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File Comments posted by katanamaru

  1. Yeah sorry about that. I tried to update it this past fall for a winter release, but just couldn't get back into it. :(

    I've forgotten quite a bit and just didn't feel like relearning things right now. 


    And I won't be animating until it is possible to add styles to both single and multi player. It stinks to have to decide what characters I'll have to assign what styles to. 

  2. It would be nice if somebody made Starkiller backhand animations for MP. Still, pretty sweet mod.

    I could see about getting them in MP, but they'd overwrite the dual and staff styles. That could, and likely would, lead to a whole bunch of conflicts with larger MP mods. 


    Thanks for the feedback on some of the animations Punisher. I'm thinking of doing some minor updates to the styles.

    The Punisher likes this
  3. Not exactly sure why but I can't get this to work?

    Make sure you don't have any other animation mods in your base (or whatever Steam uses) folder. 

    If you're not sure if you have an animation mod already in the base folder just rename the .pk3 file by putting a few z's in the beginning of the name. The it should load last. This will cause conflicts with the animation mod in question.

    Rowsdower likes this
  4. Can you please send me the kyle katarn model?

    I don't remember off hand where I got it. It would have been from jk2files originally. I think it is also in a large Kyle species mod here. 



    I'd change the saber-staff stance just a bit (the hands are too close to the emitters) but it's pretty cool otherwise

    You're right. Thing is that this is supposed to be used with melee weapons and not sabers really. The staff stance is based on how the character in Dark Souls two-hands a polearm.

  5. Actually it is because the three single saber stances have the hand tag too high. If you check the sabers in the dual stance or staff stance you'll see they are held lower. You can also use timescale commands and different camera angles to see that the sabers are held lower during all the other animations. Such as the attacks, runs, walks, force, etc.


    When I made my animations I moved the hand tag in each frame to be correct.


       633    5

    Here is how to get JA animations from the game into Dragon.


    1. download and install Dragon.

    2. extract the animation.cfg and _humanoid.gla file from the assest1 pk3 (I think.)

    3. go into your Dragon folder and find the files JAanimation.cfg and JAhumanoid.gla. The JAanimation.cfg file isn't really important, but the JAhumanoid.gla file is the gla file Dragon loads on start up. You can delete it or rename it to something else. I renamed mine like DragonJAhumanoid.gla in case I did need it later.

    4. drop the animation.cfg and _humanoid.gla files into your Dragon folder.

    5. Rename _humanoid.gla into JAhumanoid.gla.


    Now when you start Dragon the default animations are loaded. To load an animation in Dragon you will:

    1. open the console with the ~ key.

    2. use the command impframe (import frame)

    3. find the animation you want in the animation.cfg. It will look like: both_stand2  12345 2 -1 30. You need the start frame number which is 12345 and the sequence length number which is 2.

    4. so you'll type into the console: impframe 12345 2 and press enter.

  6. I played with this model all weekend! Huge thanks to DT85 for fixing the hand tags. Without that fix I couldn't stand using that model but now it is one of my favorites! It could be great for some reskins since there are plain clothes, tunic, and robes. Could be especially good for rp.

    Merek and DT. like this
  7. I put the name there just to make sure all my files are know. That being said...


    AshuraDX provided those sabers to me for this mod. He made these for me since I liked his sabers so much and were using an older pair during the developement phase.

    If you look closely you'll notice that he put a smaller crystal in the hilt that changes colors with the blades. It's pretty wicked.


    The skin was provided by HollywoodG1 from filefront. He made some excellent Galen clones using the HM Jaden model. I thought those were the best skins for Starkiller and got in touch with him to use them. I'd link to the original file but my work computer can't open that site.


    I thought I said that in my readme, but I may have screwed that up when I was proof-reading at 1am...

    Sorry to all parties involved for not putting your info in an easily seen place.

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