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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. I am stil waiting now for the Mousedroid, r2d2 and 3CPO in robed outfit. Also, why not inmeadiatly start on the star trek crew.. Captain Picard in robed hoody, and with his taunt: "Engage!" (okay that was a really bad pun!)
  2. try it, now i am not sure anymore.
  3. I knew about the trigger, since i use it on my own npcs (remember in my map the alarm sequence, its a use option within a script to fire up whole stormy spawn sequence and alarm sounds) I didnt knew either you could skip out the the trigger brush and just replace it with a relay with a targetname to fire. I thought relays were more to keep your map clean of lines. I guess i was wrong. Learning something new everyday here. (so yea, i swapped out already the trigger brush and replaced it with a relay in my map) You cant unfortunatly call inmieadtly to a script in a script. You can however call to a scriptrunner to run by using the use command to targetname in a scriprunner. I did some checking in the KOR1 map that is as reference placed. I used Devaheb to decompile the starting scripts (the landing on korriban and how scripts are set concerning light or dark side, due to what happened on taspir) Bassically what happens is this if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_OBJECTIVE_LIGHTSIDE")$, $=$, $2$ ) { use ( "DSencounter" ); use ( "DSmusic" ); //(BHVDREM) run ( "kor1/encounter1_D" ); } else ( ) { use ( "LSencounter" ); use ( "LSmusic" ); //(BHVDREM) run ( "kor1/encounter1_L" ); } it checks in an if and else statement if the lightside is set to 2... if so, run dark, else light side. The use reference to target_scriptrunners in the map (they are placed next to the ship model if you open the map, so you can see for yourself) So to answer your question. Just drop an extra scriptrunner in your map with the script in it and in your current script just use the "use" key.
  4. Take the accepted one, duelling on 45 degrees will not keep your character standing well and you will slide down if i am not mistaken. It will also just look ackward if its on 45 degrees, i would go for like 30 or 25 or so....
  5. Try this: I made a trigger_multiple that is connected with the light entities. I set them to 800 to see if they were working propperly. I called the trigger multiple lightswitch as targetname, and made it tiny and placed it somewhere against my ceiling so it couldn't be activated by me walking in it. I made a new trigger on the ground (trigger_once) and connected it to a target_scriptrunner. Made it call my script called light1 //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "switch lights on and off in loop" ); task ( "toggle_off" ) { use ( "lightswitch" ); wait ( 500.000 ); } task ( "toggle_on" ) { use ( "lightswitch" ); wait ( 2000.000 ); } loop ( -1 ) { dowait ( "toggle_on" ); dowait ( "toggle_off" ); print ( "!this is a test message!" ); } worked like a charm. It was looped so it went on and off constantly with the message in the middle of my screen. So in my case, i didnt affect anything, since there was nothing to affect. The lights were connected to the trigger i simply called from out of a task. Now i forgot to mention my lights were done the oposite right now. Went on for half a second, then off for 2 seconds because i forgot that my light entities started already on. Just as a headsup. edit As stated below by @@ensiform, its better to make a relay instead of a trigger_multiple. Just give it the targetname of the trigger_multiple I said up there (lightswitch) and it works fine.. tested and confirmed. And way cleaner
  6. No need to write so many lines for using the same entity, just define one task and call it and use it in a loop.. affect ( "flash", 56 ) { task ( "task1" ) { use ( "flash" ); } loop ( -1 ) { do ( "task1" ); wait ( 700.000 ); do ( "task1" ); wait ( 500.000 ); } }This will keep flashing it on and off as well and won't stop. For your script up there you just repeat it like 9 times. so instead of -1 you can use 9. I suggest you target a trigger_multiple actually (i did the same with my target speaker) and make that link to your light, then you know for sure it works. btw, whats the 56 in your definition of light? affect ( "flash", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) should be the normal type. it flushes the current behaviour and then starts off
  7. you could run an animap on it (on and off textures combined in an animation) that you trigger via activate / deactivate. The downside is that it becomes a loop after so many times so you will spot a pattern. But thats just a rough idea.
  8. Yea, I am doing SP, so I am not sure. Is there a way to see active entities in game when loaded? I'd like to know how far i am (not that ill get to the limit, but I am curious how many of the placed entities I got in my map, besides the triggers, script_runners, etc are counted.
  9. Bassically you make a brush in your door (if its a sliding door) with one side textured with areaportal, the other sides with skip. It gets more complicated when you do rotating doors. Lassev wrote a nice tutorial about it. http://www.student.oulu.fi/~lvaarisk/tutorials/rotadoor_index.htm. I am curious how it responds to func_statics that function as a door. might need to look into that.
  10. I have at the moment in the tiny part of my map about 100, but i need to see if i can take a couple out (has to do with some models). does func_group count as ingame entity or is that just a propperty for radiant? I have also a bunch of ref tags arround, thats also an in game entity?
  11. hmmm, should do that indeed if you are using somebody else's stuff.
  12. what is supposed to be the lightmap source? Your window with texture or your ornament below it?
  13. The repetitive texture, the terrain... it hurts my eyes..... oh wait.. its about the stargate.... that one is nicely detailed. First of all, I would suggest to swap out terrain textures or change the whole shader, and maybe do some blendinding. The water can be made more transparant to mask the repetivity... bespin water is sooo 2003
  14. isnt the entity cap like 2048 or something?
  15. Is it an accurate clock? I am curious if time can be set on forhand to servertime?
  16. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/121-creating-fake-bump-mapping-in-jka/
  17. you know that this requires a tga with alpha channel right? Cause the JKA one doesnt work propperly cause the texture i question is a jpg. I get an error with ShaderEd
  18. Opacity is controllable, however, its not done as you think it did. textures/imperial/caution2 { q3map_material SolidMetal { map $lightmap } { map textures/imperial/caution2 blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } { map textures/common/env_chrome blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen const 0.1 tcGen environment } } This is one of the imperial textures I redid for my map with an environment map on it with alpha channel. With the AlphaGen Const you can set the ammount of opacity you want. What tutorial you used? There is a tutorial in the tutorial section about applying specular maps. I think you can give also an alpha channel to a spec map and do it the way I described up here. Your player reflection is done by the so called camera trick. Indeed, G showed us that in one of his ballroom testing maps, i remember. Its bassically you apply place a misc_portal_surface about 8 units before your wall you want to act as a reflectant, than apply a shader to that wall surface you want to reflect. textures/system/mirror1 { qer_editorimage textures/system/qer_mirror.tga portal q3map_nolightmap } I actually made my own one shader for this, but the mirror1 from system does the trick too. Than you have a full mirror. I think you can set opacity on this one too, but I need to play with this as well to mirror your work. Because it will be a portal, prepare for an fps drop on this part. (it has to render the room twice, so make sure you use hint brushes / area portal propperly). Which one is the masking shader from vjun?
  19. I solved the issue, but its not as beautiful as I hoped and it costed me 2 more entities, however, I can now control the speaker at will through script. I disconnected the target_speaker from the relay, but added a new target script_runner which i connected to the relay. I placed a trigger multiple somewhere against the ceiling that connects to the target speakers. I know, from the npc script i have running to start up the alarm sequence, I can use triggers freely, while not even standing in it, so what I did was I targetted with the use command in behaved the trigger to "use" it. Since its a trigger mulitple it can be toggled on and off now, so my other trigger_once, activating the script to use the trigger multiple just once. Turns out. after reading documentation last night in bed while the girlfriend and cat were asleep, that target_speakers can only be controlled by triggers, not through script. I havent tested this yet, but I wonder if they respond to a target_activate and target_deactivate, which I still have to find out, because if they do, I still put a questionmark to the fact it didnt respond to the ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_INACTIVE", "true" ); which was what @@redsaurus suggested.
  20. Very nice! Whenever this is release, i ll be your first download!
  21. As i said, that had no effect either.... I do have an idea, but I have to find a way to not make the npc spawn and change somewhere the global variable again. Is there a way to let an npc spawn only once (like a count on the npc_spawner)? I need the relay to reach the speaker, so setting the count on the relay isnt an option then. no offense, but somehow, the more i get into behaved, the more restrictions i find
  22. let me explain the setup. I have a painscript, which let the npc in question walk to a trigger_once and use it. This trigger_once is linked to a target_relay that is linked up to 4 npc's and the target speaker (i think it would maybe be wiser even if i remove the speaker out of it and have it activate by script, but i need to figure out how to turn it off / on by script). In the image in the spoiler you see part of the setup. So on the right is a new trigger_once, connected to a target_scriptrunner that fires the above script (i tried it with inactive, kill entity, remove entity, but no luck) Because its tagged to a target relay, i cant link the target_speaker to the other trigger_once. I think i need to look again at my options. Any suggestions?
  23. not much luck. no
  24. Hmm i cant seem to get this to work, but probably i made an error somewhere. I have a target_speaker which sounds an alarm as soon as the npc's strigger the sequence for the alarm. this is all fine. Its a trigger, connected to a target_relay with 4 npc stormies and a target_speaker which sounds the alarm (this works). However, I made a script that will trigger on pressing a button, to silence the alarm (i need to script some stuff still, but the idea is if the alarm is off, the player can move on further without being bothered by stormies, if it isn't there will be more stormies along the ride) However, I cant shut off the alarm. I tried to kill it via behaved, but it had no effect. my target_speaker has a script_targetname called alarm, so i tried to shut it down in behaved by running the following //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "Shuts down the alarm sound" ); affect ( "alarm", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { kill ( "alarm" ); } but it had no effect. I dont want to remove the target_speaker, but if there is no other way.
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