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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Its been quiet around me and my work. The above reason is sadly not valid anymore. We lost our child in week 29, so we have been in devistating pain since last september. My business on the other hand is going well, and we have enough work to do. However, I pulled last night JKA and the mapping from my NAS drive and redirected them back to my own HDD, I think it's time I continue this project once again. If I either start from scratch or delete terrain, I am not sure, but I realized as I was looking at this, I approached the level the complete wrong way. I am trying to draw up now a new level design and my plan is to work from finnish to start, instead the other way ...
  2. I know it's a bit quiet arround me, but I am having a good excuse. I am wearing a ring now (got engaged) and having a baby on the way makes me not play computer games or map, I mean, I am busy in the extra room painting clouds and a sky on the wall Anyway. When I do have time, I ll update my work. For those, if intrested, i ll upload all my files from this project and use it as a source to learn about SP mapping. I 'd like to help out the community anyway i can, but at the moment, I need to find time in my busy schedule
  3. I once started of with an interpretation of the huttball map (GIRADA THE HUTT, WELCOMES YOU TO THE PIT!), which at the time was a fun project, but its a pain in the ass, because CTF requires 2 flags, and not a neutral flag to capture, and source code modding isn't my favorite point. To come back to Nar Shaddaa, it made me think of the stuff we started making of the interlude in the project of Jedi Betrayal. There is an outline for a bar Kyle would go to for information (we had the concept well thought out, but sadly there are only prefabs which you might be able to use for outside i think). I keep myself from the project, since Nar's isn't really my cup of coffee.
  4. // // function will now recurse back into here if loading a script! (*.mvs) // BOOL CModViewDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) { string str = LengthenFilenameW95W98(lpszPathName); if (str.empty()) // if it was empty, then arg didn't eval to a filename (eg "#startminimized"), so return original { str = lpszPathName; } lpszPathName = str.c_str(); if (strstr(lpszPathName,"#startminimized")) { extern bool gbStartMinimized; gbStartMinimized = true; OnNewDocument(); // None of this shit works, because whatever you set the current document to MS override it with a derived name, // and since the CWinApp class can't even ask what it's own fucking document pointer is without doing a hundred // lines of shit deep within MFC then I'm going to fuck the whole lot off by storing a pointer which I can then // use later in the CWinApp class to override the doc name. // // All this fucking bollocks was because MS insist on doing their own switch-comparing so I can't pass in 'real' // switches, I have to use this '#' crap. Stupid fucking incompetent MS dickheads. Like how hard would it be to // pass command line switches to the app instead of just filenames? // strLastRealDocName = "Untitled"; SetPathName(strLastRealDocName, false); // I shouldn't have to do this, but MFC doesn't do it for some reason SetTitle(strLastRealDocName); gpLastOpenedModViewDoc = this; return true; } I was working my way through a little coding from modview, since I tried to understand some of the principles (have nothing to do usefull i guess) and I bumped into line 129 and I was like .. wut?
  5. Yea I am trying to make progress at the moment, but struggling with the factor called time and work. Sorry. I ll try to work on this whenever I have the chance Thanks Ashura for working on the texture It will help alot i am sure!
  6. Monday Morning Coffee .... who invented monday anyawy? Who invented week days... damnit, i only want weekends!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ping


      bullshit belongs in the toilet

    3. Ping


      ... or on the fields as manure, I guess.

    4. Futuza


      Just noticed your signature link is broken. You should update it to the new one: https://jkhub.org/page/mapping.html

  7. This is a source of knowledge, nothing gained on not sharing knowledge. Sorry to say, but thats just selfish. My cup of coffee.... wait a minute ... i need coffee.. brb
  8. It was in my first class 3d moddeling ... it went down hill from there I still can't model jack
  9. This was my very first model. A chicken with a baseball bat. Courtesy of my 3d moddeling minor back in 2010.
  10. I havent worked on it really to be honest, cause I got caught up with work. Coming week slows stuff down since my work goes through testing phase, meaning I have time to work on this when I have the chance. I am looking at the moment for a new rock texture. The one i use is low rez and becomes very repetative (honestly, this one is 256 by 256). Anybody got some suggestions
  11. my first attempt on a reskin. Gave him a darker gray stormy set and scribbled scratches and dents in it, combined with a warmer tone of skin collor and hair changed from brown to black. I did change a bit his hairline near the ears, but you dont see it really well. Anyway for a first attempt not to bad. Thanks for your help!
  12. I gave up on it last night, was to tired. I did find the lines I had to overwrite in animation config. Is it true, there is only quick and strong to overwrite? I couldn't find the yellow stance (Dual and staff didnt bother with it)
  13. its called both_wind (almost on the bottom, found it)
  14. Yes I got that part covered and have the animation i want found, however, couldn't find a way to implement it. which GLA in which folder should I use?
  15. A lot of details are sketchy, however, I can do a room whenever I find the time for it. First of all, your map lacks a bit of details, asuming how big you want certain rooms, you say huge... but in what retrospect. RP is about the interaction you can have with each other, and the environment should be inviting. Also what theme must it have? I am a person who works a lot with metal textures/ shaders and outdoor stuff. You wont see me make tombs for instance, cause well, I am not a person who likes square like maps and labyrinths. If i would do a tomb, it would look a lot more like Skyrim than Korriban anyway. I like challenges scriptwise, but not gonna overdo it, so i ll skip the droidassembly. Maybe if i am up for it later, but now, if someone else wants it, go for it. I 'd like for instance to do the ice room if you dont mind. Does it have to be a particular size? What should be in the ice room? Do I have creative restrictions. You gotta fill in some blanks for me. For example, can the ice-room have an enclosed outdoor section? Can I have npc's spawn? Purpose of the room, is it for training or just a simple spot to relax? Height and width of the doorways? Just to sum a few up that come to my mind.
  16. I have dug today for the first time in the wonderfull world of lightsaber modding, and it's kind of an unknown region for me. Unfortunatly, Google wasn't helping me either on this subject so I think i ll just have to ask. Where do I set a different animation for a stance. I am looking to change my lightsaber to the stance Jaden has in t1_rail, where he stands on the train through Coronet, yet I cant seem to find the line to do so. I thought it was readyAnim in the saberfile, but obvious, it wasn't. I saw some other people adding an animation file to the lightsaber's model (and adding humanoid folder) when I checked another file, yet it made my game completely look weird, and nobdoy was moving propperly when I added the files from the humanoid model from t1_rail's GLA and animation.cfg in it.
  17. New dialogue, intresting... instead of in the ship ... "Aren't you ... I mean, you re probably already for ahead .. wanna make a good impression" .. we ll end up with "Jaden. look at my new forcepower!" *farts*! *rosh beams happy!.. I would make Rosh a complete morron with a potential of ... zero .. he is just there to replace the droid that cooks dinner
  18. First off, I would have Rosh probably undergo a quickcourse in "how to deal with jeliousy" ... after he passes it, i probably put him on the surgery table and replaced his vocal cords with something less whiney.... not to mention, I ll probably do some rework on his face with a scalpel. Shave his head, so he becomes a bit of a badass with a more darker voice. Next up, I drag along Kelly Osbourne to get him something more Stylish (Fashion Police, anyone?), cause that orange .... tunic .... isnt cutting it as being a Jedi (or a dead man, depends what you do with him on Taspir). Also if possible, I would rewire his brain, so he actually turns on the training bot in the begin on Luke's skill level, slaughtering Jaden ... end of that storyline too . Saves me also running through worlds and act like I am a Sith in disguise.
  19. Thanks, i will as soon as i have my hard disc replaced... mine did crashy crashy about an hour ago and need to buy a new one... the tick of death...
  20. I noticed an error in both models, not sure if its fixable, due to the head of the stormtrooper. As you see, the neck doesnt fit quite right on the model, where the one without shoulderpad has a significant gap. The one with has a way lesser gap, but still it's there. Is it fixable?
  21. Shadered for shaders. Als take note to base folder shaders. There is a map to ase converter here on the site.
  22. If i look at that picture, why even putting up the levelshot? It makes it much cleaner. Simplistic design
  23. Several new options within 1.5 but they removed for example the control click to drag a brush in a different shape. Next to that, I dont like a bunch of controls in 1.5. And no, nothing else needs to be removed. What you could do, is remove the project files you have in your scripts folder in the base. Thats where all the bsp command lines are in, Since you remove GTK, you prolly remove also the compiler that comes with it. When you reinstall it, i think they get overwritten anyway, but you can play it safe by removing them too / backing them up in a different folder, if you wrote different compile line.
  24. It took me longer to make a cup of tea than to download / open and rename the files and to rename the files... The longest action was prolly to upload them again to postimg.org Textures are 512 by 1024.
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