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Posts posted by Lazarus


    I have been thinking it through, i may have a sub objective then on using the item, so i technically cant toss it or lob it to an enemy. not using the item then is easier to handle, by pushing it into a variable and then checking in the next level if you havent used it. if not you still have the item, and you can then use it somewhere else.

    I am just curious how to check for it now. and if ammo is available... there should be a way to check it, imho

  2. I am trying to set up a cutscene that actually has alternative dialogue if i have used my only bomb for something, yes or no. 

    My first thought was that the item can only be used by blowing something up (which works)  and then doing it via variables, which i can set in a cutscene or so, however, I was thinking of making the item a thermal detinator, which you should also be able to lob to an enemy. I been scrolling through behaved and I dont see really an option to check for ammunition. The closest thing i can get in an if statement if a weapon is set, but i have no clue how to check if the item excists or there is ammuntion for it.

  3. textures/sp_terrain/ter_waterfull
    	qer_editorimage	textures/sp_terrain/ter_waterfull
    	qer_trans 0.75
    	sort banner
    	surfaceparm water
    	surfaceparm nonsolid
    	surfaceparm nomarks
    	surfaceparm trans
    	q3map_material water
    	q3map_tessSize 1024
    	deformvertexes normal 0.1 0.1
    	deformvertexes wave 64 sin 0 0.5 0.2 1 
            map textures/sp_terrain/ter_water1
            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
            rgbGen identity
            alphaGen vertex
            tcMod scroll 0.01 0.025
    		map textures/sp_terrain/thesky_env1
    		tcGen environment
            blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		map $lightmap
    		blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		map textures/sp_terrain/thesky_env2
    		tcGen environment
            rgbGen const ( 1.00 0.95 0.79 )
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE


    So i been playing with my water shader and adding environment maps to it to create a nice reflection in my water. Up noted my shader for my water (weird indentation btw).



    This looks more like what i am seeking for, the glow actually works great on giving the illusion of bouncing light.  However (and i did remove the glow stage for the next screenshot, since i first though that was the issue) is that when i move further, my image get distorted and a black area appears (probably because the texture ended, the sun is more on the right side of my environment texture)



    i am not sure how to force my image on that spot so you ll never see the black area cause when you look from oposite the sun, it now looks very (mr) wonk(o)y.

    Anybody an idea?

    mjt and mrwonko like this
  4. On 6/15/2022 at 5:45 AM, ZanderNao said:

    The terrain is really refreshing and dynamic, and the ground texture blending is phenomenal! There is a lot of potential in the shape and layout of the map. Is the water texture a placeholder?

    I have not looked at the water really yet, I still need to add an env map to it from the sky to it, and maybe a bit more transpararent.. you dont have a movie from it, but it bobs gently. 

    ZanderNao likes this
  5. Just a quick radiant screen. I started today on the expansion towards the landing area where the map starts.



    A screenie from Radiant. I launched today for the first time since October last year the map, and started expanding towards the start area of the map (what i have in mind) 

    I actually have an idea how to incorporate a bit of Kyle Katarn / Rosh Penin in it, as a cut scene, but thats music for the future.

    OCD2 and DarthValeria like this
  6. On 4/8/2022 at 11:33 AM, NumberWan said:

    You can expand the city by adding the cityline into the sky itself. I could think of three methods:

    – City picture of the skybox itself
    – Skyportal entity + 2d city texture placed there
    – Skyportal entity + 3d city miniatures

    In the latter two you can even add flying cars, FX, some holographic ads and much more!

    This reminded me of Corellia in Rogue Squadron 3D, one of my favourite games.

    I think Sith J Cull did something with animated skyboxes in his Padme's appartment map. He had an animation layer in the skybox in which it looked like there were cars flying in the distance. You may wanna look at that perhaps.

  7. Technically you can use animated npc's  that are cheering, but i am not sure how bad the load will be (with current pc's wayyyyyyyyyy better than for what the original game was intended too) plus you need to consider the entity limit (npc counts as an entity) If you drop 100 npc's in the arena in one small spot, meh.. i recall spawning 25 rancors in the old days that the server would shut down 😉 

    Droidy365 likes this
  8. i am sorry I havent been able to spend some time on this. However, good reasoning.

    • Bought a house in RL, marketprices in the Netherlands are a bitch btw, and its an overheated market, easily 400.000 euro's for a house. However, we got a lucky break after viewing 29 houses and place a bid on 13 of them.
    • As some of you know, I have 2 kids, which already give me trouble finding time to do something with this project. Just to top this off, number 3 will be arriving somewhere half January.
    • Work in RL is a bitch sadly too, punching a lot of overtime, but also with good prospects, since I will be promoted to a management position within the company I work for now coming November. Means litterly that my workload is being reduced.

    So I may actually find this time some time to start the scripting phase and wrap up designing phase. Also need good tutorials on how to start of modelling 😉 

    OCD2, DarthValeria, ZelZel and 3 others like this
  9. I remoddelled some of the side of the map, so i could seal it, but realized I have to play also with the environment, so i decided to see if i could "sculp" out of brushes a cave entrance



    i d say i dont think a model could do better of this inregular, not symetric, skewed cave entrance. 

    As above picture and below picture also dictate, i covered up the edges of the map with rock, so it looks actually enclosed as well, rather than stopped somewhere lose if you are standing in the map itself, give it a sense of an squared of open area. 

    When i get this part done, i ll probably add another cave somewhere in the map for maybe a sub objective, i dont know yet (its SP after all)


    I need to figure out a way to see if i can create some highres better images for this, cause i want it more vibrant. Also i need to dive again in some 3d modelling program to see if i can create plant models, trees, etc for the map to start filling it up. 

    OCD2 and DarthValeria like this
  10. j9YCaPM.jpeg





    Okay, I been tweaking this thing for the last month, and started with repairing the entities, which were half broken all of the sudden, thus i removed all of non essential entities for now and do the lay out first before i am going to add the scripts and entities.

    Also revised a part of the map where the end fight will be and started laying that out. Also decided i needed to make an entree point so i started working on that area too, but due to the fact i have been busy with work, hospital visits and i need to be administered soon for a kidney stone that has to be removed and also other interests, things go slow. I started also to play with the shaders a bit, especially the sprites i wanna work with, so that patches of grass will be filled in with sprites, etc.

  11. On 12/31/2020 at 2:39 PM, fullkevlar said:

    Nice, thank you!

    Any chance you could point me towards a walkthrough on how to make my own Roff?       

    Or is it already in or able to be worked out by looking at the file?   I'm not at my computer, and also haven't slept - had a pipe burst last night, and I'm still dealing with the aftermath.    Happy New Year?

    I would be interested in such thing as well. I cant find any good tutorials on making roff files. Would also be an asset to JKHUB in common

    OCD2 likes this
  12. So wait, is this a single player thing? Or is it MP?  (nvr mind, you awnsered it up there)

    And i would pan the camera a bit, moving it arround the target... I did something simular with a tie fighter scene flying over. You can move the camera focussed on one point. Also, you can smooth those rotations even more.. you rotate it 2 times (first 90 and then another 90, pull those together for a longer smooth turn... 

    OCD2 and DarthValeria like this
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