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Everything posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. Well, fans had the same reaction when Chewie died in Vector Prime, so...not the first time.
  2. Even if it's Star Wars Cliche, I'll take anything.
  3. Well, every Star Wars game had a Story. So you could say that's ESSENTIAL at this point.
  4. Actually, no. The Energy cap is bigger and on the other side of the blaster, opposite of the E-11 for starters. The scope is bigger, along with the foldable arm rest.
  5. What they ALSO need is a Single Player campaign.
  6. Maybe it's the white in it's metal.
  7. "Avenge a friend." Han dies in EpVII....CALLED IT!
  8. Thing is the F-11 (What it's ACTUALLY called), has things the E-11 does NOT have. I think studying it would help. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/F-11D_blaster_rifle
  9. And here I thought Finn died at Kylo's hand....From the trailers it LOOKED like it.
  10. "You're the type who supports Donald Trump.too aren't you? @Mace whatever your name is." WHY did you just throw that empty insult out of nowhere...? And in actuality, HE'S RIGHT. Also, he's not saying you shouldn't have fun. He's saying you shouldn't blindly defend the game because one simply enjoys it. You're basically telling EA "Hey! I want more incomplete games that you'll complete with DLC and microtransactions down the line.". This has been A PROBLEM for some time with not only EA, but other companies including Capcom. Though Capcom has for now redeemed itself, the damage has been done. So again, Mace is CORRECT. And for people to be throwing around empty insults just because he brought up a FACTUAL POINT, really speaks volumes of how you guys may see the problem, but you don't wanna listen because "I HAD FUN with the game!" *facewall x 9000*
  11. So...you're trying to appeal to both Canon and Legends fans such as myself (I'm a HUGE Legends fan and I want them to be continued.), by placing "hints" that stuff like TFA happened, but you're putting things into a perspective where "Hey, you might like this whether you're a Legends fan or not.". And slowly is better than a complete halt. I'm glad you guys are still going.
  12. @@NumberWan, how is the mod coming along? Haven't heard for a bit.
  13. It takes modding to make the saber "whole" even when it moves when someone swings it. Multiplayer is *STILL* ahead of SP on that block, unfortunately.
  14. THANK-YOU! And NO, guys. I'm NOT going to play it. EA should just DIE OFF and the companies it bought should be set free from it's disgusting grasp. DICE's talent is being WASTED under EA. And don't get me started on Bioware and how it fell over the years under EA.
  15. I know, but you put so much into DP. Hope everything wasn't halted. But I'll ask there.
  16. I always founded it to be alright and could fit in the timeline just fine.
  17. I know you're excited for the movie, but I must ask here: How is The Dark Pastime coming along?
  18. Thank you. Nice to see some people not brainwashed and using their heads when it comes to this game.
  19. People absolutely HATE this game now....Guys....CALLED IT. Recently, Joe had a stream, and only 8,000 PEOPLE were on the PC version....That's pretty low for a PC game when usually PC is the best version of the game and it has the most players. But that's VERY telling. EA = S**t.
  20. I just hope John Williams lives to see EPIX being made and finished. His recent health problems during TFA REALLY has me worried, as I'm sure it does for you and everyone else who loves Star Wars. And yeah...I hope that guy who said that eats karma. I'd like to see that article where JJ said that, because I know JJ respects George Lucas.
  21. You think you can give us them in a drop box link?
  22. Ummm....It's non-canon to Legends. Also, it's considered part of the INFINITIES label.
  23. Glad you share some of my concerns, @@NumberWan. But, at the very LEAST, let's try to find the movie to be Okay. Not bad, just Okay at least.
  24. It wasn't. It was part of a non-canon INFINITIES story where Maul comes back and hunts down Obi-Wan to Tatooine in 16 BBY, three years after Revenge of the Sith. He attacks Owen and holds Luke hostage, forcing Obi-Wan to duel him again.
  25. So Rey is essentially a Jaina Solo copy after all....Called it. :/ Though TBH, I've had a change of heart recently and want to give this film A CHANCE. Not gonna say I'm gonna like it, just hoping I find it okay.
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