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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Fixed. As i looked just over my script, i realized that when I declared my variable as float... i should add that to if statement as well script as well... else it has no idea what to check for. What a cup of coffee cant accomplished //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "----------" ); rem ( "Cutscene Start" ); rem ( "----------" ); if ( $get( FLOAT, "RodianChat")$, $=$, $1$ ) { affect ( "fake_player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { } camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ ENABLE ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cutscene_camRodian1", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 ); wait ( 5000.000 ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ DISABLE ); set ( "RodianChat", "2" ); remove ( "fake_player" ); }
  2. @@IrocJeff is right. And mods take time to get stuff right. Trial and error, and learn process. Only way you learn it. Do it yourself very rewarding experience. I can help you with stuff, like I told you. Begin with richdiesals for mapping. I am often on jkhub discord if you need help
  3. I am trying to access in my script a certain instance, so in my spawnscript i declared a float with the name "RodianChat" ... then i did a set on that float by setting RodianChat to 1. Now when my player hits a trigger, I want to check the status of RodianChat. So i did an If statement in there to check it, but it wont fire. Scripts are as following //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "----------" ); rem ( "Declare map Variables" ); rem ( "----------" ); declare ( /@DECLARE_TYPE/ FLOAT, "RodianChat" ); set ( "RodianChat", "1" ); rem ( "----------" ); rem ( "Setting up player skills" ); rem ( "----------" ); affect ( "player", /@AFFECT_TYPE/ FLUSH ) { set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_SABER_THROW", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_SABER_DEFENSE", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_SABER_OFFENSE", /@[member='SaberBlade83']_STYLES/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_MINDTRICK_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_RAGE_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_PROTECT_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_ABSORB_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_DRAIN_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_SIGHT_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_PLAYERMODEL", "prisoner" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_WEAPON", /@WEAPON_NAMES/ "WP_BLASTER_PISTOL" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_WEAPON", "WP_MELEE" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_ITEM", /@ITEM_NAMES/ "INV_ELECTROBINOCULARS" ); set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_PLAYER_TEAM", /@TEAM_NAMES/ "TEAM_PLAYER" ); } And for the script on the trigger //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "----------" ); rem ( "Cutscene Start" ); rem ( "----------" ); if ( $RodianChat$, $=$, $1$ ) { affect ( "fake_player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { } camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ ENABLE ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cutscene_camRodian1", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 ); wait ( 5000.000 ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ DISABLE ); set ( "RodianChat", "2" ); }
  4. As stormtrooper fan boy I will surely follow this with interested, I do can help you with some stuff if needed.
  5. Ask in the "Mod Requests & Suggestions" forum. Sounds like a frankenstein to me.
  6. Thanks for the explination, i am a bit rusty back in behaved i am just trying to check what conditional values I can use for events
  7. In light of what @@MagSul asked here: https://jkhub.org/topic/9647-preventing-player-death/ I was thinking of doing something simular (different concept), but make the player surrender if he only has 25% health. Is that even possible? I cant recall I ever even seen this, so this is just some mind spin of me. So in light, do an if - else check if player reached 25% health, if so, use script bladiebla.... edit: I saw //(BHVD) affect ( "Player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_UNDYING", "DEFAULT" ); if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_HEALTH")$, $=$, $1$ ) { run ( "end_duel" ); } } But can somebody explain to me, how the "get - set health = for example 25" makes sense? Arent you setting the health, or does this actually a health check?
  8. Have you tried setting the deathscript in your player entity, rather than via script. I see you use different spawn points, so just applying the deathscript to that entity (i asume you remove him in the next cutscene) will do no harm.
  9. Else use a print command via script linkt to a trigger to show tekst
  10. Didn't Immenor do a Massasi temple? Check online or ask on filefront threat here
  11. Just record a blank sound and add that.
  12. @AshuraDX I would be thrilled!
  13. Reviving this threat. I take a different approach in this concept and the map I am switching arround a tat with new textures and a new setting. Old progress is sadly lost due to external harddrive crash and a reinstall of my old machine. I swear, i should have transfered it all to my NAS. (done that now at least) Anyway the main concept is the same, with just a different setting. So I tested my new skybox already a few days ago with horizon blending, which does the trick, which i ll need. The concept i came up first was an island group, but this is , combined with the ideas i had, a bit hard to achieve, so i went for the lesser approach, and transfered the ideas from island to cove, so one side will have horizon blending, while the rest is inside an island cove, which i hope will be quite fun. I placed yesterday roughly the first 1000 brushes. At some point, i will group them and create a model of the terrain. Below progress. So while I kept grass and dirt textures, i switched up the sand texture. With help of ashura, i figured some stuff out with dotproduct this week about how blends dont produce same outcome when flipped around.(this caused me a main problem in the fading system, but I think i got that base covered now. i am at the moment looking for reed sprites (i found old grass sprites, but i doubt they work, so if anyone willing to share some, please let me know) oh yea, and started with modelling too. My first attempt at palmtree so far.
  14. Long story short, this has to do with the alpha channel in the texture. dot2product is set up as texture blending, so the secondary texture is put over the first texture. Even with 100% visibility on the secondary texture, the primary always shines through a bit, hence it becomes brighter, since the primary texture is pretty bright. If my chosen texture would be the primary texture, without any alpha applied to it, it would work fine. However, as you may guessed, this was my secundairy texture, so it becomes brighter. Switching it around is a solution, however, the problem lies than in blending it back to the brighter sand texture on the beach. The outcome in mind: I ll create an extra sand1 - dirt and sand3 - dirt shader and add those in between, so what will happen is bright sand ... line of dirt .... darker sand .... and then fade away. This requires some terrain modifications, but I am okay with that for in the future. For now, I used primary sand 1 and played with it. Result, seamsless blend,
  15. #revive since i am returning again to the community. Update, since i am now 32 (almost 33) lol, father of a 1 year old son, not much to add that I have to brush up all my skills again
  16. Okay, i was pulling my hair out (i dont have much left anyway), but .... what if i modify the q3map_alphamod dotproduct. It's now set to 0.75, which is the best blend possible, but what if i up to 1? Would that make it stronger? I am trying to read through the documentation but wouldn't that affect the blend?
  17. Hi all, In light of shaders... here is a clashing one, and I kinda need your help. I am working on a horizon blending, since my singleplayer map is part of an island group in the ocean, so i got most of it all set up. The blending into the horizon works like a charm, except I am having a shader clash problem. So as you see, there is a very distinctive problem in colorization here, where my dot2product blending ends, and my shader for the horizon blending starts. They are both the very same texture, althought the blending in dot2product is making it more.... light, thus creating an obvious seem. My shader is as following. textures/sp_terrain/ter_sandsand { q3map_shadeangle 120 qer_editorimage textures/sp_terrain/ter_sandsand q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0.0 0.0 0.75 ) q3map_material Sand q3map_nonplanar q3map_tcGen ivector ( 256 0 0 ) ( 0 256 0 ) { map textures/sp_terrain/ter_sand1 rgbGen identity } { map textures/sp_terrain/ter_sand3 alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen identity alphaGen vertex } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO rgbGen identity } } textures/sp_terrain/ter_sandsky { q3map_shadeangle 120 qer_editorimage textures/sp_terrain/ter_sandsky q3map_material Sand q3map_nonplanar q3map_tcGen ivector ( 256 0 0 ) ( 0 256 0 ) { map $lightmap rgbGen identity } { map textures/sp_terrain/ter_sand3 blendFunc filter detail rgbGen identity } { map textures/sp_terrain/ter_horizon blendFunc blend rgbGen identityLighting alphaGen oneMinusVertex } } The sandsand is a mix of a light sand and a darker sand (under water the sand is more darker than above water). The sandsky texture blends the dark sand into the horizon, which works fine, but i am trying to match it up with my dot2product sand, which isn't going as planned as you can see. This has to do with the dot2product shader, where, even at 100% visibility on the secondairy image, it still shines through some detail, this causes the sand3 to become brighter (since there is still shine through). So i am kind of in an impasse on how to fix this. Anybody has suggestions? cause this bugs the hell out of me. Else i may need to do some sloping with rocks to cover this up.
  18. May i give some feedback on your posted image. I do like some aspects in here, but I miss some dynamics in the terrain, if you get my drift. Let me show you. The first one was a test i did for the blenjeel map in the old JKB mod I worked on with a couple of other people. This is cracked terrain with sand mixed up. As you can see in the terrain, it flows, and no hard edges. (we call this phong shading, where the shader bounces the light in such a way you dont see rough edges and it appears to be smooth) A better example in picture 2 which is actually a part of the SP map i am working on, where you see sand going over into dirt, going over into moss / grass, while the slope is graduating. My point is that terrain, even if it's rock, it should be a bit more dynamic, The rocks on the side do very well justice to the dynamics, but your flat / sloped area, could have a bit more pit. Do you have an in game image? Your wall on the far side also looks kinda flat. But further it looks really good
  19. I had an old clan mate who made Star Wars battlefront back in the days. It was a horrible map (flat, one big brush, but over the complete size of radiant, and adding here and there some mountains and having tons of vehicles) but it was the biggest map i seen. Because it was so big, you couldn't see beyond a certain point and crossing the map in a tie-fighter or x-wing took 2 or 3 minutes, which become really boring at some point.
  20. i 'd go with Rosh, despite Jarjar has a high anoying factor with me. Binks was instrumental in the rise of the Empire, and since I am a clonetrooper / stormtrooper fanboy, i give points to Jarjar for getting Palps in the hotseat, thus winning this popularity contest.
  21. Hear me out on this one. I am just toying arround again with the game, and i ll sadly have to start from scratch (lost all my textures, scripts, etc) so I havent been in the mood to launch it all again and start from nothing. Anyway, long story short. Is it possible for BeHAVED to detect the model you use? Say I have a character I want to base of the previous single player characters (so we can select our own). Now I know that a lot of models are alike, but can it detect the specific model, so say, a rodian from a zabraki? I know it can detect gender (else we wouldnt be able to have male or female voice overs), but i was wondering if specific species (so models) can be detected by the game. So say, if i play human, i get a normal response from a barkeeper, but if i play rodian for instance, i get a different response (say aggressive, scavenger get lost, blabla, that kind of thing)
  22. @@SomaZ drop me your email in pm, and i ll add you to the safe list, i thought i made it public and everybody could edit.. oh well. @@Darth Futuza, i know the feeling, since i am managing work and my baby boy ... he is growing amazingly, merely 2,5 weeks old. So yea, i try to make time when I can, but i do have the evening shifts to keep him busy or sleepy, while his mom gets some rest. We just need people to sign up more. Also we need to get some more people on this team now. Any chance we can meet on discord with a group of people who are intrested in participating. A meeting should be fine, so we can get our heads straight all.
  23. Nobody made any attempts yet on making alterations on the document? No input at all guys?
  24. "Save the rebellion ... save the dream ..." More like: burn down the rebellion .. make it a nightmare I should just stand outside of the cinnema in my stormtrooper outfit, shouting ... "Move Along .. nothing to see here .... dont support the rebellion" ... and I do hope they are going to make also a movie on the stealing of the DS2 plans... Just so I can see Bothans being annihilated
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