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Everything posted by Doughnuts

  1. If I get time off of work I might be able to put something together.
  2. It can include rend2/gl2. I would only need to share the RMO and normal maps. I don't think projection shadows will work. The jetpack is already done but currently is only in movie battles 2.
  3. Not done yet, but to give you an idea.
  4. It shall be done.
  5. 3,013 downloads

    Din Djarin from The Mandalorian. Tested in JASP, JAMP and OpenJK. To use in single player, type the following in the console: playermodel dindjarin Comes with his IB-94 blaster pistol and his Amban Pulse Rifle. Known Issues: Sounds may not play correctly in single player. Programs used: Blender 2.91 Substance Painter Huge thanks to AshuraDX for helping me out with various things.
  6. I haven't been able to recreate this issue both on JAMP and on OpenJK. Are you running the game on a mac by any chance?
  7. You probably have a vertex group created for the model_root bone. Select your head object and go to the object data properties menu. You'll see a "vertex groups" menu, there select the model_root vertex group and delete it. If you see a vertex group under the name of 'motion' delete that too.
  8. I've been using blender for the longest time now however I only used blender for the playermodel here. Most of the job openings that I've looked at had 3dsmax or maya as a requirement so I did the amban pulse rifle and the IB-94 as well as the beskar pike in 3dsmax. For the texturing I use substance painter or quixel mixer/suite.
  9. Hello everyone, after not uploading here for a good amount of time I thought I'd upload a WIP teaser. Things here are subject to change as there still are missing pieces but regardless if you have any input I'd appreciate the feedback.
  10. 680 downloads

    Stellan Gios's Lightsaber from The High Republic. Tested in SP. To access in-game, enable cheats and type the following in the console: saber saber_stellangios1 (for the closed cross guard variant) saber saber_stellangios2 (for the opened cross guard variant) Programs used: Blender 2.9 Substance Painter Quixel Suite
  11. 1,607 downloads

    Second Sister from Jedi Fallen Order. Tested in SP and MP. In order to access in SP, type the following in console: playermodel secondsister The model comes with her lightsaber too. In order to access it, type the following in console: saber saber_trilla Programs Used: Blender 2.83 Substance Painter Simplygon Special thanks to Swegmaster for helping me optimize the model!
  12. Hello everyone, Here's an update for the second sister model I've been working on.
  13. I uploaded an update to fix the missing files around a month ago but nothing has been approved yet. If things don't get approved by the end of this week I'm going to start sharing my creations on here.
  14. Hello there! I've decided to start a WIP thread to provide some insight to the kind of stuff that I'm currently working on. Here's a small sneak peek Dark Rey from EP9
  15. Everything does look really good. I do want to point out that your traced lowpoly mesh looks really dense. What is the current tris count? I reckon you could get away with a lot less especially around the helmet. That inset part around the cheeks can be baked in my opinion. Looking forward to see how this turns out, great job so far!
  16. 1,132 downloads

    Dark Rey from EP9 Tested in SP. Simply use the following commands to access the skin: playermodel darkrey npc spawn darkrey Massive thanks to Scerendo for allowing me to use parts from his Rey model and Swegmaster for helping me weight and optimize the model. The pack includes my version of Dark Rey's staff saber. Programs used: Blender 2.83 Substance Painter Photoshop
  17. 1,648 downloads

    Accurate remakes of the lightsabers from TFU. Tested in SP. To access the sabers in-game, enable cheats and use the following names: saber_galen saber_galen2 saber_galen3 saber_galen4 (Ceremonial Jedi Robes) saber_stalker saber_rahm saber_maris saber_kento (Galen Marek's Father) saber_pike1 (Kazdan Paratus) saber_pike2 (Royal Guard) Programs used: Blender 2.83 Substance Painter Substance Player Quixel Suite Special thanks to Swegmaster for helping me optimize the models!
  18. 710 downloads

    Trilla Suduri's (the Second Sister's) lightsaber from Jedi Fallen Order. Test in SP. To access the lightsaber, type saber_trilla after enabling cheats in console. Programs used: Blender 2.83 Substance Painter Substance Player Quixel Suite
  19. 3,122 downloads

    This pack includes several lightsabers from the old republic as well as a few remakes of hilts made by Rooxon and AshuraDX. The names of the sabers are included in the read me file in the zip file. Tested in SP. Programs used: Blender 2.81 Substance Painter Substance Player Quixel Suite Photoshop Special thanks to AshuraDX for his PBR to JKA smart material.
  20. 310 downloads

    Here's the staff saber we saw Maul wield in the latest trailer for the season 7 trailer of the clone wars. Works in SP, haven't tested in MP. In order to use in SP enable cheats and type the following in console: saber maulcws7 Enjoy!
  21. 716 downloads

    Lightsabers from Episode 9. They work in SP, have not tested in MP. In order to use in-game enable cheats and type: saber rey_ep9 (for rey's new hilt) saber leia_ep9 (for leia's hilt) saber darkrey (for rey's sith staff) Enjoy!
  22. Hey, If you're still interested in doing this go ahead and message me. I'll help you get started.
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