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Posts posted by Maui

  1. That's what you'd do to get a model into JKA, but what minilogoguy said is something that's not JKA-specific but more general practice (at least for me). What's the triangle count on that model? You may need to reduce the overall triangle count to something more suitable for JKA. Definately a decent attempt so far, don't give up now. There's piles of tutorials on youtube for every 3d package.


  2. Dear JKHubbers,


    Is there somebody amongst us who wants to do the finishing touch on my Skyrim(Export) Skeleton? (It needs a fix, I've done as best as I could)




    When I let modview use its animations, alot of places are falling apart.




    Interested? Feel free to PM me or add me on skype: kenny.schellings




    DarthStiv and Langerd like this
  3. Heya jkhub,


    I've recently downloaded a jetpack mod but there's an issue with it. The fire ain't coming from underneath, but from the back. It has a RocketTrooper Jetpack and the fires come out further away from the jetpack (so you have a opening between the jetpack and the fire) and instead of going straight, it goes in the wrong angle.


    What can I do to fix the fire?

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