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Szico VII

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Posts posted by Szico VII

  1. There's nothing wrong with editing a .map using a good text editor like Notepad++ if theres a specific error you want to fix that you cant from within radiant - or mass texture path replacing and the like. Sure keep a backup just in case.


    As for your patches, perhaps convert the whole thing to an ase? Tho if its terrain would require a lot of clip work... The benefit of this is though you can use -subdivisions to decrease the triangle count on the terrain easily.


    Also if you have a Win7 PC with 4GB RAM or more use the newer q3map2 from our downloads section which uses more RAM to prevent that error. Use search tool to find previous posts on this issue (which has come up many times)

  2. Well go to line 30 and fix the error there. I'm guessing its the close brackets here though:


     q3map_normalimage textures/pk02/pk02_computer01a_n
     qer_editorimage textures/pk02/pk02_computer01a_c
     q3map_lightmapsamplesize 1x1


    Id also put line breaks between each NEW shader.

  3. If its a glow you need the glow command:


            map textures/pk02/pk02_ceiling02_i
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
            rgbGen identity




            map textures/pk02/pk02_ceiling02_i
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
            rgbGen identity


  4. Clip is used to create solid invisible walls. You could try system/caulk_nonsolid if you really wanted a piece of geometry to be nonsolid, but that might not be very realistic. You'd also possibly need to apply the surfaceparm nonsolid to the other shaders applied to the player's visible sides of the brush.

  5. 2 quick things that cause 90% of texture issues in-game but not in radiant.


    1) sv_pure 0 it up (To force game to use assets NOT in the pk3 files)

    2) Make sure the texture resolution is a power of 2. (Radiant will load any size, JKA will not.)


    Check these first! FYI though, jpg and tga both work fine, but sometimes the compiler just says TGA for weird reasons.

  6. You must be making a mistake somewhere - there are plenty of example maps - all of mine which I use it in have the source files included so you can have a look and see how it was done!

    It would help if you explained what youve done, step by step, so we can try and figure out whats going wrong!

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