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Everything posted by katanamaru

  1. Liking it! more variety for Luke is a good thing. I don't see anything wrong with it.
  2. I'm okay with that. I never really got the 'gold' part of the name. Can anybody make a fork of the sp code for this from OJK? There are some things I'd like to look at without worrying if I was in the mp or sp parts of the code.
  3. I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but have you seen pictures of Jason Court lately? He's no Kyle Katarn.
  4. The ScorpDeathKnight is what you are looking for. Try searching for that. It's been posted in the forums before. If you can't find a link to it I'll put one up on Thursday.
  5. Yeah there were quite a few people who were open to contribute somethings, but not a set staff.
  6. I'm getting fed up with my car. 1st engine fan needs replacing. Done.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. katanamaru


      Turns out it was just the brake pads. All weekend will be eating, modding, and playing games. I hope to do a few animations for the Gold pack and get some things together for a poll/ wip thread.

    3. MoonDog


      Nice. I actually have to change the power steering pump and brake pads tomorrow myself. The power steering pump on this malibu is retarded to get out. Also need to fix the cruise control. God damn electric units. I shot power through trans, brake, and fuse with multimeter, so it looks like its the unit itself not pulling cable. Sigh.

    4. katanamaru


      Electronic parts are beyond me. Stupid little buggers.

  7. If they got Justin Bieber to play Rosh... I'll leave you to your imagination.
  8. Oh I know it wouldn't be perfect, but it may be a way to test the concept first though, or used as a place holder.
  9. Could you just use scaleX in the npc file?
  10. The only thing a little off is his right hand. His cuff is a little darker and so is his shoulder. Great work still! Luke not in black? Blasphemy!
  11. Oh F*** YEAH! Sith and Cultist zombies!
  12. There was a mod called: Escape from Yavin, and another that was Escape from Yavin the Lost Levels. They were about the same length as the regular game.
  13. The zombie idea would be good in sp as a ladder style map too. Waves of melee, sabers, gunners, droids, monsters, and the dreaded Cultist Destroyer! Now that's a zombie I fear!
  14. Is it possible to install the game multiple times on one machine? I want to try OJK and other code mods and would like to do so on a different install.
  15. I'll write down what steps I take if I get this working. I'm pretty sure it is possible somehow. I could have sworn I saw it in a past Dragon description on one of the other sites.
  16. But if we get a game based off the movie what would they call it? Star Wars Episode VII Jedi Academy? No that's not confusing at all.
  17. I contributed, but I have a question. If jkhub doesn't get enough money what happens to the money? Does it get returned and then we get ads?
  18. An interesting twist could be to have the player walk through the level (not actual walking, running is fine) from the hanger to the goal. Then stuff goes down and the player has to get out. The player will think they need to follow the same path to get out, but then make blast doors close and other obstacles appear to make them take a longer roundabout path. Give them glimpses of the original path to let them know they are so close, but just out of reach.
  19. There was some useful info in that post @@Serenity937. I'll keep some of that in mind if I need to make similar animations or at least try that method out. I've never merged two animations like that.
  20. I actually didn't like force jump in JK. JO and JA's is much better to me.
  21. It could be enjoyable. Using an E11 on a swoop is better than using the swoops guns. The swoop mechanics aren't too bad once I realized that you can only control it while on the ground. In the JA level there is a lot of bouncing so it seems like the swoop doesn't respond that good. For enemies you could put some Grave Tuskens around to let the player shoot/run over/avoid as they see fit.
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