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evo trooper

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had somebody request i finally finish this. i decided to just start fresh. i got proxy done, but stupidly rigged a cap tag to his radius and had dismember problems. so im gunna re rig that and ask mini to take a look at my kazdan rig, and rig him before i texture this, but i figured id post a pic. i was pretty stoked about it cuz i did it all in a matter of hours. 5068 tris if i remember right his shoulder pads still need some work but im back to rigging proxy atm









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His arms look like they're bending in the middle of the humerus. That can't feel good. o.O


The anatomy of the legs also looks quite off - lower leg looks much longer than the upper leg, and . Might take a poke at that. What are you using for reference images?

KhorneSyrup likes this
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yeah im still fitting him to the skele. some parts are a little tweaked now. slowly fixing it. i shoulda modelled around the skele, but i just did this late last night with no reference but my own memeory of my last one. i redid him because the old one had some recycled hands and the vert count was high. now its significantly lower. and easier to deform and uv. and thank u inyri it looks a lot better now =) u nailed it

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ah its cool i been on a scrappin model spree. i start everything fresh now and it always comes out more efficient.

thx guys ill texture him after i rig kazdan. his rig should be close to done this time. ill post in that thread soon with all that





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Really gotta fix the hands, they look as if they were carved from wood, very blocky and the anatomy is wrong.



This is a very good video showing how to model a hand correctly, it's done in maya but it's pretty easy to follow a video from another package as long as you know the tools and terminology.

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hey anybody seen the ghoul2 error in jka that says something like miniheap size in sv_spawnserver or something?


i dunno if its any significance but this particular character also doesnt have a blade on his saber. the base characters do. guns work fine.

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you got an issue with your topology mate , had the saber problem with my old Minecraft character model

lemme see your hierarchy and i'll try to remember how I fixed it back then


about the heapsize.... I think it had something to do with too many "high" poly models being loaded at the same time but I'm not sure


oh and by the way , this :

Really gotta fix the hands, they look as if they were carved from wood, very blocky and the anatomy is wrong.

This is a very good video showing how to model a hand correctly, it's done in maya but it's pretty easy to follow a video from another package as long as you know the tools and terminology.



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I cant see anything that's obviously wrong

but I had to add 2 objects one named l_hand and the other r_hand

to my minecraft modle to get the saberblades to show up

so try renaming lefthand to l_hand and righthand to r_hand , then see wether this fixes it or not


and 5800 may be enough to trigger the error message but I dont know

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5800 is very high, you shouldn't be having to split the model into so many segments to avoid the 500 or 1k verts errors either, there are ways of modeling great looking characters without excessive polygons. While newer computers can handle higher detail models than what was out when this game was made it's the games own render engine that can not.

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nah i dunno. shiftees sith stalker is at 6800, has 6 more objects than mine, and works fine. gotta be something i did in the rigging. oh my god dude u think its this nocd crack? it screwed me over before to where i couldnt see any models ingame, so i had to fish out my cd. my cd is like 10 years old and makes my cd drive sound like a garbage disposal so i try to avoid using it, i bet thats screwing with me again. ima just buy it on steam here in a minute. any problems with the steam version? and does this sound plausible that the nocd crack is throwin me a heap size error or whatever? it only happens if i try to injure the model in any way, stab or shoot lol

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Only way to know for sure is to run it with a clean base, I've never had this error before but my base folder at the same time hardly has anything in it, I don't like to clutter it up with pointless things.


I think it's best to have the CD version from most of what I've heard, it can be bought for a mere $10, saw it at staples not long ago when my gf and I were buying a printer.

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ima take this one across the street to gamestop and see if theyll run the cleaner on it for me. damn man i really hoped someone has seen this error before.. hold up lemme screen shot it...

it the onle thing in my base folder








i searched around last night and saw someone say add

seta com_hunkmegs "128"

to my autorun but it didnt change it

further searching tells me that this is a problem with dismemberment, so, back to the tags.

ill double check em. but i doubt thats it, cuz ive downloaded models where all the tags are linked to the hips so hell i dunno


nah it dont work even with the stock jasp.exe and jamp.exe and muh disc in. not a nocd crack problem.

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Search the internet harder. Or even search JKHub harder. eezstreet made an interesting post about this in another thread (mainly about how com_hunkmegs does absolutely nothing and the error is caused by lazy coding, as I recall). Currently there's no fix, as far as I know.

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yeah i just changed it. also, what about that motion root in the janull skeleton? any significance? i did change his actual hand mesh to be l_hand and r_hand and now hes got saber blades (thx ashura). ive tried rigging his bolts differently, heirarchying them differently, deleting mesh and reimporting and re-weighing... right now im going thru and deleting mesh peice by peice and compiling him without them so i can see if ingame maybe a particular peice of mesh is pissing it off and needs to be rebuilt


process of elimination shows it is a problem with his head. im fixing it now and will be back in a minute to hopefully shed a bit more light on this subject


well... ive dissected his head vertby vert and found out that it just dont like his head mesh. its not a particular vert or edge or edge loop. it just dont like the model. i also remember roadkill screwing up my head a bit when i saved the obj. so, i screwed up the head in roadkill somehow exporting it, now jka dont want it. i modeled a makeshift new head and it worked. i added starkillers head which is wayy more detailed than proxys to see if it was a vert count or tri count problem and that worked as well.. so, long ass story short. i need to remodel the head cuz roadkill gave me the shaft. i do remember all my mesh from roadkill coming out perfectly, but the head was at 0,0,0, and i was like wtf? and just re fit it, frose my transforms, and hoped for the best. i didnt hope hard enough. gotta make me a new head


and furthermore


i find it ridiculously ironic that all the headache i got from learning him and how much i wanted to just destroy him in the process that the real only way i can ever save him is to cut off his head.


this was my first finished character model. first real attempt at it. and i gotta say man it is so much easier than i thought it was... or than i initially made it out to be at least lol

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no worries dude. itll b a minute tho im gunna fix proxy tonight, then re evaluate kazdans rig and then ill start texturing the evo. prolly b textured by the end of the week im guessing. im hoping to do a decent tfu1 character pack by maybe christmas sometime. then ill go for tfu2. im mainly excited about doing some raxus rodians, the jump trooper, the terror trooper, and other overlooked baddies in tfu that i felt kikt ass

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naw those were just real blocky cuz i extruded em and left em alone. ive fixed them since then. no need to start em over. i did that model in a matter of hours so i didnt add the edge loops for the hands yet. thx for that tut link tho it helped a lot

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yeah ill definately use those. i really didnt like his legs so illprolly be releasing him with 2 different versions of legs. heres a rough draft of the second version so far. really havent had any time to work. some of his peices arent there like his hands and some more pack peices... but u get the idea of how the second versions legs will be. he also has different ears and stomache so ill make sure to model and texture those like the regular version oh and his front breather pack. his stock breather is just a panel, ill include that with the regular version





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