps/triceps may be a little lean too. I say may because I'm 50/50 on that. Like I said some pages ago: if in doubt I'd load up a base JA model like Kyle or Jaden HM and compare to that. I say those two because Kyle has a lean and fit body while Jaden HM seems to have some more mass in his torso and arms. If you want a really fit body then I'd say use Graves Snake v5 (I think). It has the most realistic and beefiest body I've seen.

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