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Posts posted by Maui

  1. Heya,


    I became annoyed that nobody ever made some Lord Of The Rings models for jka, why is that?

    People kept making those stupid 'nonsense' models that nobody cared about.


    Is somebody here on jkhub that knows how to make a playermodel and is willing to make a nice looking dwarf?

  2. Heya Maui again,


    I would like to ask anybody knows a RCON tool which has the functionality to track the ingame chat?

    I've downloaded the Rcon Tool 2.3 from jkhub but I cannot see the ingame chat.


    It's pretty useless to be able to Say something ingame but not being able to see what they type to you.


    Any clues?

  3. Oh my god...


    Now I tried to do something else with blender.. I tried to import model.glm from the imperial and then it says that there are no gla files... when I import the gla file and then the glm file it still says it.. What is wrong with that?

  4. Now, I retried it and gave the object some textures inside blender.

    I exported it as md3 and when I try to open it with misc_model, it says the following.

    WARNING: could not extract the relative path, using full path instead
    Model load failed: "C:/Users/Kenny/Desktop/dragonbridge.md3"
    entityCreate -class misc_model

    What can I do?

  5. Heya Maui again,


    Does anyone has an idea how to export Skyrim objects into GTKRadiant?


    I've managed to do so but I can't get it compiled. I've read something about UV Mapped but I got no clue what it is.

    Also, when I open the obj file in Blender and export it as an ase, it shows me a square when I try to open it with misc_model with the No Shader texture.


    When I try to convert it to md3 it asks me for a ql file or something like that.


    Any idea's?

  6. Heya,


    Since yesterday I've started to learn to use Blender and I wish to go further with it.

    I would like to learn JKA Modelling to make my own models but I don't know where to begin.


    I've been looking through the tutorials but I can't see the one which is needed to begin with.


    Any help?


     ** Maui **

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