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Posts posted by Maui

  1. Hello guys

    Not sure if I am in the right section, but...


    When I try to compile my ffa3.ent into my ffa3.bsp file with:


    @echo off
    title Entity Recompiler - Wrapper made by BobaFett
    echo q3map2 entity recompile wrapper
    echo by BobaFett
    cd C:\Users\Zergs\Desktop\Radiant-1.4
    q3map2.exe -game ja -v -onlyents %1
    echo Compiling finished, press any key to close this window
    Then it gives me the error:
    ffa3.bsp is not a RBSP file. 
    How can I fix this?
    Thanks in advance!
     ** Maui **
    Not needed anymore. FIXED.
  2. Well my main idea was to use map modding together with Icarus scripting to accomplish many cool stuff. Like locking doors for people not using our tags and stuff you know what I mean? ^^

    I would also like to learn map modding completely and Icarus Scripting the most ^^


    PS: Thank you for your reply! :)


     ** Maui **

  3. Hey guys,


    I got a kind of impossible to do question I think.

    I would like to know how to set a password on a map modded teleporter in ffa3 (KoD version).


    So you would have to enter a password with a command or something to make it possible to use the teleporter.


    Any help?

    Thanks in advance!


     ** Maui **

  4. Well that's a website i got saved on my pc too, but i just want to know why it aint working ingame?

    I copied this shader from another site and adapted it so it would use my .jpg file. Also it doesn't save the shader as "lavamove" name.

  5. Yes that's the thing, I can see it in gtkradiant when i start it as administrator. But I cannot see the shader effects ingame. So it stays just like a normal texture (dark, not enlighted, no movements in the texture).

  6. It's been 47 minutes between your posts. Chill, bro.

    I know, but I really want the help, but it seems like nobody is at the pc or even wanting to help me :3

    I really want to know how to use the shaders

  7. textures/lava/lavamove
    qer_editorimage textures/academy/lava.jpg
    q3map_surfacelight 600
    surfaceparm noimpact
    surfaceparm lava
    surfaceparm trans
    cull twosided
            map textures/lava/lava.jpg
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
            rgbGen identity
            tcMod scale 0.1 0.1
            tcMod scroll 0.04 0.03
            tcMod turb 0 0.05 0 0.01
            map textures/lava/lava.jpg
            tcMod turb 0 0.15 0 0.1

    Thank you for the fast reply!

  8. Hey guys I am Maui from KoD.

    I am currently mapping a clan map for the clan but I got a problem.

    I don't know how shaders work and how to get them to work.


    I've made a lava shader which is able to be opened with shadered2 but when I load it in gtkradiant it gives me 5 other shaderlike files (texture_1, texture_2, etc)

    Also when I test the shader ingame, the effects won't occur. Like I made it glow and giving surfacelight and it should move, but it doesn't do it.


    Any help?

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