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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. @@Darth Sion. i'm glad you had mailed the developer. you need to stay patiente and wait his answer. If we got all okay and with source map file on the hand, sure i can help too. On ent modding is possible to script the entire level, but not the bridge destruction or the raktor security lock into metal wall (when spawn assassin droids) these entities are brushes. ent modding cannot allow to convert a solid brush of the map into a func_brekable brush, for destroying the bridge of the padmé's landpad. this is the problem. if there is some func_brekable bridge in the map, maybe is possible to work with it. however now i play the map. I am curious.
  2. I like this project. for me too coruscant on JKA is really odd. seems more another planet... more a good version of nar shaddaa that a corcuscant style. but there are two problems: is possible to edit it with entmodding, but it's hard to do because ent modding not allows to put trigger and func and other brush entities. example... the intro cinematic when racto destroyed the bridge? how is possible to do without a trigger that touch the info_player_start entity? :\ there is a lot of technical problem, i think for make really nice work the unique way is to edit the map. and converting Bsp to map is not an easy way for the lights losting, the uvmapping corrupted and also the brush leaking. if the author give permission and map project, i can help, too, but without map file, i cannot manage that. :\
  3. The pk3 file not contain the map source file, and is not possible to edit a map of a developer without his permission. So, for making this project without stolen work, or without become crazy to rebuild light and uvmapping of the new coruscant map, you and the peoples that desire to help you need to contact directly @JCulley3D , and ask his permission for use his map, and also ask his original .MAP file for rebuild the map after you place the triggers and entitites.
  4. With "iknowkungfu" cheat on JKA the player can get melee attack. hitting mouse 1 + mouse 2 button (attack + alt attack) is possible to catch enemy and at second of direction of grabbing you can execute three funny combos of kata XD first combo: various punch on hips and jaw of enemy. enemy knockdowned second combo: kyle take the enemy for a leg and slam on the floor, here and there, pretty funny XD third combo: Kyle make some kind of "chuck norris grip" with his elbow and at the end throwing away his opponent. this is the best funny of alls. XDDD the trouble is that: also these kata have a ridiculous damage. : \
  5. That's should be cute! how can i get gensurf and add into my gtk radiant 1.5.0 ? D:
  6. @@Teancum Welcome! I played the dark force mod and i was pretty disappinted that the project is stop because really it was a wonferful mod for JK3. if you can continue this job sure you're are a modding hero! for your question about melees... i learned a lot of SP code for making a conversion of JKA related to legacy of kain saga. now i am focused on mapping \ terrain of nosgoth, but i learn a lot of things about code. also if i know how to add new weapons and force power on SP, and i also wrote some tutorial in the tutorial section of this site, i never really understand the melee damage code. for me too, is too much letal hitted by the enemies, and too much weak punched by the player. i've tryed to hacked the melee damage into the code, but with not much success. as you, i not know where is allocate the damage into SP code of the WP_MELEE. : \ it's not on weapon.h it's define the damage of NPC shooting weapons. also there is not something like wp_melee.cpp or fx_melee.cpp file for understanding that. pretty odd code stuff. I hope someone else can help about that. : \
  7. http://www.simonoc.com/pages/articles.htm Pretty interessing procedure, more precise that easygen. the editor used for that tutorial is quark or a new version of radiant or something like that?
  8. Found the solution at my blinding dilemma. i debuld the map. the map project i obtain get the terrain converted in brushes. at this point i need simply to make a folder for radiant with the texture i used, in the same numeration of the palettes of easygen (terrain0, 1, 2, etc ) and so i can load in radiant a map version that i use as reference for place in the right coordinates the misc_models. once time i done with all objects, i select it all and i copy the misc_models into the true map, with terrain entity. they will be placed at the same origins, so... problem fixed.
  9. You not never underestimate the power of your mind! use the force, Luke! What you think, is real! Okay, stop jokes. Mmm, there is another way but is... crappyng. convert on map format the bsp of my ingame map. that's will convert terrain entity into brushes, and so i will get the surfaces o.o i not lose the light entities or uvmapping of the map because i not place again nothing like that. the terrible thing is: 1 - map become more massive and structural 2 - some brush of the terrain will be leaked. aw, craps. ._. working with game open and map load maybe it's really the best and fast way.
  10. Done! But for changing thread sections, contact a moderator. Otherwise, someone can answer to my question? how can i see on radiant instead of the system/terrain shader, the specific terrain texture of each triangle? i need to work with landscape for placing misc_models and i need to see if i place it on a grass or into a road or rocky surface.
  11. My pleasure. you can also set weapons and force power levels for your player starting scroll up icarus setting option and see what you desire.
  12. @@NumberWan so there is a way on radiant for decimate terrains, used for t2_trip. this map has ever intrigued me for the big lenght and complexity of terrain. seem very over the JK3 engine possibility. it's simply a terrain imported with easygen and decimated. pretty interessing man, pretty interessing. ^^ if you remember also, if in radiant there is some way for edit terrain structure after i load the map this can be niceful. i have some cliffs that i want to make more heighter and i not want to remake all with easygen. also in easygen i got some big trouble to move the vertexes of the cliff imported with an heighmap with mouse. it move on modifier menu only vertex by vertex. the result of this morning job was not much good : the cliffs get spikes as triangles. at this point i think i will add some brushes on the top and i model for making the ridge of a snowed plateau on the edge of the map. i need to understand better how i can edit and morph a terrain structure after i import the heightmap. >.< the other question i get it's that: on radiant i see the terrain with the caulk shader for all his structure, covered by system/terrain shader on his surfaces, because i need to place misc_model of a forest and a castle into the plains of the map, i need to now how can i see on radiant the textures applied on terrain.shader, so i can place the trees into the terrain cover by dark green forest leaves and the battlements and towers into the terrain with the more light grass. (on JKA i see the terrain textures in perfect way, on radiant i see all terrain with terrain shader of system.) thanks for the answer. @@Ramikad yes, i see this feature on radiant, but i never used it so i not know if works, too. >.<
  13. OoO *jaws fall out. * Man, can you share this map? it's really amazing T_T I like this thread. I will read all your comment, guys. sure i can learn many things. i am really newbie with terrain tecniques.
  14. With a SET_VIDEO into the IBI script executed by info_player_start. 1: place info_player_start into new map. 2: make a trigger box that touch the infoplayer start, 3 set as trigger_once spawnflags: playeronly 4: the trigger have as Key Usescript and value mymap/intro in intro.IBI file on icarus you put as start up setting the SET_VIDEO (or something like that) command of icarus and you set the path of the roq video you want to be executed. you can also set the path of a custom roq video... but you need to learn how to make a roq video by yourself.
  15. LOL the first time i failed to loading on radiant because really i make an heightmap with TOOO many pixels XD damn, it was huge! 200 Megabyte of map file. radiant was imploding. the second time scaling was okay, but i get the error. third time is worked. well, i suppose i can cut map in two sublevels if the area is very too much huge for a single map. yes, a skybox cam with a cam path really can make some wonderful flying cinematic. and vampires move into bat forms, so i think i will use for theyr winged travels! Thanks for idea!!! D:
  16. This morning i followed Szico tutorial and an italian tutorial about easygen. i think italian tutorial was pretty incomplete because i missed up many things. Now i followed this tutorial: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/63-multilayer-terrain-in-easygen/ It's works like a charm! thanks very much for link, @@Langerd but yes. it's really a pain in the ass. easygen is not much user friendly as tool. :\ the baddest part is to paint with palettes the terrain. >.< and build the shader and export correctley. here my errors: - wrong terrain shader and caulk (using common instead of system, thanks easygen >.< ) - wrong exporting template. you're pretty right @@kwenga. thanks so much because i got the error by that. - a worldpawn full of funny metashader parameter. and i had cleaned up the worldspawn. now is perfect!!! what i am trying to do? i am trying to do a mod about legacy of kain. and i am begin to do the wasteland on 3d. i salved all game maps of the oldest 2d game blood omen. how make my first terrain? i wanna reproduce a specific area of nosgoth in 3d . and i make that. - i take the blood omen eagle map of 2D of the area (is the bastion when kain killed moebius in the second timeline of lok( - i edited with paint shop pro removing the building sprite of the castle. - i converted it into an heightmap with white, black, -grey colors. and i recolorize the bmp image for making white the montain, grey the forest and black the path way. (so is down a little canyon) - processed heightmap in easygen so i converted a map of an oldest 2d game... into a 3d terrain that exactly reproduce this territory. - alphamapping and palettes. - exporting. (and here i make a large amount of errors. ) now it's all okay! thanks so much mens! Now i can build an entire world! @@NumberWan, pretty much right. I had also fixed a lot of black triangles. and it's not much easy to fix it. >.<
  17. Edit Thread renamed and opened for all peoples to share and discusse they personal suggests, hints, tricks and procedure about the building of terrains into JK3\JK2 engine using Easygen or other terrain software generators. Hello to all, i have learned to use Easygen and i make my first terrain, exporterd as map. i open it with radiant but ... first issue: all textures i setted on easygen with palettes are missings. second issue: after i build the map i get an error for missing pcx file. so i place on my build folder the pcx file of the palettes. now the map is building. is just the terrain, the info_player_start and the skybox. when i load the map, the engine told me this error and not loading the map. What cause this error and how can i fix? thanks for every answer. @@Langerd @@Szico VII @@KENNITHH
  18. mmm i think that need 3 fix: 1: a little code fix for implementing nav mesh function into the code of the engine of MP - SP . two way of insert it: A: via gtk radiant with some custom version of gtk radiant program with a new function that create automatically a nav mesh inside the map structure, based to the map geometry itself. (like the generation of .PRT files when the map is builded into BSP. maybe can create a file BSP and a file .NAV with the navmesh settings? ) B: a Brush navmesh shader, that works like the trigger shader... basically, the brush with "nav mesh shader" shoul be place on the area when NPC moving, walking and running, and it enable the advanced AI navigation system of their intelligence for avoid walls or cliffs or not be stucked in a place in absence of waypoint nearest (shooter NPC need waypoints for move, or they never walk or run. saberist, instead, can walk and chase enemy also without waypoint. enabling the chasing, running for shooter with a nav mesh shader, , should be really cool).. the nav meshes, maybe can be created like the fogs? a simple square brosh textured with system/navmesh shader that activate the engine features? so, this need to be placed by the mapper, in this case, but it can be done very quickly.
  19. I Agree with @@Cerez maybe is possible to make a custom system/ shader navigation mesh that work like the cushion. cushion avoid NPC to take damage if they fall by high cliffs. a nav mesh shader maybe can be placed like a cushion, or a fog into the floor of the map and NPC that touch the box can be drived with a system of auto walking \ running \ patrolling \ autoavoiding walls system in the designed area. That's wold be greate. On the edited map for SP adaption for my mod i ever created a waypoint grid for allow npcs movement. it's not a long work if you use copy paste function for clone waypoint and connect it with control+k, but it can take some hours with larger maps. the waypoing connection grid however need the waypoints are ever connected and relatively closer. and it get some really trouble with func brushes. npc have some serious problem to walk over a door if is not good wayponted.
  20. mmm, this require a large amount of works, men. i can manage this commission in a maximum time of one month. model is HD and is hard to put into root pose and detaching the mesh. so you need to wait a lot.
  21. Okay, send me on PM the link for download 3ds of model + textures.
  22. Wow, one of best levels i played on shadows of empire. the train run make me crazy XD and IG88 was a heavy boss. Thanks!
  23. I not know this movie, but i lf IS ONLY for your personal use, (poirting can be illegal if you share without author permissions) i can rig the model for JKA. if you accept send me the file into 3DS format, with texture. I hope is not a too much high poly model. that can be nasty to rig. >.< but it's a suit, so i not to rig facial expression... i think i can do. i offer myself because i love this design. it's kinda scarry.
  24. Hello @@Changes D: personally i had player super mario by... by the first game that show up in the far 1989 to nintendo nes consolle. i played super mario 1, 2, 3, land, yoshi island and world. never played mario 64 or other mario 3d game. However i like very much your work. super mario make my childhood. i am glad to see this importerd on JKA. personally i am working to a fantasy conversion ot JKA universe to Legacy of Kain universe and i have a desperate necessity of maps for recreate every angle of nosgoth seen on old blood omen game... and it was 2d so it's really hard to make something. >.< every kind of source files that can contain every kind of prefab that can be used for this finality for me is pretty appreciated D:
  25. Disruptor work by default on Altfire because set the NPC into sniper modality. they use primary fire only when player is closest to NPC. however... tryed with repeater. not work, ever primary file. ever. how's boring. T_T but into the code ... well.. into the code the altfire for NPC is coded. i was wrong about that. simply, not works. for reason that i not fully understand. >.< but it should be work. i suppose that ravens team never care too much of this detail.
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