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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Aye, happy bday indeed!
  2. Go into your base folder, there should bea file in it called autoexec.cfg. If not, then create a new text document, and type the following into it: exec "RevianBinds" Then save the file into your base folder as 'autoexec.cfg'. Now, create a new text document, and put your binds and settings into it, then save it as 'RevianBinds.cfg'. Examples of how you should layout the settings is below: r_gamma "1" cg_fov "89" bind x "screenshot" You of course use your own binds and settings for it, that was just an example.
  3. Try putting all of your settings in cfg, and add this line to autoexec.cfg, without quotes ''exec YourCFGHere"
  4. It's cause JA++ is in the fashion now.
  5. I would love to play as those skins ingame! And nice hilt, did you make it yourself?
  6. ^Basically what he said. Ported models he took credit for, broken npc support and crap sounds as I recall. Speaking of something someone took credit for, uninstall KOTF.
  7. All that does is change the the cg_fov Circa, so it won't change the quality of the pictures, only the camera zoom. I think mandalorian wants better quality pictures.
  8. I think the jetpack should still be included, as you don't often use the jetpack in MP,so why bother removing it? Just makes more of a job for you + annoying me cause I can't see his jetpack
  9. When you say 'custom anim and model', are you intending for this to only work in SP?
  10. But I don't particularity care that much about how I look to other people. If I like it, then I'm happy. So I tend to always use custom skins.
  11. If someone doesn't have the skin you are using, then they will see you as kyle.
  12. Had an awesome time playing on this map in the Tag Team Tournament, great work here, and a splendid map it is!!
  13. Should I upload the Lord Starkiller model onto here, even though it is a port?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omicron


      Ok, but I'll add a msg at the bottom of my sig explaining that if you want it, send me a pm.

    3. katanamaru


      That's the best idea.

    4. Mert-K


      Perhaps just PM it to people who are interested.

  14. @@eezstreet @@LordDesann Ruxith just sent it to me, it comes complete with shaders and sounds. I have also re uploaded it onto my dropbox account, so it has a more permanent home, as Rux's link was only temporally. http://db.tt/QHTXYWqx Enjoy lads 'n' lassies
  15. I have known about this for about a year now, cause when I was looking through my bro's star wars books, I saw that one of them was about Jaden. (Riptide.)
  16. I have the v16 and 17a. (The last 2 releases of UU.)
  17. I quite like custom huds alot, but usually only the ones which aren't just base hud reskins. I currently use the Mystic Forces clan hud.
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