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Horatio Culver

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Everything posted by Horatio Culver

  1. For the text, you need to go into both assets0.pk3/strings/English/MENUS.str and assets0.pk3/strings/English/sp_ingame.str to change everything related to lightning. I think the force lightning uses the same effects/shaders as just about everything else electrical. This is probably why Dark_Maul didn't change them. Any map that will electrocute you (like cairn_dock1 in JKO, I can't think of a JKA example off the top of my head) will now use the flame effects. Unless I'm wrong, which is of course a possibility. Finally, if you don't want to worry about using Dark_Maul's mod without his permission, then use the base fire effects. Boba Fett used a flamethrower in the base game, just use those effects.
  2. Horatio Culver

    JJ W!cked

  3. Does the game actually call it Hutta, because the planet is called Nal Hutta. That was bothering me more than Pande's Oxford comma.
  4. That's easy. The "playerTeam" key in the .npc file determines the NPC's color in force sense. Unfortunately, like @therfiles said, you can't change the color effect without going into the code (as far as I know). I think it's also the same for the color of the crosshair, because there's only one image for each crosshair, and no shader. Therefore @Botdra's idea of using different images for the different colored crosshairs wouldn't work. Unless of course we can find a coder.
  5. If you're going to use his name, you should make the rest of the information more appropriate.
  6. I say we use LEGO's Greedo icon that was often used for generic bounty hunters: (joke) Why use English? If the text doesn't actually say anything relevant, then there's no reason for it to be readable.
  7. H O R A T I O C U L V E R I volunteer my name as tribute.
  8. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Humanocentrism
  9. What about a silhouette of a humanoid profile or something?
  10. I think I tried it once, but either it didn't work (for me at least) or it was really glitchy and not worth using.
  11. I just realized that I registered two days before the source code was released! The source code had nothing do with my April registration. It's kind of sad that the US seems to have more threats than all other countries combined, but then again, I'm not extremely surprised.
  12. 1313 was planned to be set from 10 BBY—5 BBY. And a fun fact: In Boba Fett: Maze of Deception, which was written in 2003 and took place in 22 BBY, Boba Fett used the alias CT-1313 when confronted by a clone trooper. Coincidence? Although Tempest Force and a large portion of the Imperial Navy was defeated at Endor in 4 ABY with both the Emperor and Military Executor killed and two of the largest and most expensive projects ever undertaken by the Empire destroyed, the Empire remained as the most prominent government in the galaxy, as they still controlled Coruscant. Coruscant was not liberated until 7 ABY during the Seizure of Coruscant, and at that point the New Republic took over. There really wasn't a time where criminals controlled Coruscant during Boba Fett's lifetime. I do like the idea of fighting various alien smugglers, mercenaries, and other bounty hunters working for your bounties.
  13. Any idea who the enemies are going to be? Rebels are obvious, but they wouldn't be much of a threat to the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. Plus they can get old after a while.
  14. It's sad that I once thought JK3Files was the best JKA modding site that still exists. I thought that so little people played the game anymore that it was the best site I could find. And then I found JKHub...
  15. They never actually uploaded the mod I submitted. Granted, it was a useless, stupid mod that simply changed the sounds, music, and video on the main menu screen to other base assets, but still, it was my first mod. There are even stupider mods on that site.
  16. I downloaded my first mod from FileFront. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Zam_Wessels_Sniper_Rifle;9261 Not that I actually knew how to install it back then. The ReadMe (like all ReadMes) told me to "Place this pk3 file into the JKII/gamedata/base/ directory." Of course, since I use a Mac, I don't have a gamedata folder. I had no idea where to put the mod, so I gave up.
  17. I wish it was a joke, but I wasn't kidding. I actually have a total of only 74.21 GB on my computer. Now I know why I never have space on my computer.
  18. Wow. That just puts into perspective how lame my 2006 MacBook is. It has 75 GB total. I need a better computer.
  19. My sister thinks Ugnaughts are cute. Ugh.
  20. I completely understand.
  21. The problem is that, to me at least, it just doesn't look like Sam Witwer/Galen Marek anymore. I think you're getting carried away and moving too quickly again. Before continuing to the rest of the model, make sure the head actually resembles the character you are trying to model. Right now, it just looks like some random person, and not Starkiller.
  22. This was discussed on another thread. I forget what it was called and I can't seem to find it, but if I remember correctly JK Galaxies uses files like .sab files to create new guns. Unfortunately it would take a while to add this system to the base game, and all the best coders are busy with OpenJK . If they were able to add this to base Jedi Academy, I would be overjoyed. Until then, maybe this thread could be used simply for weapon model requests?
  23. No, something's wrong. The face is starting look like an ape again. Or maybe a baby. Or maybe a baby ape.
  24. It shouldn't reset every time, unless you have no memory space on your computer. In this case, the game cannot save the jaspconfig.cfg, and will revert to the default. But if you have enough space on your computer to save a 8 KB file, it should not reset.
  25. That would be great. Until then, unfortunately, it's impossible to add new weapons without coding.
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