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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. I'm suggesting more of a standard FPS feature where the crosshair changes to a different image (usually just a red crosshair instead of a white one) when you move it over an enemy. Just allowing the change between two crosshairs would allow me to have the image I posted above as the crosshair that appears normally, and then I'd make another one with a bunch of generic info for the "red" crosshair.
  2. Here's the basic version, for those who are curious. Only took a couple hours, getting quicker at this.
  3. Heh, I was working on graphics for this - if I ever complete them and someone chooses to script them they may do so. EDIT: So I'm almost done making all the graphics for it in Photoshop. What to do with them though... Just a matter of figuring out what parts we want to be a crosshair and what parts we want to be a HUD. At this point I may just make a version where you have the normal JA HUD and then this is just an overlay that's constantly on. This would be the version WITHOUT the bounty information. If someone wants to script this to have a sort of "white crosshair/red crosshair" dealio like most other games, then I can make a version of the overlay with a generic JA character face and some random information. Maybe the white/red crosshair thing could be done by @@therfiles?
  4. This would be extremely rad. I think this is one thing that would definitely be worth implementing into JA.
  5. @@AshuraDX That was surprisingly not a complete waste of time, it was pretty good! His highs are killer too, his lows are solid as well but I really like the couple moments he gets to rip some high screams.
  6. Super stoked to see that I'm not the only one who's into metal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnm63njc0KQ Another rad band:
  7. You're totally right, but it's what we've got to work with - better than no JA reference at all.
  8. Because at the end of the day, his is the best one that has been made up to this point. He did the facial structure well (I don't know about it from a modeling point of view, but as far as accurately recreating the face in a clearly recognizable way), and it's not perfect but it's close to his face.
  9. I'd say probably $500, but certainly not worth the placeholder fee. Especially considering you don't even know if they will honor the preorders. >.> DT85: Yeah, I was just referring to the Xbox 360 fees in order to use apps like Netflix, Foxtel etc. But if it doesn't work on either Playstation then I guess you don't have much choice.
  10. I get getting a 360 for old games, but why get it for Foxtel? You're gonna have to pay an extra fee to use the internet connection for it anyways, so if you can get it on the PS4 why not do that and save money?
  11. Yeah they probably will restrict them, it shows how much their already trying to make you buy more than one console with the small size hard drive size, the forced installations, the hints at new hardware additions later on...
  12. But they did confirm that you could use external hard drives, didn't they?
  13. That's a stupid idea. The last thing I need is my (or anyone's) dumbass neighbor shouting army commands in their house and someone calling the police after hearing "F**king kill him!" Voice commands should be headset only, for the sake of minimizing stupidity and annoyance. Another scenario is "Hey, could you turn your game down?" "Sure. *turns down game volume to not bother anyone." "Thanks." "No problem... MOVE MOVE MOVE, FLANK THEM! TOSS A GRENADE!!!" >.> It's like motion controls. Sure, I'll take them, but make them optional unless your game is exclusively designed around a specific feature.
  14. After the whole fiasco of not honoring WiiU pre-orders and not giving out refunds for them either, I've stayed from away from GameStop and EB Games. Sucks too, EB Games in Canada was actually not bad before the buyout.
  15. It's almost as hypocritical as GameStop's "Power to the players."
  16. Dunno why/how that happened though, you'd think they'd test the stream on Xbox 360's just for the sake of making sure they look good. *shrugs* I'm more concerned about the new Kinect and some of the patents they've been purchasing lately... It's seeming more and more invasive by the day.
  17. Also lolworthy: http://www.polygon.com/2013/5/21/4353010/kinect-trouble-xbox-one-reveal EDIT: More new info: - A large part of the features they show about voice-interaction and the NBA stats etc. are in AMERICA ONLY - Most of these features require a separate device in order to use them - This one doesn't mean much, it's actually a great idea, but the journalists were not the ones clapping. Look at the video closely (also confirmed by journalists present at the event) they had Microsoft employees do all the applause in order to make it seem like a big positive reaction and that the journalists really approve of everything that's being shown. Watch the PS4 reveal. Heck, watch any press-only gaming event, hardly any applause. - The installation of the OS and the mandatory installation of games will take up - and I quote - a "substantial amount" of your hard drive - Comes with a 500GB hard drive, a game is on average 10-15GB these days. With higher resolution textures and all the graphical improvements we're going to be looking at games even bigger than that. Look at Uncharted 2, it's 25GB. Not a lot of room... Sure they'll eventually come out with 1TB and 2TB Xbox One's or something to compensate for that, but why not do that at launch? Oh yeah, so that you buy ANOTHER Xbox One.
  18. Actually Alan Wake was on PC too, so that's not even exclusive. But yeah, honestly by buying this console you're telling everyone it's okay to charge you money for absolutely no reason. I would do nothing but laugh if anyone who bought this console complained about the prices of games and how the industry is giving us less and charging more. Absolutely hypocritical.
  19. Cheers, I appreciate that. And personally I'm the opposite, I care more about the company and what they stand for more than the games. Most of the Xbox One games that come out as "exclusives" are probably going to be on PC as well, so I couldn't care less about missing out on Halo, for example. There's hundreds of games for me to enjoy, I don't care about what system they are on or which games they are to be honest, I just want to be able to play games I enjoy. I'm sure the Kinect will be better, but who knows to what extent. Australia? You have my condolences. At least you finally got it.
  20. That's the issue. Everyone thinks this is about which console is better. That argument is stupid. While you think I may be trying to say PS4 is better, I'm not. I'm simply shutting down false claims about what it can and can't do. My MAIN POINT is that the consoles don't matter, the games don't matter, what matters is what it all boils down to: A major company is forcing you to pay money without giving you anything in return. This could be Sears, this could be Apple, this could be my favorite guitar manufacturer and I'd still be making the same arguments and have the same stance on the issue - it's just wrong. This has nothing to do with the damn consoles.
  21. I'm a PC guy, actually. And when it comes to consoles I always buy a Nintendo first. I own all the consoles and I'm still a Nintendo guy at heart. Pull out lame school-yard insults all you want but that doesn't make you look any more intelligent. Calling someone a fanboy is idiotic, because you're dismissing their argument based on the fact that they like a console. You're just as much of an Xbox fanboy then, aren't you? Obviously someone arguing their side is a "fan" of what they're arguing for, that's called common sense. Come back when you have an argument with evidence and not insults, kid. That's complete bull, they haven't said anything more on the topic other than "We want to serve the developers and gamers so we will do the right thing". You do not have proof to back that up, we have people speculating because they've said things like "Digital only games" with a few of them using discs, which would SAVE US MONEY. This would still mean that at the very least everyone on the same console could play those games, unlike Microsoft's idea. There was a patent everyone got up in arms about because it has an ID in the disc and an ID of the player account and they are then checked to see if the game is allowed to run. This doesn't not mean they are doing the same as Microsoft. This could be checking any number of things on the console or the player account. They've made all the previous statements before the Xbox One reveal, and then their stock went up 10% and there was an incredible amount of outrage from gamers. Only an idiot would then go "Hey, we should do that too." I can guarantee you whatever Sony does it will still be better than what Microsoft does. Right, because the PS4 ONLY plays games. Right. Because it doesn't have Netflix, or YouTube, or a built-in browser, or a DVD player, or a Blu-Ray player, or hey - something Microsoft doesn't have - GAME DEVELOPMENT, ON THE CONSOLE. Yes, it lacks controllerless gameplay, which is a smart move. They tried the PS Eye before Microsoft ever did Kinect (How's that for ripping people off?) and after years of trying people weren't interested in it. Then Microsoft did Kinect, and how many people bought it? A half-decent amount, more than those who bought the Eye but not by much. You could easily justify that by A) More people are buying consoles this generation than the last generation and B ) Sony started to back out of the endeavor and didn't advertise it anymore. Just because they don't have it, doesn't mean it's a bad move. Most people don't want controllerless gameplay. Most people didn't want motion controls either which is why Nintendo's numbers were awful until about the end of this consoles generation when people said "I'm bored, might as well try the Nintendo games I missed out on." Oh, they're bringing in new ideas? Please, tell me how the Kinect is such a huge breakthrough for gaming and how no one has done it before. *Cough* PSEye *Cough* Regarding the PSMove, yes it was a copy of Nintendo's motion controls. Why? Because people asked for motion controls. Heaven forbid a company actually listen to their customers. With the PS4 however, it's greatly surpassed what the Wii motion controls ever did! We're talking accurate drawing, puppetry, sculpting, you name it. So I say hey, if you can do it better then do it. The Kinect however, was NOT an improvement to most people. Actually, you're wrong. I'm not a fool because I don't think it's the greatest thing ever, nor do I think it's free of flaws, my issue is firstly all the claims you're making are - for the most part - incorrect and misinformed. Some of them are just flat out bull. My second issue is that it doesn't take a genius to see they are scamming the gamers. Put everything aside, forget everything about the two consoles, forget about which console is better. It boils down to this: You have a company forcing you to pay money without providing you anything in return. Again, throw around the claim of "fanboy" all you want, facts are facts and you're clearly not seeing them.
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