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This female Miraluka

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Been looking for something i'd actually wanna use for a while, and this one was the only one to peak my interest. If anyone would like to take it up i'd be more than happy. Possibly can pay if you so wish.


PhreaKy315, Siegfried and krkarr like this

Some things that should help:

- Source of the picture:

- In-game SWTOR Screenshot:


Additional artwork (made by the same artist, Arideya)



Additional information about the female Miraluka in question:



Body type - 1
Head - 4
Complexion - 4
Mask - 5
Cosmetics - 23 (dark brown lip and eye thingie)
Hair - 28 (Shae Vizla)
Hair color - 15 (White)
Skin color - 1 (Palest).

Armor: Nightlife Operative

Lightsaber: Unstable Peacemaker Dual-Saber with Advanced Mint Green Crystal

With this information, we can have more reference pictures (or a port, if anyone can do that)

Nightlife Operative Armour: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/nightlife-operative/


Unstable Peacemaker's Dualsaber: https://swtorista.com/weapon/unstable-peacemakers-dualsaber



DarthValeria and Ari like this
13 hours ago, Droidy365 said:

Some things that should help:

- Source of the picture:

- In-game SWTOR Screenshot:


Additional artwork (made by the same artist, Arideya)



Additional information about the female Miraluka in question:

With this information, we can have more reference pictures (or a port, if anyone can do that)

Nightlife Operative Armour: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/nightlife-operative/


Unstable Peacemaker's Dualsaber: https://swtorista.com/weapon/unstable-peacemakers-dualsaber



Actually really helpful, i haven't played much of swtor so i'd never be able to figure out and find this stuff on my own, thank you! ♥
If it's too much of a hassle i believe i can offer close to 100 USD$ to whoever takes up that task, when i get paid at the end of the month ofcourse.

Siegfried likes this
2 hours ago, Ari said:

If it's too much of a hassle i believe i can offer close to 100 USD$ to whoever takes up that task, when i get paid at the end of the month ofcourse.

Save your money, honestly. There are a lot more important things to spend money on. Chances that somebody will make it for free is high, as many people here simply make it out of passion, not for the money. However, first you have to find someone who is willing to do it. And once somebody does it, all you need to be is patient.

There are lots of different ways to create such a character, like kitbashing it from the models we already have.

Droidy365, PhreaKy315 and Siegfried like this
8 hours ago, Lancelot said:

Save your money, honestly. There are a lot more important things to spend money on. Chances that somebody will make it for free is high, as many people here simply make it out of passion, not for the money. However, first you have to find someone who is willing to do it. And once somebody does it, all you need to be is patient.

There are lots of different ways to create such a character, like kitbashing it from the models we already have.

One model in particular that I found that looks kinda similar is @Doughnuts' Dark Rey model. Re-skinning it and re-modelling it to have a new head and extra details should work pretty well, I think. Could even keep the cloak as an optional skin.


4 hours ago, Droidy365 said:

One model in particular that I found that looks kinda similar is @Doughnuts' Dark Rey model. Re-skinning it and re-modelling it to have a new head and extra details should work pretty well, I think. Could even keep the cloak as an optional skin.


I think that somebody once made a Rey model based on the early concept designs for The Rise of Skywalker, which would be a better model to work with. I can't find it here at the moment, but just to give you an idea what I mean, here's the custom model for Battlefront II:



Here's what the model would need:

  • New hair.
  • New suit texture.
  • A cloth for the eyes.
1 hour ago, Ari said:

Alot of great suggestions, although i myself have never been a fan of Rey models. They're all so.. ugly


How different opinions can be. Earlier versionf of her didn't look perfect, but the creators tried their best. But out of all, Scerendo's Rey is one of the most realistic custom model ever created for Jedi Academy; at least it's the most realistic model I've ever seen in the game. Unfortunately, it doesn't look that good in Jedi Academy due to the old graphics engine.

But don't worry. If somebody is working on a Miraluka, a full model of Rey may not be needed, only parts of it.


The model I suggested was more for the actual outfit, than the head. I definitely think you'd need to Frankenstein a new head onto her. If you remove the cloak, the general shape of the outfit is pretty similar, it would just need a little bit of tweaking.

Here's a crappy photoshop job of the proportions adjusted to be like SWTOR (please excuse the poor quality)


Ignoring the head entirely (as Rey obviously looks nothing like the Miraluka) the general body shape is very similar. You'd just have to cut the dress in half, model a belt and a few other details - and of course, find a suitable head replacement.

The Black Cat model ported by HUM-3154 works surprisingly well.




Simple concept I made in GIMP (without retexturing):


Note that it's not actually a model, I just photoshopped them together. I also just realised how disproportionately small the head is, but I'm too lazy to fix it.

DarthValeria, PhreaKy315 and krkarr like this

I know i don't have much of a say since this is quite literally a free "please can you make this for me" thread, but i was just hoping we could steer away form the rey model, i'd prefer there to be atleast a little bit of build on her and rey is so.. simple, the model just feels like it's a slightly more 3d version of OSRS models.

PhreaKy315 and Droidy365 like this


Droidy's model is still in the concept phase. Maybe he won't use the Rey model, or maybe he will. Either way, once he made progress on the actual model, you won't even notice it was once a Rey model. Just give @Droidy365the chance to give his best with what he has.

Another model that looks similar to the Miraluka is the Asajj Ventress model.


Droidy365 likes this
15 hours ago, Lancelot said:


Droidy's model is still in the concept phase. Maybe he won't use the Rey model, or maybe he will. Either way, once he made progress on the actual model, you won't even notice it was once a Rey model. Just give @Droidy365the chance to give his best with what he has.

Another model that looks similar to the Miraluka is the Asajj Ventress model.


Not gonna lie, that might be a much better choice of a model. I'm not quite sure if I can really do this model justice, as I'm a beginner modeller who insists on using an outdated version of Blender, since that's what I've learned. I'll probably still give it a shot, but I don't know how good it'll be.

20 hours ago, Ari said:

I know i don't have much of a say since this is quite literally a free "please can you make this for me" thread, but i was just hoping we could steer away form the rey model, i'd prefer there to be atleast a little bit of build on her and rey is so.. simple, the model just feels like it's a slightly more 3d version of OSRS models.

Sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you, I was simply seeing what it would look like if we did go ahead and use that model. I totally get it; if you're gonna have something made for you to play as, you want it to be something you'd actually play as.

PhreaKy315 and Ari like this
On 9/10/2021 at 5:51 AM, Droidy365 said:

Not gonna lie, that might be a much better choice of a model. I'm not quite sure if I can really do this model justice, as I'm a beginner modeller who insists on using an outdated version of Blender, since that's what I've learned. I'll probably still give it a shot, but I don't know how good it'll be.

Sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you, I was simply seeing what it would look like if we did go ahead and use that model. I totally get it; if you're gonna have something made for you to play as, you want it to be something you'd actually play as.

It's completely alright! And don't worry about the blender thingy, if you wanna give it a shot go ahead ♥

On 9/12/2021 at 5:31 AM, Ari said:

It's completely alright! And don't worry about the blender thingy, if you wanna give it a shot go ahead ♥

Check your PMs

Ari likes this
  • 2 months later...
22 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

Any ability share on here for the rest of us peasants??

Model isn't finished yet, but probably not.

Lancelot likes this

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