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Bespin Streets Platform V1 - JK2 SP Map Remake for JKA MP

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I think most of the guys (or who played JK2 SP) knows the good old Bespin Streets / Bespin Platform map.


This is a little project I started with mah team member 10000 years ago. Recently I started to work with this again.

The map is pretty huge and ebin 4/5. First plan was to made it for "FullForce Gameplaying" mostly, but it fits for FFA Saber Only / Guns nowadays.


Map is about 90 % ready, still needs some bug fixes, lighting, more texturing and maybe I'll add something new yet :). Ideas?


In-game Screenshots (CLICK FOR THE IMAGES):



Stoiss, Boothand, Onysfx and 1 other like this

If you have a test pk3 available, I'd be happy to give feedback from a play perspective.


From the screenshots, I'd say the following problems are:


-Texture alignment

-Texture mapping on the patches( Looks stretched on some )

-Everything is really blocky. I'd do some patchwork on various buildings to replace the brushwork.



If you plan on keeping those very angular faces on your shapes( the buildings ), I'd recommend providing vertical aesthetic geometry where the planes meet, both to break up the textures and to provide some aesthetic diversity to the architecture. 

NumberWan likes this

It looks pretty good; it matches the aesthetic of JK2 Bespin quite well and throws its own tricks into the mix. I like it.

However yeah, I did see a few cases where the texture alignment was off.


Yeah, I like the old JO bespin maps, both SP and MP but I will second that some areas are too blocky, like say the platform with the 2 cloud cars, surely it can be more round.


Here are some references. Everything seems to be really curvy in Bespin now that I actually look.












They definitely have a fungal growth motif going on. You may not care at all about aesthetic accuracy or frill, but that's all I can offer advice on when I have nothing but screenshots though. ;)


It would be pretty neat to see Bespin like it's portrayed in the movies, I actually just watched episode 5 and just realized about how modern it looked, I mean it's freaking white EVERYWHERE, not that dull brown/orange crap that you see in JK2.

Circa and Onysfx like this

I need to watch the original trilogy again. It's been a while. Would be the best place to get your references from though.


Agreed. Even though this part of Bespin is the Cloud City streets, I feel like the color scheme is puke-worthy. One of my gripes for JK2.


DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, it's the scene where everyone is in the streets celebrating the fall of the empire.

We knew that but...I mean....the streets are still empty! No shops, no houses....nothing....


DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, it's the scene where everyone is in the streets celebrating the fall of the empire.




Ewwwwwwwwww, so many comments lol and it's just beta version.

But yeh, I don't mind creating a big ass buildings with curves just for looking better etc. It's based on gameplaying and players doesn't really care about that it has to be exactly like in movies ^^


Will see.


Very nice work! i like! Yes, Cloud City is white. bespin day is really short, if i remember correct, is something like 12 hours, so in a standard day bespin have 2 noon, 2 sunsets, 2 dawn... LOL, that's explain why is dawn when falcon arrive and is sunset when they escape from the city. :) however, i love bespin of JK2, and i am not particulary snob about map imperfection. the work is very good. :D


Ewwwwwwwwww, so many comments lol and it's just beta version.

But yeh, I don't mind creating a big ass buildings with curves just for looking better etc. It's based on gameplaying and players doesn't really care about that it has to be exactly like in movies ^^


Will see.



Then you should get a test pk3 going around asap before you start doing any detailing. Gameplay --> Feedback on Gameplay --> Iterate on feedback --> Test again --> Repeat as many times as necessary --> Detail, art and lighting


Don't want to have to go back and try to modify a ton of brushwork when something turns out to be "not fun". 

Tempust85 likes this

I wouldn't just send it out to anyone, just people who can offer valid input, mostly people who are familiar with mapping or at least a good amount of modding knowledge to be able to spot certain things.


I wouldn't just send it out to anyone, just people who can offer valid input, mostly people who are familiar with mapping or at least a good amount of modding knowledge to be able to spot certain things.


Maybe for mapping specific visual errors and inefficiencies. I wouldn't worry about testing with strictly other mappers otherwise. About anyone can tell whether or not something is fun. You just have to worry about them being able to articulate as to why. (Isn't as easy as it sounds most of the time.)

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