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Posts posted by katanamaru

  1. A slower swoop is a good idea. The physics would probably be better if the ground was flat. I just played the swoop level last night. You can only control the swoop when it is on the ground.

  2. I made a little weapons.dat mod last weekend or so. I wanted to make guns fun to play with so I've been using that with another playthrough. Mostly upping the ammo count to 999, reducing ammo cost to 1 for most guns, and making the pistol and E11 primary fire not use any ammo. Yeah it's OP, but now I actually am using the guns. I've never done that before!

    Circa likes this
  3. I have a new saber off animation. Well the same animation without the saber twirl. I couldn't find the staff saber on animation though. I was going to change that one two since while the saber spins one of the blades goes through the right thigh.


    I've put in the BF run and walk for the single saber for now.

    Circa likes this
  4. If I can get a stable internet connection I want to fork the sp part of OJK so I can play around in that. It would be great to finally be able to alter animations and see the workings under the hood.


    I've been pondering your original question. Do you really need to do anything to encourage close duels? As a sp game why worry about how others want to play the game? You like close duels and so do I. So we play up close. Maybe someone else doesn't.


    Though I've kind of come up with a solution for close fighting via animations. I'm thinking of making a one-handed Polish saber style. The basic attacks and parries have all been brainstormed and I have come up with two versions: a basic and an advanced form.


    The basic style will behave like a blue style blocking and yellow style attacking statistics. I'd set a two or three combo limit. This reflects what I see in beginner and intermediate level fencers.


    The advanced would have yellow statistics in defense, and blue level attack power. The difference would be that I'd put counter attacks into it's parries and attacks into its transtions. That way a combo attacks and repostes would encourage staying in range.


    The attack and defense values would be play tested of course. Those are just rough ideas. Until we get the code figured out for adding styles I'm thinking of trying out the advanced style and replacing Tavion or Desann in the meantime.

  5. Some cutscenes won't work with a hex'd model. It depends if the animations are in the _humanoid.gla or in a seperate .gla that is cutscene specific.


    Lord_Newbie is right about keeping _humanoid in the file path. The game demands it. Overwriting the "."s is ok.

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