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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Ahh, well, he looks kinda cool I guess, could make a nice jka model
  2. Brilliant work! And what map(s) did you take those screenshots on?
  3. Looks interesting, will have to check out this weekend.
  4. @@eezstreet ^8 is orange, and ^9 is grey, you had it the other way around
  5. I thought that second song said "Ensiform"
  6. The ears look quite round to me, could be the angle of the screenshots though.
  7. Thanks! I accidentally searched "LizzFizz", so it didn't turn up
  8. Where can I download that Fem Mandalorian reskin from? I know you are working on a newer version, but I would like to have it nonetheless
  9. @@AshuraDX is the sort of person who always posts music I like
  10. Part of me seems to remember this being asked for before...
  11. Could you upload that R2 unit? The cat has been in the JAWA skinpick for the the last year or two lol
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