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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. JKA Rosh is too much of a douchebagRosh is too annoyingRosh
  2. If it's the pack I think it is, then here is the link to it from my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ky3ga0jd0fxict/JEDI_AlienJediPack.pk3
  3. Is that the JEDI species pack? If so it's actually Haps' robes, and most of the models are base ones put in the robes.
  4. Neat, having used them would be pretty cool.
  5. Do those animations exist in the pc version of the game, or would they need to be made?
  6. He is currently moving house, and has had to sort alot of things out, so it may be quite a while until it is released.
  7. Perhaps there could be a group of people who (if enough are interested in doing this) could review files when they get uploaded, and so when the file gets approved and made "public", there would be the review along with it. But this would depend on having a group of people who have the time to do it whenever a file goes up.
  8. I found the best way (for me anyway) was to look at other shaders I liked, messed around with them with other shaders, removed parts and try to understand what happens. After that, I looked at the shader manual to understand various parts, and try more things out.
  9. See for yourself https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qj9tp6247xtryl/pikachu.pk3
  10. There is a pikachu model for jka, I'll upload it to me dropbox. Bear in mind that it is horrible rigged, so sabres act really derpy on it, but it works well enough I guess.
  11. yeah, I was referring to Sentinel And Adjudicator looks almost spot on to the original iirc, nice work!
  12. rather than texturing the buttons/switches onto the metal, I would actually have them modelled on
  13. Awesome work here, but I think you need to try and make more variations in the metal, it all looks grungy and slightly scratched. If it were, say, stainless steal, it wouldn't have much in the way of scratches, mostly dirt and grit so perhaps not completely shiny. Perhaps adding some chipped paint could look good as well.
  14. Omicron

    New Staff

    Congrats guys!
  15. Thanks! Taking screenshots of the animated shader was a bit hard, and I couldn't be arsed lol Basically, the circuits on the head have a flowing shader on them, and all the green you see in the screenshot is the rgb.
  16. Nice work, I always like the stuff that goes along in ::JEDI:: on the skinning and modelling aspects.
  17. Nice work, for the palp one, I would add a strong red glow shader for the eyes, just to make him look that lil bit more evil
  18. Uploaded skin :L *awaits approval*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet


      Son, I approve.

    3. Circa


      I don't approve.

    4. Kessno


      Son, there ain't a thing I can do for you.

  19. Version 1.1


    This is my personal Keldor skin which has RGB support, various animated shaders, and is made to be compatible with Rux's Keldor pack, hence why no sounds are included. And I would like to give many thanks to Ruxith, for the original head texture which I then reskinned, making the icons, and putting together the Keldor pack, and to Milamber, for making the modified Keldor model which I used for my skin. Permission has been granted from both of them to release this skin. ZIP filesize: 5.61MB PK3 filesize: 5.10MB
  20. Great work, would rate it 5 if you also included a variant with a completely black background around the scope, and one semi transparent black background (like what MUG did to his scope mod), as I find that much easier to use. Sweet work tho
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