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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. WOW amazing forever!! D: @@Langerd ! Tell me the secret of your mapping power!!!
  2. You can make multiple saves of your map you can do what i've done when i got this trouble the first time for restrict area and brush incriminating. - save your map into multiples saving. - save the map into "mapname_debug" or something like that. - now select brush with inside selection and delete a part of a map. try to build. if you got the error, the brush is not into the part deleted. if you not get the error, you found the incriminating area. using this method and making a combination of deleting - undo build temptative you can fastily restrict the part of the map that cause the error, and so also find the brush. your map is small duel map no? so you can find the problem really fast with this method. Important: Not delete the skybox when you make the "deleting search" of brush, of you will leak the map. O.o
  3. Max TV vertexes is an error created when you build a brush that get more of 12 faces \ vertexes. so, if you build a prism more complex of a dodecahedran face prism, you get this error. you can check all prism you build manually for find what prism cause this issue. another suggest is to make the vertex number never > of 8 or ten. so you avoid to erroneley hit this radiant limitation : \
  4. Good point of Ramikad, make two separated meshes, one for bark and one for branchs, so you can apply different shaders. and so you can use deformvertexes on branch and not use this on trunk. for trunk put on string q3map_material SolidWood instead of greenleaves. check the path of your shader file. the shaders are putted into Shaders folder and the file txt need to get a .SHADER extension.
  5. this is a shader problem, create a shader of pine leaves and branch like this: models/map_objects/MODMODELS/Pine_branchs { q3map_material GreenLeaves polygonOffset cull disable deformvertexes wave 256 sin 0 0.5 0.2 0.6 q3map_onlyvertexlighting { models/map_objects/MODMODELS/Pine_branchs alphaFunc GE128 depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO depthFunc equal rgbGen identity } } NOTE: use deformvertexes ONLY for leaves for create the illusion of movement affected by wind. if not, not use this parameter.
  6. yes because head is a children. when you cut a part, the part take with it all his childrens, head has not childrens, except for head_ parts mesh and for tags, so head is okay. if the head is parent to the hips, cutting hips really can give this issue. the correct hierarchy is: Stupidtriangle_off is PARENT of Hips HIPS Is parent of Hips meshes, R_LEG, L_LEG, TORSO. L_LEG is parent of left leg meshes R_LEG is parent of right leg meshes TORSO is parent of HEAD, L_ARM , R_ARM and torso meshes. HEAD is parent of Head meshes. L_ARM is parent of l arm meshes and of L_HAND L_HAND is parent of l_hand meshes and of bolt_l_hand (tag that attack saber dual model and that emit the force powers efx) R_ARM is parent of r arm meshes and of R_HAND R_HAND is parent of r_hand meshes and of bolt_r_hand (tag that attack the saber and the shooting weapons models.) also, R_HAND is tagged with bolt_flamethrower. i am sorry to tell this to you, Langerd, but the unique way to fix this is import Boba Fett Glm model on blender or 3d max, fix his hierarchy, merge again this with JA skeleton and re-rig all! >.< and rebuild GLM with XSI exporting and carcass :\
  7. About NPCs file you can fix this problem if you set at the end of NPC file parameters DismemberProbWeist 0 in this mode, the torso is not detachable. (except if one use the g_saberrealisticcombat 2 or < setting cheat. dismemberProbHead 0 <- No "Jango Fett decapitation" XD dismemberProbArms 0 <- no "Ponda Baba or Anakin style" arm cutting dismemberProbLegs 0<- no legs cuttings dismemberProbHands 0 <- no "luke's style" hands cuttings. dismemberProbWaist 0 <- No "maul's style" cuttings. mmmm George Lucas is a fanatic of dismembering
  8. Next Fett mod! But with a coloured fett's team!
  9. This map is terrific! Huge! Big! Great!! Like a whale! A planet! Can be planet sarlacc! D: or sarlocchian XD continue , @@Langerd please! Boba fett sleeping is really funny... bot... pink purple violet color? Serious??? D: it's some kind of new jizz complex? The Rainbow Fett Bounty Hunter Club? i am joking. skins are good, but Fett on pink purple is so strange... O.o
  10. Someone can give me the bridge of khazaddum map? D:
  11. need a good animation.cfg for zombies.... it's not so easy because wampa, rancor, howler and every not humanoid model get his custom GLA animation file. : \ however, about file skin: oopen it with notepad. on modeview you can see the meshes\ surfaces tree that show you all meshes that forms the model. eand so... you got the texture, and you got the model. for animate the model you Need to import the model on blender or 3d max and importing also the skeleton humanoid of JKA, and rigging this to the models, also you need to make detaching and capping of the model for dismemberment and correct tag using of weapons in his hands. ALso, you need to export model into XSI and convert with carcass into GLM. also, the model meshes cannot have more of 1000 vertexes for mesh, for this you need to detaching big meshes into meshes more littles. the skinning is the last part of the work of adapting a model on JKA. they are ported models? o.o regard the file skin... open with notepad and you see the list of the meshes of model. the code is "NAME OF MESH" , "path of texture" simply you need to specify for every mesh the path and the name of the texture that cover it surfaces.
  12. i have see a massassi temple rain map on filefront for JK2, i suppose (or JKA? D: ) it was with a massassi temple pyramid immerse into a blue fog with a strong rainy weather and low visibility. little map, but very suggestive.
  13. @@Langerd pretty interessing. i will apply that on my Nupraptor map... AHAHAH i was typing "on my spawnflags map" XDDD @@Ramikad : me drunk too XDDD . sleeping again ROTFL! however, thanks for the drunking explanation about detailed. mmm i ever get trouble to make -vis building, so many times i skip there, maybe it's also for that that some sctructural brushes are invisibles and i need to convert on detailed. thanks for hint: i will never make detailed a brush that is outside of skybox edge of worldspawn.
  14. mmm i never worked with easy gen, but with a model of Nupraptor retreat cathedral (external building with skulls and roof) i tryed to use the solid spawnflag to misc_model just to check and that make it structural. also, increase proporinally the map build time compilation. sometime, decompiling some forest map for learning propuse, i see that trees and the complex terrain used was structural with "shader image missing" i can suppose that the original map files got trees checked with solid spawnflags and that is the physic caulk maked by 13map2 on the BSP file during compilation. Also, into nupraptor test map i watched this warning on Q3MAP2 process: "over **% structural map is detected, time compiling is affected." so with misc_model i think it create structural brushes. i not know personally the difference between detailed and structural brushes. : \
  15. Cool map!! D: i love the cannon efx. Really, congratulations! Continue with that!
  16. @@Raz0r Yes, i make ever the Relase building. rarely i use the debug. @@mrwonko thanks! good to know! well, i suppose i will add with mod itself, just in case they're missing.
  17. Mmm the graphic is really much better... but i am perplex about two thing that happened me today and i have this question for Openjk coders. - after i reinstalled JA game, i put my backuped exe and dll of my code mod and they got me a startup error about need of Vc libreries. after i installed VC2010, the mod started fine. so, it's NECESSARY to have installed Visual studio on a pc for run the code mod of open jk? D: this can be problematic if a day i want to share my mod with some other. - after the reinstallation, at begin i watch a terrible shader issue of my mod: ALL the shaders that use tcgen enviroment become transparent, and model too, into the engine. but after i make the newbuild with the fixed path code and i replaced my old exe and dll of the code, shaders are fixed. o.o that is... worrying... D: @@Raz0r @@eezstreet @@ent @@ensiform
  18. Yes, reinstalled cmake, deleted all cmake file and build by my project run cmake. configured and generated the cmake libraries. generated the solution with the batch file of VC2010. now is building. thanks, razor.
  19. CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt directory F:/JACODE/OpenJK-master/CMakeCache.txt is different than the directory g:/JACODE/OpenJK-master/build where CMakeCache.txt was created. This may result in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt Maybe i need to reset some pathes of cmakecache.txt of the solution? :\
  20. @@eezstreet @@ent @@ensiform hello. i have a little trouble with open jk solution. because i recently formatted PC, into re installation of windows, windows renamed as "F" the "G" partition unity. on G i had the Jacode solution of openjk. now i have reinstalled visual studio 2010 i tryied to rebuild the solution for see if all works. i get this error: "warning : The referenced project 'G:/JACODE/OpenJK-master/build/ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj' does not exist. :" and so, not build nothing. i know why: because the solustion and visual studio are searching into the G/Path tthis file.... but now the solution is into the F. i cannot rename the F unit because i get some trouble with the secondary OS installed on my pc. so i got 2 solution. 1 - can i rename a partition of my HD into G: and put it all solution. 2 - can i edit the solustion setting about the path for searching the ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj. because i want not make for now solution number 1... because renaming a partition is little danger for my computer, i ask you about the second option: i can i set for the solution a different build\source path for bypass this error? i GOT the file ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj, simply is into the wrong path. at moment i haven't any partition of computer named as G: , so i cannot simply copy \ paste the solution in this partition for make a build. how can i solve that? o.o
  21. for my experiences func_wall not works much good for the same trouble you talking here. much better use func_usable for this kind of entities.
  22. exactly like me. o.o
  23. @@IrocJeff... my radiant is 1.5.0 as base path is setted to gamedata folder. but all my mod staff is into gamedata \ base \ base (yes, all stuff for building map like textures and shader folder is in this inner base folder, in that mode, my material not overwrite the assest.pk3 of gamedata\base. o.o man, your shaderlist file is okay?
  24. Pretty sure that work on SP because i do it into a tomb. in my mod you can start as vampire or reaper, and the start map is differnet_: for vampire is in the physical world, vampire awake smashing the coffin, and into the room him is buried there are some item, a weapons and some blood portion (replace of medpac) vampire can take the hidden items. when he put all five item, the guard outside the tomb open the door because he listen noise and wanna check... and vampire kill him and run by the tomb killing all vampire slayers of guards XD. for a reaper. it's in spectral realm the fight. the reaper need to take and devour five souls into the buried room. there is a magical barrier at the door. for every soul he gain 20 Hp and a power. when he devoru the first soul he got 20+ health with second soul, he can jump a little more. and 40 health with third soul he can got force push level 1. with fourth and five soul unlock the spectral reaver as saber, barrier can disappear and he can escape by tomb finding a portal for physical world and fighting evil spectral predators with his ghost sword. i use this trick for reaper for disappering of EFX of the souls floating into the air. and for vampire for picking up a rusted sword and a bow for escaping. on SP these works very fine. on MP i not know honestly because my mod is for SP. but i think player and entity script cannot give much trouble on MP. on MP the NPCS are problematic, because in MP there are the bots, not the Npcs. when a vampire
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