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Everything posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. Can't argue with that one.
  2. I can agree with how Kylo's saber is. A cracked saber crystal would make the crystal itself UNSTABLE. No wonder the blade is what it is.
  3. I can agree with that. Plus, WAY too many parallels to Episode IV. It's like...TFA is a RETELLING of EPIV. O.o
  4. Didn't know Craig too was a Star Wars fan. Hope he at least was paid for his role. And yeah, that WOULD be a bad move. Both in-universe AND fan wise for the First Order.
  5. If I may, I'm sure destroying Coruscant itself wouldn't make sense AT ALL. It's the core icon for a ruling power (Republic or Empire), so if they destroy that...wouldn't the whole galaxy turn against them?
  6. @@Darth Futuza Wait....WHAT!? O_O
  7. Alright. Oh, Eez? Just saying, not trying to start up anything again, BUT....*In a Stormtrooper's voice* Move along. That might help since this is a Star Wars thread.
  8. I guess they just don't want to try and defend their points. But whatever.
  9. Although I agree with that, it's not my fault people can just take a look at Wookieepedia if they're REALLY curious. Makes people seem lazy, though if they don't want spoilers too, I can understand that part.
  10. However guys, before you all write me off as an Expanded Universe (Legends) purist, I'll say this: There ARE INDEED a few things about TFA that I like. Which I will list here. 1. The Crossguard Lightsaber. I'll admit, it's a weird design for a Lightsaber. Harking more to the European Longsword way of combat instead of the traditional Lightsaber based off of JAPANESE KATANA swordplay. But if you can master this weapon, you CAN INDEED be deadly as an opponent and a great ally to those you fight with. 2. The Incom T-70 X-Wing of the Resistance. With this incarnation of the X-Wing, I really WOULDN'T mind it if they used this in the Legend's late Legacy Era (130 - 138 ABY), as I found what we got, the X-83, to be...essentially the P-38 of the Star Wars era. If you compare the X-83 and the P-38, they're VERY SIMILAR to each other. Since in the EU up to the Early Legacy Era we got the XJ Series of X-Wing, I wouldn't mind the T-70 taking the helm after the XJ7's time was up. 3. The First Order Stormtroopers. Now, going again to the late Legacy Era, when you saw the Stormtroopers of the Fel Empire, including the famed 501st, fighting Darth Krayt's One Sith Stormtroopers, you COULDN'T really tell who was killing whom. If the One Sith's Stormtroopers used the First Order's armor designs, that would make them not only different to the Stormtroopers we know of the Fel Empire, but would also give them a "foreign" type of appearance. 1. Then WHY did Palpatine wait? And that wasn't plot that made him wait. He wanted to strike when the New Republic was MOST VULNERABLE. 2. I think the fact that Palpatine saw Triclops as a ​FAILURE, along with the fact that Triclops became affiliated with the New Republic, shows that Triclops wanted NOTHING to do with his father. And his mother Sly...wow....I wouldn't want THAT as my mother either. :/ 3. And yet Boba went on to become Mandalore. Also, they addressed that. Mandalorian Iron is not only Lightsaber repellent like Cortosis, but it's HARD to destroy. Even for a Sarlacc. 4. That was NON-CANON and labeled Infinites. Infinites is NON-CANON to Legends. 5. Did you forget that Dagobah is FILLED with Dark Side energy, like the cave Luke went to? It was the PERFECT hiding spot for Yoda. But it also PREVENTED HIM from sensing what was going on in the galaxy. Same goes for sensing the Jedi helping the Rebellion. And BTW, starting from scratch would've meant REBOOTING the movies too, dude. And considering TFA is essentially EPIV rehashed, that's more than likely to happen. It seems you really DON'T know the EU. *rolls eyes*
  11. I will agree to keep things civil, yes. But if you studied the Yuuzan Vong's history, like the Rakata of the Infinite Empire, they lost their connection to the Force due to being disconnected from the symbiosis that helped connect them to it, hence why they couldn't be felt in the Force. Also, their tech was Bio-Organic....Yeah, THAT is freaky. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yuuzhan_Vong
  12. I take it you didn't look at ALL of the EU before coming to a decision...? And basically, why would they call it Legends? Cause it's it's own canon. An alternative timeline. Either way, if they wanted to go so far as to make two timelines, they can AT LEAST try to be original instead of making a Jacen Solo/Ben Skywalker mismash that is just paling in comparison to Jacen and Ben. Jacen had LEGITIMATE REASONS for becoming Darth Caedus. Kylo becoming obsessed with his grandfather is NOT ORIGINAL. In fact, it's just REPEATING what was told before with Kyp Durron.
  13. They did that in the EU before too. :/ As to the complaining, it's not just complaining. It's explaining they did it before. ALL I'm seeing is that they're plagiarizing the EU.
  14. All I got from that description right there....Is Mary Sue and Political Correctness. The EU had strong women BEFORE this movie was even thought up. Though I do agree it's not a bad thing, HOW did Rey even learn that fast? Makes NO sense. Unless she's related to Anakin and Luke, since Luke learned quickly too, but I'd bet ANYONE who is the offspring of The Chosen One would learn faster than others. And if Rey is indeed related to Anakin and Luke in some way, then that's even more facedesk inducing....
  15. They want to give something back...? How about doing something PROPERLY? Ben Solo is NOT giving something back. It's taking a dump and leak on someone's lap, then taking that said dump and shoving it in that person's face. That's HUMILIATING.
  16. How do you think EU FANS like me feel...? Especially after finding THIS out...? Imagine a series you loved so much, like Star Wars, that was bought by a company like Disney and the continuity you knew and loved, with 30+ years of merchandise, books, games, comics, EVERYTHING being turned into an alternative timeline (Legends). Then they STEAL from that timeline in order to make their own continuity, all for the sake of "cohesive canon" when the previous canon WAS JUST FINE. Also, their "cohesive canon" actually has more plot holes than swiss cheese, especially their more animated stuff. *Cough* Rebels *Cough*. So in a sense, we EU fans are ALREADY suffering.
  17. Well, THANKS for the spoilers, guys. Now the EU movement is justified in being mad. Kylo Ren = Jacen Solo ripoff and a Ben Skywalker mockery.
  18. They basically turned Ben Skywalker into a JACEN SOLO WANNABE!?!?!!??!?!?!??!?!?!? And the wannabe LITERALLY tries to BE LIKE VADER!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?! AND they REVERSED what Luke and Mara did for THEIR SON, but switched Luke with Han and Mara with Leia!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!??!!??!?!??!? WHAT!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!?!?!?!? Okay....NOW I'm pissed.
  19. It's technically not canceled. It's just halted. There's a movement to get it continued again that's gaining momentum. Although I will agree that some parts of the EU are a bit "glaring", I still enjoy it. And thanks for being more specific.
  20. It would be a good placeholder until a new model is finished.
  21. Look at it from different angles and compare it to E-11, dude.
  22. Just a question: Did you give them a chance or did you just see them once and was like "nope"? Cause they're actually interesting for Star Wars creatures.
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