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Everything posted by RAILBACK



    Hi there! Welcome to the HUB! Thanks for coming by @ 11Cent .
  2. Happy you found the error. Has anyone or here ever encountered 'Radiant ghosts'? Or is it just me? Like errors that just can't be fixed no matter what you do.
  3. I'm not sure why you can't get permission for assets. A ton of work is already there!
  4. @@DT85, were you not a part of this team? http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-the-new-era
  5. Yea I like making MD3s. I just make brushes in my level and then when it's done, I pull a brush all around my model and then select inside: save as. No Langerd, glass doesn't cast that much of a shadow....
  6. available for testing yet? Can we use force and move things around? M/P S/P combo ftw.
  7. I like the Marauder. Its detailed with what looks like flanged grade 5 bolts or maybe washers added. Upon closer inspection, it's washers or a raised machined surface. The cage looks stamped with no discernible welds. If it's that detailed I would like to see some other fasteners or details.
  8. You made that animation? A thumb action across the neck? Thats pretty sweet Langerz.
  9. I hope you have several *back ups* of your map file(s) on several devices. It's a shame to lose days or months worth of work.
  10. All good PK. You still have screenshots to speed you along.
  11. I just meant flip the head. Just another perspective.
  12. What would happen if you flipped his helmut upside down?
  13. I actually like this mod. Its pretty cool and needs expansion. I wish Langerds Bespin mod was like this and you had more waves of rebels.
  14. Uuhh.. have you looked at the Warzone mod here? Its insane.
  15. WOW! Raven should have put this suit on him for S/P.
  16. I think the only 'error' you have is where you might live. Other than that, a game company should be happy to have you developing for them. Look on the QUAKE forums for rgoer. I used to game with him. His name is Roger Cordes. Sure he made maps like "Temple of the Ysalimari" and "Sunset on Coruscant". But that was just a start. If you check the credits on games like The Force Unleashed and Quake 4, you will see his name in the credits. Yea hes talented but he also had to start somewhere. Don't get DIScouraged. Get ENcouraged!
  17. Langerd, seriously, please apply here: https://www.ubisoft.com/fr-CA/ http://www.valvesoftware.com/games/ https://bethesda.net/en/dashboard Because if you don't, I will apply for you. Impressive resume.
  18. Interesting. I have never had an issue with ASE models or MD3s. Anyhow, I re read your post. I guess that make sense if you are making a GIANT model. Whats the poly count on the falcon?
  19. Sweet! I just noticed this thread! I recognized your name right away. Too bad you weren't around 5 years sooner. My question is: Why did you guys feel the need to change the fight animations. What were the deciding factors? I'm obviously partial to the older JO animations, hence why I don't play JA. I love all the other aspects of JA like vehicles and a more dynamic play regarding how interactive a player is with their environment.
  20. Make a new ship... in Radiant.. from scratch... convert to ASE.
  21. Are you still looking? Maybe Angelmodders GF wouldn't mind?
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