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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Huh, explains who he survived the sarlacc then if not even a rancor can eat him.
  2. Optimisation doesn't need to be turned off, I have it on on my textures. (No idea what it does though)
  3. Lugormod could be cool, not having quests and all, just edited base maps (eg, pits covered up, new walkways, etc)
  4. Did you refresh the textures in modivew? it's this button circled here:
  5. Would it be possible to make the flag banners animate in some way? Even if it is just some fake ripples moving across them.
  6. You mean the ported one, or when Gir finishes his one?
  7. How daunting was the OpenJK project when it started, and what was the first task you set out to do with the game's sourcecode?
  8. You would need to edit the code to make it an extra weapon.
  9. silly 'murican spellings I usually have it more organised, but lately I have been quite lazy, but I may install fences soon which will help clean it up.
  10. Still silly to me Then again, my desktop is a massive mess...
  11. What's the point of a desktop if you have nothing on it...?
  12. Could you send me that model in a pm?
  13. Where did you get that model from for the repeater?
  14. Nice work, I look forward to the final release
  15. Where can I get Patch Commander? Searching for it came up with one for MotS.
  16. Thanks Circa, I'll pm you my new e-mail, as my JKH one is no longer my main one.
  17. I'll pm you my email address. EDIT: I can't go on your profile for some reason, could you send me a pm, and I could give you my email?
  18. @@Syko, do you still have the 50GB referrals for box?
  19. Having a jkhub ctf match of tffa event would be cool
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