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Seems a bit closer that what you've done before, hard to tell without hair though.  Not sure I"m going to be useful for offering feedback at this point. 


By the way if you end up making a lot of horrible heads, I wouldn't mind a pack of "Ugly Random Citizens by Chalke" showing up on the download sections.  Just cause an attempt doesn't look like Starkiller doesn't mean its completely useless.

Botdra, Lamented, Omicron and 2 others like this

JKG Developer

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not gonna be super picky, but I got 2 tweaks to suggest still.


1. the eyes are kinda big still 





2. Please look up an ear tutorial or something, because a persistent problem with ALL your heads has been messed up ears. They've improved but you're not quite there yet. It's one of the most noticeable features from the side. (remember people notice/are bothered by what's wrong a lot faster than what's correct, so the ear really stands out from the side now)





even something like this is fine, your main issues right now are blurry ear textures, and a huge earlobe.



ChalklYne likes this
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Thank you! I agree that the eyes are too big. Im thinking too wide. I have a very very low poly/ low res version of the ears going on, and was hoping to sneak it by you guys rofl!! But good eye and good point that will be next is making sure he can hear. thanx dude

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