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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. So creepy, I actually opened my eyes and checked that there was no one near me when I first heard this
  2. It does come across that you are very serious
  3. And XSI Mod Tool. Honestly, look it up on google, there are hundreds of great tutorials there for starting off and the step by step process. The people who you've seen here have been modelling for years; it is't something you can learn overnight, it all takes practice and starting off with really small simple things, and gradually over months (and years) building up to much more complex and hard models like people, realistic objects and all that.
  4. Practice, time, patience and a lot of dedication
  5. Please tell me you still have that model
  6. JKG could do with some civilians, not everyone has to be good looking in it
  7. Back from my camping :L

    1. Hy Prð Glð
    2. Omicron


      Mixture of sun, rain, lightning and hail all within the space of one hour

  8. Going camping for a few days, leaving in about 2 hours

    1. Bek


      Once you get there ask the ewoks, how did they defeat the empire.

    2. Barricade24
  9. Probably means things like shaders, species support, etc, so the more technical aspects of it
  10. I'd do her
  11. Players can't use ANY custom maps unless they download them (unless it was something like an edited base maps with other base bsp's added to it or something of the sorts.)
  12. I didn't know Maul stole his robes from Mon Mothma
  13. Not as far as I know, but Chalk is working on a Dagobah map for his TFU mod here
  14. Why does Autodesk downloader have to be so slow D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AshuraDX


      well he's most likely using the official downloader that's used to download & install your student version of the program

    3. Omicron


      Aye, using official, as I signed up for student. Going to start looking up tutorials for 3ds max soon :L

    4. minilogoguy18


      Because it has Autodesk's name on it, you're talking about a company that has never developed anything innovative ever, all they do is buy out.

  15. Nice! Does resemble how he looked in TPM quite well
  16. Huh, simple idea, but I like it
  17. Oh, I thought you had made that lol Regardless, great work on your controls
  18. Awesome skin dude, great work!
  19. Loving those control panels, and that weird lighting generator thing in the background of the last screen
  20. Awesome, going to download now
  21. Anorexic with a big booty
  22. Or just any generic trandoshan
  23. Her hips look a bit wide, and torso slightly to thin, but otherwise, good work
  24. He is currently doing Danger as well iirc
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