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DerFurst's WIP Thread

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I've been making stuff over the years and not finishing anything, as the story goes for most. This is probably because I haven't told anyone that I'm making things in the first palce, so I have no real motivation to finish them.


To stop myself from doing that, I'm making a WIP thread hopefully to force myself to finish what I start in a meaningful way.


Here's a few screenshots to give an idea:


Geonosian Fighter and Cannon



















Hoth Dish Turret
















Just as a note, the turrets are indeed pilotable vehicles. They're using the ATST code with the speed set to 0. They can turn while holding W or S and shoot. The geonosian cannon also tracks mouse movement up and down. The rider mechanics for these types of vehicles are buggy, sadly, since they get stuck in the animation you used before entering, and if you shoot the rider it won't hurt them.


The only things left for me to finish are the vehicle's stats, some effect work, and proper LOD integration for the fighter.

ChalklYne, z3filus, MagSul and 16 others like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Small update: I had forgotten my workflow so I had to re-acquaint myself with all the mod tools, as well as troubleshoot the 3DS Max to Assimilate pipeline. Troubleshooting old software like Assimilate with little remaining documentation can be very frustrating, but I've gotten it all working now. Thank you to people like Psyk0sith, Ashura, and Minilogoguy who have a wealth of information on this website already - I'd never figure this out without looking through your tutorials and posts.


I've successfully given the Geonosian Fighter proper LODs and fixed a few tag issues, as well mostly finished the effects for all vehicles. It should only be a week or two before I get all of it done and ready for testing if I have the free time.

Psyk0Sith, Noodle and Droidy365 like this

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