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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Nope, i watched the pk3. simply i am wondering that WP_BLASTER read projectile.efx file. D:
  2. Aw, craps. so the humanoid_gla get some reading troubles for engine. mmmm i really ask to myself how is possible that the not humanoid gla working fine... but maybe they are builded for works exactly in their path. this can happen also to humanoid.gla and that can explain is strange behavour. that's go over my skills. :\ i never had much good for animation. i think your unique hope for fix this is to contact the staff of movie battle II. sure they know how to fix this problem. >.<
  3. @@Langerd okay, houston, we got a problem. Mmmm... let me think. you want a custom animation for an NPC of your mod, however it use the _humanoid.gla of default of _humanoid. mmm, well for not humanoid enemy, if you are looking for it. example saber droid folder. you find. GLM: it's the model rigged. humanoid.gla -> skeleton animations in sequence. animations.cfg ->animation sequenzce script information. animevents ->sound or special efx played by an animation to a specificic frame. what you need to do? mmm, try that. -copy _humanoid.gla into the folder of your crystal guard. - copy animation.cfg and animevents.cfg open animation.cfg of default _humanoid folder of JKA. go to the animation BOTH_FORCE_2HANDEDLIGHTNING (now i not remember exactly it's name) and copy all numerical value of his line. Paste these numerical values, for repliacing the BOTH_ATTACK3 and BOTH_ATTACK2 animation (blaster and rifle shooting animation) of the custom animation.cfg file of your crystal guard. Now crystal guard should use the lightning shoot animation for shooting the projectiles. i tryed these in past and the result was not much good for some problem of tag alignment. D: i hope it works. good luck.
  4. @@Psyk0Sith ? @@katanamaru ?
  5. This can really works? D: because some weapons not use projectile.efx i see that pk3 file contain this efx file, but blaster rifle not use projectiles.efx like repeater. is possible to check that on FX file of blaster and repeater inside the code, cg_media register they function and cg_weapons.cpp assign to the function they effects. @ try to replace the shot.efx of the pk3 with a copy of projectile.efx that you find into pk3. rename it to shot.efx also, put another copy renamed to npcshot.efx... should be work. D:
  6. @ Landerd yes, it's pretty hard. example: Mp code : a force power is programmed into w_force.c SP code: a force power is programmed into WP_saber.cpp, with lightsaber code together,... but NOT ever... for example, the visual aurea effect of FP_PROECT AND ABSORB, strangely is setted on cg_players.cpp >.< that's is just an example. i added force fall cde and it work, but when my character (only player not NPC) fall by HIGH cliff, game crash on impact with land. another stupid crash: when i pusn someone that shooting me with disruptor, or when a projectile bounce again a surface with forcefield surfaceparm in this shader. and i not touch ANYTHING of shaders >.< and edit g_missile.cpp related to impact with forcefield not fix the crash. that's is only some little example. i tryed with debug, but the debug exe crash ever on startup >.< so i need to going crazy to manually search in my code the origin of errors <.< @@Stoiss Nope. it's here. g_missile.cpp void G_MissileBounceEffect( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, qboolean hitWorld ) { //FIXME: have an EV_BOUNCE_MISSILE event that checks the s.weapon and does the appropriate effect switch( ent->s.weapon ) { case WP_BOWCASTER: if ( hitWorld ) { G_PlayEffect( "bowcaster/bounce_wall", org, dir ); } else { G_PlayEffect( "bowcaster/deflect", ent->currentOrigin, dir ); } break; case WP_BLASTER: case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL: case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL: G_PlayEffect( "blaster/deflect", ent->currentOrigin, dir ); break; default: { gentity_t *tent = G_TempEntity( org, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE ); VectorCopy( dir, tent->pos1 ); tent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon; } break; } } and is registered on cg_weapons.cpp case WP_BLASTER: cgs.effects.blasterShotEffect = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/shot" ); theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/NPCshot" ); // cgs.effects.blasterOverchargeEffect = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/overcharge" ); cgs.effects.blasterWallImpactEffect = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/wall_impact" ); cgs.effects.blasterFleshImpactEffect = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/flesh_impact" ); theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/deflect" ); theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/smoke_bolton" ); // note: this will be called game side break; yhowever, g_missile.cpp i think is the key for my dilemma and for dilemma of @ it coded also saber defense deflections.
  7. assest files interact with code. without knowing code structure is hard :\ i not again understand why there are shot and npcshot, too, and i know how is the code. o_o the problem of code is that is hard to dive. because functions of each weapons \ force powers, etc are ever scattered into more files. it's not easy to searching exaclty what you need. also, there are a lot of bad dependances. edit one thing can cause unpredictable crash and effects. :|
  8. Is sufficient a trigger multiple that run a script that use the fx_runner targetname with startoff spawnflags. @@Ramikad is right. Or simply, a trigger_multiple entity connected to a startoff fx_runner. with use_button spawnflag and a good wait amount.
  9. i think we get a problem in commons. i got also on my mod that issue and i solved with an escamotage... disabling the deflecting of saber into the code... o_o well, my mod is a fantasy mod, so this is okay. a saber\shield can parry projectiles, but not deflect but for a starwars mod this is not much fine. basically, on my code, i hacked the muzzleflash, projectile, impact and fleshimpact effect: is different at second of the Shooter class. so if CLASS_LUKE use blaster, it make a different efx that the blaster of default. problem was the same: when someone with saber \ sword deflects the projectile, it turn on the default efx. again i not know how to fix this. this happened also to customized classes rockets, when they are pushed away by force push. o_o and i work directly on code. o_o also, my edit get some unpredictable effect: bounce function crash. so when a projectile hit a surface with forcefield parm, a shield of assassin_droid, or is a flechette or bowcaster shoot it crash. o_o also, for me, SP client. A little hint for that: into sp code, the deflecting and physical of projectiles are setted on game/g_missile.cpp
  10. and player Kyle get Playermodel Luke with Icarus. yes, should be work.
  11. Fixed, now works like the emplaced gun
  12. Hello. I need a little help. i am diving by days on SP code. For fix a little crash issue i need to change the FX of blaster projetctile of NS turret, (the turrets that shoots by ceiling... an example of these are on T3_byss map and on Vjun3. ) they use as default the blaster rifle EFX. i see if i change FX_blaster.CPP effects it change also the turret efx. but it's not what i want. i desire that the ns_turret make his custom shooting effect, like the floor turrets. i need to find where is the part of SP code when NS turret get his muzzle flast, shoot efx and impact efx. D: there is some place of code when is setted that NS_TURRET use the blaster rifle FX. i wanna to change this part. Someone know where is coded that? never mind. find it on g_turret.cpp. { vec3_t org, ang; gentity_t *bolt; if ( (gi.pointcontents( start, ent->s.number )&MASK_SHOT) ) { return; } VectorMA( start, -START_DIS, dir, org ); // dumb.... if ( ent->random ) { vectoangles( dir, ang ); ang[PITCH] += Q_flrand( -ent->random, ent->random ); ang[YAW] += Q_flrand( -ent->random, ent->random ); AngleVectors( ang, dir, NULL, NULL ); } vectoangles(dir, ang); if ( (ent->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO) ) { //muzzle flash G_PlayEffect( G_EffectIndex( "turret/turb_muzzle_flash" ), org, ang ); G_SoundOnEnt( ent, CHAN_LESS_ATTEN, "sound/vehicles/weapons/turbolaser/fire1" ); WP_FireTurboLaserMissile( ent, start, dir ); if ( ent->alt_fire ) { TurboLaser_SetBoneAnim( ent, 2, 3 ); } else { TurboLaser_SetBoneAnim( ent, 0, 1 ); } } else { G_PlayEffect( "blaster/muzzle_flash", org, dir ); bolt = G_Spawn(); bolt->classname = "turret_proj"; bolt->nextthink = level.time + 10000; bolt->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; bolt->s.eType = ET_MISSILE; bolt->s.weapon = WP_BLASTER; bolt->owner = ent; bolt->damage = ent->damage; bolt->dflags = DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK | DAMAGE_HEAVY_WEAP_CLASS; // Don't push them around, or else we are constantly re-aiming bolt->splashDamage = 0; bolt->splashRadius = 0; bolt->methodOfDeath = MOD_ENERGY; bolt->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER; bolt->trigger_formation = qfalse; // don't draw tail on first frame VectorSet( bolt->maxs, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 ); VectorScale( bolt->maxs, -1, bolt->mins ); bolt->s.pos.trType = TR_LINEAR; bolt->s.pos.trTime = level.time; VectorCopy( start, bolt->s.pos.trBase ); VectorScale( dir, 1100, bolt->s.pos.trDelta ); SnapVector( bolt->s.pos.trDelta ); // save net bandwidth VectorCopy( start, bolt->currentOrigin); } }
  13. Yes, i was right, it was also a problem of too many SAB files. D: note for modder: better make for a mod only few SAB files, every one for a category, that not hundreds of SAB files. example. a sab file for lightsaber, a sab file for maces, one for axes, one for shields, one for melee swords one for vibroblades etc etc. D:
  14. Done a better check. Now it's my result: for what i see, there is not a problem of allocate memory for sab files. D: there is a limit of the number of SAB file that is possible to storage into ext_data/sabers folder. on my engine is 154.they are loaded by Z to A. infact, i can load all sabers by Z name to G... glyph3 is loaded. glyph2 crashed, and crash also all blades with name included by A to glyph2. but if i remove 2 SAB file, i can load 2 SAB file more, and so can load also glyph2 and glyph1. mmm. the solution for this strange issue i think should be relatevily easy: instead of make 1 SAB file for each blade, i need to make a SAB file for every saber category. so a SAB file for axes, a SAB file for swords, a SAB file for reavers etc etc. i need to try this way. so i can storage massive data with a lesser number of files.
  15. Wow, many thanks Xyca!
  16. oh, my... a giga is really too expensive D: . Approssimately i have 1.23 Megabyte of SAB files at moment. for what i need, i need something like 2.5 mega of allocate memory. what's is the closest value?
  17. EDIT: sorry for mistake. Someone can edit the title? i wanna mean "How Many SAB files can storage a mod?" I need to ask this question. Because on my mod i have some hundred of sabers file (and they are melee swords, so they are many parameters like noblade, nodligth, bounceonwalls etc) i reach the cap limit very fast. so when there is a npc with a saber that overcap the SAB file cache limit, it crash. for fix the problem i found on WP_saberload.cpp of single player this: #define MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE 0x80000 after a lot of trial, i see that the maximum value of allocating memory for sab file possible is it: #define MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE 0x40000000 // Max value original is 0x80000 that's allow me to storage something like 170 SAB files. someone know something better about this memory cap? or if there is some other way for allocate more SAB files?
  18. at this point the solution should be to use the spawnflag saberonly, but it's a fantasy mod and a metal sword cannot destroy the rocks. XD so, yes, the unique way is to not use the demp2. also in default game, i see demp2 weapon, if player not to carry with him, is available only in a secret area of dosunn facility. and the unique mission when demp2 is really useful in original JKA was t2_rogue. against assassin droids. mmm... and if morin drag some new kind of sword found inside the level that contain the power of air? (a sword with a huge knockback amount, it's easy to do on SAB file.) , so the air sword can break the rock towers.
  19. Solution: @@Langerd health: a func_breakable entity can give the health amount you desire, if you simply put key: health value: 1000 for example, into the func_breakable entity on the map. no script is needed. that give 1000 health point to a tower. for avoid silly destruction, you can use the Spawnflags of func_breakables. there is "saberonly" if i remember, that allow ONLY the sabers to damaged the towers. so you can make a fight when when boss dead, during the time before the spawn of the second boss you turn off the shield of the towers and player can reach the towers and damage it with his blades. OR... the spawnflag Heavy_weapons this allow to the towers to be damaged ONLY by heavy weapons, like turrets, concussion, greaneds and rocket launchers. so, when the clips turn off, you can shoot a tower with the concussion or rocket missile of Morin. SET_HEALTH i ever used these for setting custom health values on NPC with spawnscripts... i am not sure if can work on func_breakable entitty. you need to target the entities to icarus with targetname and script_targetname i think.
  20. mmm... you wanna make a fight when the towers are destroyabled ONLY when an enemy is killed, and into the timelapse before the next enemy come, if i understood. this is not the way, man. what you need to make is to clip the func_breakables with some brushes textures with physic clips. you turn these brush into func_usable. when the enemy is defeeated, you run a deathscript that set the tower destroyable... simply because the func_usable disappering. XD the deathscript work in this way: use (breakingtower) wait 10000 use (breakingtower) use ( BOSSX) where BOSSX maybe should be the NPC_spawner that spawn the boss i think you can set a wait value on NPC_spawner and set a NPC_spawner to -1 for spawn unlimlimitated bosses. when the fourth tower is destroyed, you run a script that remove the NPC_spawner and change the boss deathscript. and so when you slam for the last time the boss, you end the battle.
  21. O_o wonderful map man! I play immediatly! D:
  22. LOL if someone rig a stormtrooper model with a wampa skeleton and build it with wampa humanoid.gla, i suppose of yes D:
  23. The two aliens are the Ratakan of KOTOR D: interessing should be a story located into the Infinite Empire of Rakatan race, before their collapse. Mmmm... why not also a JKA model of an ancient Rakatan? with they natural skills on the Force, should be interessing as adversary. D:
  24. So, a custom water shader with nodraw as surfaceparm. o_o
  25. Mmm, that's explain this weird issue i got sometime with water compiling, on the sides of water brushes, sometime i get some strange issue, other times the water \ lava is not... water... just is trans. Nodraw shader... good to now. well, i was based on rich diesal mapcrafting tutorial. : \ i not know this trick. many thanks.
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