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Everything posted by Asgarath83
Ehi, man, stop!!!! Not merge never in a unique mesh the model! Because every part has a different uvmapping of texutrre and if yu do it after need to reseparate the mesh and caps and is very ... terrible to do... a nasty work! >.< take all mesh and caps like the original,. yu can take 1 mesh only if the entire model are 1 texture but for every part, if need a different texture or material is better a model cutted in more mesh renamed. JA need a specifical renaminatioin of the body part: Stupidtriangle_off is the root tag and need to be positioned on the origin 0 0 0 of the model. the children of stupidreiangle in gerarchies are the hips, a part that contain the upper legs until the knees, and end with the belt. by belt to nek and, there is the torso, also torso mesh generically incluse the first part of the arms and the sholders. the other mesh are, well the hierarchy of parent childrens is im,portant and that's is the way: Stupidtriangle_off -> Hips -> bolt_hips of the skeleton and accessories of hips. by the hips -> r_leg, bolt_r_leg tags and accessories of the leg (example: r_leg_claw, r_leg_boot, r_leg_foot, etc etc. same for the l_leg. r is right, l is left. torso -> torso bolt tags and accessories, l_arm, r_arm, head head childres: head tags and accessories like head_eyes, head_mouth, head_glasses, head_horns, head_hood (for a maul models the hood cape is necessary) l_arm -> tag bolt of l_arm and l_hand. l_hand -> tag bolt of lhand and eventyally l_hand parts anbd accessories. and that's is the cvorrect hierarchy, a model, as minimal, have EVER the head, torso, hips, l_leg, r_leg, r_arm, r_hand, l_hand, l_arm parts. also, every part need to be connected properly in the hierarchy. also, every part need to be connected with a skin with the bones of the skeleeton and need rthe correctweight. make the rig and weight is difficult. also, i not know if your model is in the same root position of skeleton of JA, because is ripped by TFU and maybe TFU used model rooted in a different pose. for example, for my mod of Legacy of Kain, i have ripped models by soul reaver 2, defiance and blood omen 2 and i pass 1 years, with the help of friend, to rerooting and rigging ALL character, kain, and raziel and rthe sarafans, and the demon, and the vampires corrupted of soul reaver remake in a better graphic, and the hylden... arghs XD, really is a terrific work. i have ripped , rooted and rigged models of 3 different games for my projects. and 90% of jobs i maked alone. O.o Soul reaver 2 models have a differnet root pose into the Eidos Game. there is a procedure for makle a model that i learned for make compatible for JA. but i not use SOFTIMAGE, i use 3d studio max anmd the format that i import with less issues are the OBJ, the GLM, the 3DS, the ASE, and maybe the XSI, i am not sure about thjat. however. the phases for make a model compatibile with JA are: 1: importing the model 2: scaling and innesting with skeleton over the model 3: rooting for perfect sovrapposition with the skeleton. 4: x form for reset scale and rotation deformation to 100 and defualt value, that's avoid weight issue. 5: detach and separate the mesh into the nine i told you. 6: capping (create the caps for mutilation and dismemberment are a work not much easy. yu need to select the mesh, go into edit mode, select the EDGE with the other mesh, extrude the edge, scale the extrusion to zero, select the faces, select the face of the cap created, detach the faces by the mesh, go in vertex selection and delete the central vertex created with extrusion,. 7: need also to check mesh integrity, see if are leaked and fix with the capping tecnique, if the model is open or broken in some point. NOTE: this can jhave undesiderated effect on the uvmapping. 8: for JA need to create 18 caps. head_cap_torso_off, torso_cap_head_off, torso_cap_hips_off, etc etc. for every one of the nine primary mesh parts, yu need a cap for every mesh connected to it. 9: atter that, make the X form for reset scale and deformation and after make the hierarchy connecting all mesh. the mesh_root of the skeelton of JA need to be connected to stupidtriangle_off, hips mesh, too. stupidtriangle off is the parent of ALL model. 10: after need to cuse "collapse to" button for clean rthe mesh and after apply the skin modifier to all the mesh. 11: skin edit: add the bones that rig the mesh to every mesh 12: edit envelopes of mesh and skin the models. this part is long and for an expert can take 1 day, (i pass half \ 2 days for make the skin part) yu need to specify for EVERY verts of the model which bone move it, and how is affected , in a parameter by zero for nothing, or 1 for 100%, a vertex can be weighted until 4 bones of JA skeleton in some case, so yu can have a vertx with 1 of value to 1 bones, 0.5 to two bones, 0.3 and 0.7 to two bones, 0.3 0.3 and 0.4 to three bones or 0.25 (hard to make) to four bones, 13: the skin is complete.export model in XSI format softimage. 14: use carcass for create GLM. 15: create a foldfer into MODview and see your model movement and animation and weight issue, so is possiblre to fix the error and deformation of the rig on softimage. Modviews is used for debugging of the models. 16: try the model on JA, the better way is to create a NPC file that call the model and see how him move to battle. 17: shadering the models. 18: making the sounds for your models XD Congratulation, NOW, yu have done ONE model. need a lot of work. :\ I told that for explain what you need to make a model and how is difficult, only with a long experience you can are a good rigger. Well, is very difficult. in every case, if you have rthe model also rooted and textured with uvmapping after i make the barabel maybe i can do the rig of your maul, pity yu not have 3d studio max, so yui cannot import the max save for see how is maked a good rig and a good completed model. but i can export in FBX, too, so if yu can import the Filmbox format, yu can see. but the model need to be detached, and for every texture and material need to be separated in a single mesh. JA can apply texture on the Models with the .SKIN files, but .SKIN files, cannot apply multiple texture or material in a mesh, and the UVMAP need to be clean and correct. a model with a wrong UVMAP, is a model unuseful. For the model ripping: for my opinion, well, yes, tecnically is illegal. i cannot host my mod on JKHUB when i have ended and i know that. the Mod maked with ripped material are for personal use (but i remember to have seen some map on filefront that have texture ripped by zelda, and a map with a texture take by soul reaver's oracle cave dungeon, and that's 2 maps aere however hosted into filefront >_>. personally i think that's is not illegal if you not buy or get monetary profit about a model. if the mod is freeware should be acceptable. but the common position about ripped materials is different. for stolen mode material: there is intellettual propriety of modder works and so is better to ask to an author of a mod before using texture, map of models make by him, because him spitted blood for make the work. also, is necessary to credit the works as minimal, if someone"stole" a mod, is the minimal he can do. i have a friend very nice with her graphic works, and she become very angry if someone stole something. For ripped material is impossible to ask permission to fhe software house, and also, dangerous, too. If yu use ripped material, yu need to use only for your personal fun. For my own, for me is sufficient to credit me, and all my works are usable in free way. except my books. in real life i am a writer, obvious my book are not free LOL.
I am a good rigger of models, but a moment, i wanna satisface a request of Barabelmaster for a barabel model, maybe later if i have time i can do the darth maul you asked, also, if have not particular simpaty for this character. at moment i am ending md3 models for my mod, i am making a mod \ conversion about Legacy of Kain series. Welcome to JKHUB.
Ahahahahhahahahaha!!!! LOL. Sorry, it's too funny
Released AngelModder - Darth Vader
Asgarath83 replied to AngelModder's topic in WIPs, Teasers & Releases
Welcome to JKHUB! sorry for my late and... Terrific! Absoluty terrific!!! You are a texture master, man. O__________________________________________O I have not words for explain what i think. That's is the more better model of Darth Vader that i have never seed. -
On my 3d studio max, the more good plug in is the 3DR of 3d ripper and the GLm imporrter. at second place, 3ds also make a good work, but sometime give me some problem (empty project, no models or normals visibles ) and for last the OBJ, import good the geometry and uvcoord, but rotate the models. also, in OBJ i see the models mesh attach each other, so is a disaster because need to re separate and check che UVmapping. Well, i suppose is better the GLM and the 3DS, if not work, we try other format.
Ok, i am finish just now the Legacy of Kain Defiance Map objects i need: prisoner for feed blood of Kain, portal, stargates, artefacts etc etc etc, the fragment of balance embleme... uff,... how was vert NASTY! >.< Okay! Send me barabel model. i skin and weight ASAP, so i can take a pause before make the soul reaver 2 MD3, they are the lasts. format required: GLM, 3DS, OBJ, I need also the folder with the textures and skin file for check on ModView the movement and weight issue. Thanks
.menu file builder/visual aid program?
Asgarath83 replied to Dusty's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
Thanks for hint! -
@ Hello! You can use that tool for open BSP and watch the entities in a easy and simple way. but it cannot edit. For edit you need to follow suggest of MoonDog. Very interessing. I never know that's should possible to edit the BSP, thanks MoonDog and i love Picard! XD https://www.dropbox.com/s/r4fmd174rf81u1p/Entity%20Viewer.zip
I reupped with dropbox, now the link NOT expired. Enjoy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r4fmd174rf81u1p/Entity%20Viewer.zip
Thanks for information! A batch function for entering that's key value of relative path on objects custom properteis should be useful but i am worry that anyone has never make something like that. well in every case, i remake 1\4 of my models all textured. thanks again for help, @@mrwonko.
Well i end the soul reaver map objects just few hours ago, so i can continue with defiance and bo2 (they are not much) and after before i will do the sr2 object (they a LARGE amount, because there are objects for some new elemental forges.) When i end bo2 \ def objects i think i can take a pause and make the barabel skin. Intothetime, decide for the head because if i use the new head of Ashuradx when he end it, i need to make again the head weight. However not worry, if the head is make good and its position is correct, i can make the jaw movement and facial expression. i use the bone of Jaw., leye, reye and the ceye bone, they make ever a nice result for LOK models. i have Kain, Raziel, Vorador, etc with facial expression and mouth movement, and demon, hylden and sarafan warrior too.
I have the JA Skeleton in my 3d max, so is not a problem i need just the model for working. GLM format, if is possible, i import better wwith glm, 3ds, and 3ds, also obj, but i fear thatin obj make me all mesh like a unique part and so detaching without knowing rthe material is a problem. the model is capped or need also the capping? it's in root pose?
well, i need to end the map object by games of soul reaver, soul reaver 2, blood omen 2 (only glyph mechanism) and legacy of kain defiance, but after i am free and for my mod i need to do only the effects and some edit code for SP, after i can start with the Kain tales for make an amatorial The Dark prophecy with JA engine, a cutted game of eidos interactive. well well, okay, i think i need some week, i advise you when i end. I am also a science fiction writer and i love the design of barabel model, i have a race of reptilians on my planets (half men, half crocodiles ) and can be useful for make a concept of they. Your model have also textured and uvmapping and need only the rig for the skeleton right? Because i not know how to make uvmapping and textures, i am not so expert, but i am a good rigger, i used ja humanoid skeleton for animate non humanoid monster of legacy of kain with nice results. is strange, but is possible to do. So rig a barabel should be relative easy, i think is not more difficult of make a rig for a model like desann. I know also how to make a little movement of the tail.
Hello. I am doing for my mod a laaarge amount of MD3 object using blender 264 and the plug in writed by @@mrwonko . his tutorial and method work pretty well, i am very glad to see my md3 textured and skinned and i am very grateful to him for that. I have a little problem, but is not a tecnical problem of the plug in. It's only a blender issue. Well, the problem is simple: i need to make more of an hundred of MD3 models for my projects, i create all blenders files,. every file for a model. i import the model by max on blender with 3ds format, i select object, i go to custom properties and i set "mdshader" and for value, the relative path , like on mister wonko tutorial about building a saber and export on MD3. the trouble is... the work is very long and tiring, i need to make like a robot, because i need to specify every time the relative path manually. i need every time, for every object that make the MD3, the relative path of its texture. "models/map_objects/oracle/beamb" "models/map_objects/oracle/beac" etc etc, every time i need to digit manually. is very frustrating, are 5 days that i am doing this job like a robot. but i have all my old SKIN files with the parameter of relative path. So i ask: on blender 2.64 there is ANY way, to paste a text on the custom parameters key \ value bars? If i paste the relative path by my skin files i can boost the speed of the work. Also, because i need to make some big gothic building on md3: a cathedral and a big rock skull castle called "Nupraptor Retreat". they need a large amount of specificatioin for materials path. So, if there is a way for copy a text on the custom parameters keyt \ value bars i can be very thankful, if someone tell me how can i make, if is it possible. :\ thanks to every one answer me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxbkhrpgbyj9jdh/Screenshot%202013-12-07%2012.53.59.png
mmm, i am rigged dozens of models of Legacy of Kain monsters, i can do the barabel with 3d studio max after i end my MD3 models. I love the race of barabel too. I am a fan of shadow of empire, and luke was captured by one of barabel bounty hunter of xizor.
I am doing a mod for Legacy of Kain amatorial sequel using JA engine, some nice effects for the spells of vampires and sarafan should be wonderful, for the moment, i making effect by myself. but i am not the best of effect tecnique. XD also the effects for elemental swords. (i have some hundred of sword O.o ) ROFTL, dosn't matter, is too much to ask XD
Remember me the Bith radioscientist of Kotor II, killed by a droid, in a secundary quest, during the investigation of Exile and his friends against Goto crimes on Nar Shaddaa.
make little better the textures of the head, and is perfect!
LOL, the selkath ever remember me the Rahabim vampires of Soul Reaver. Nice species! I love the quest of the underwater hrakert rift republic station of KOTOR with the assassins Selkaths
I was gone to the chat of JAcoders and Mister Wonko Help me very well! I make a big mistake follow his tutorial, because i se the properties of Ghoul 2 voice about md3shader and texture path! Now it's all working! Thanks, @@mrwonko for help, and for all plug in, expporter suite of blender 2.64 and fixed version md3view. the topic can be closed.
yes, i done: Ghoul 2 properties: name: md3shader shader: models/map_objects/abbey/alkhend is an object of soul reaver 1 drowned abbey, in that case. when i open md3 with MD3VIEW it told me "Null shader not found" it's like the shader and texture of model are set like "null" value.
@@mrwonko @@DT85 Well, they work, for works. I export by 3d max on 3ds format, import on blender 2.64, and exporting as md3 using md3 exporter of mrwonko. models have a different nbug now, but they work... the bug is: they are Black! all black! On md3, on gtk radiant, on jedi academy, misc_model and misc_model_static entity, too, the object is black, but the texture and the skinned had good setted. I apply with skin files on md3view, and when i reload md3 skinned and saved, md3 have the info of the texture. So that's is the good way. Only... my object are blacks. :\ Someone can help me with this last issue? I have tryied also that solution for my md3 trouble. mmm not work. on md3view, the model still white. if i use blender suite of mister wonko, md3 is textured and skinned, but is black and no show texture or lighting.