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Posts posted by Nozyspy

  1. I loathe EA... but the new Battlefront looks visually amazing. I just hope it has substance and not just looks. As far as MP FPS games go, these days Planet Side 2 is my poison of choice, we shall see if this can get me hooked like the original Battlefront! Blimey, i actually remember going to the shop just as it opened first thing in the morning to buy that game on release day. At first they said they didn't have any in stock, until we told them to check under the desk, and voila there was a batch there ready to go out on the shelves!

  2. Minor suggestion - for any potential update, could we change the icons for 'Featured' and 'Latest' downloads to screenshots from the respective mod's download page, rather than the uploader's profile picture? Like we have for the 'Latest Files' section when viewing it via the forums.


    Yeah i suggested that above too, and preferably larger thumbnails, like 80x80px, it helps draw people sinterest to what the file is more than just a name on its own.


    3-column grid is kinda old nowadays :)


    True, but in terms of practicality it does allow much more content to be featured on the front page, it also means you dont have to click through multiple pages to find an item.


    The opposite extreme is JKFiles front page, which was extremely efficient at displaying content, but not much in the looks department!

  3. sadly no, I stopped working on this when I got a bug to revamp the temple of mechanism.  I haven't worked on it a whole lot since then.  I've been sucked into Swtor again.  Igottwormms @ Jedi Covenant is the name and server you are most likely to find me on there.  I need to try and make some time to finish a few things up and get a couple maps finished.


    You should finish this off, its great to see JK2 still getting some love!


    Sure thing bing. Uuuhhh like I said in my previous post I would love to see more daylight textures on this map versus the default sunset brown. But hey, that's up to you. As far as the map goes, looks like it has good flow. So great for spawns and bots. 


    That is one of the odd things about Bespin in JK2... for all intents and purposes, Bespin architecture is white, the brownish colouration is from the sunset:






    And yet we have come to know Bespin in the JK series for its... brown textures!

    Langerd likes this
  4. Looking very good! Though i think the underneath of his chin should go up straight after the tip of his beard, rather than sloping gently to his neck as it is now, since at the moment it looks as though that is actually the size of his chin. And that would be one hell of a big chin!


    Also, i realize his hair hasn't been textured yet, but in that pic it looks like he has been attacked by a grey blob! :P

    Tempust85 likes this
  5. Hey Nozy!


    I was always more of a lurker than an active member on JK3Files during it's golden age, but I remember reading many of your reviews from some of my favourite downloads. Glad to see you make your way to the Hub! Welcome to the crew.


    I hope you enjoyed my reviews! ^.^

  6. Hey I actually reviewed Y-Mountain... I just found the review, if anyone is interested. :) We never did have A-Mountain on JKFiles though.



    Y-Mountain, sequel to Z-Mountain (perhaps there will be an X-Mountain too?) is basically one huge climbing puzzle, as you will soon realise when you start the map up! Indeed, this type of map reminds me strongly of some of the climbing type levels from the Tomb Raider games, and also oddly enough, the setting reminds me of the Sulon levels from Dark Forces 2.

    Whilst the map works on a simple principle; getting to the top, it is very well made and is actually pretty difficult. In fact I didn't even make it up to the first level... Ehem, mind you, I was a little lazy! stick out tongue As you explore the map, you will find lots of little nooks and crannies and hidden passageways which will help you reach the top, where you will have a better view of that unusual skybox. The choice of music is pretty unusual for this kind of map, but I actually think it fits pretty well and sounded good. At the bottom of the map is a marshy type of area with a few trees and some water, surrounded by those huge vertical cliffs, the effect of which is pretty striking.
    I do have one gripe though, which concerns the water in the bottom of the map. The water isn't actually water... rather it is solid, and when you stand on it you slide across it like ice, which is kind of strange, considering you are expecting to be swimming instead! Personally I think the water shader here should be changed so it is actually water, rather than being solid and slippery. Other than that though I found the map to be very well made.
    All in all a nice puzzle themed map here, if you liked the older Tomb Raider games, or like puzzle maps in general, then this will suit you perfectly! smile 
    Bot Support: Yes
    New Textures: Yes
    New Sounds: No
    New Music: Yes
    Game Types: FFA, Duel
  7. I think it would look best if the white background was removed entirely or replaced by something very translucent in the background


    Something like these?






    Its not really practical to remove the white background entirely because of the lack of text clarity over the background image.

  8. Way too much whitespace for my liking. I want content, not padding.


    Padding isn't so bad, its like meat on the bones. :P


    What precisely were you referring to, the news posts or just generally? One thing you could do would be to move the poll over to the left and add a 'latest posts' box, then move the 'latest files' box further up on the right and increase the featured files to 3 so you could also cycle through featuring older files as well as new ones. Thats what i did on JKFiles when we no longer had enough brilliant files coming in every week to fill up 4 featured slots. It worked quite well because it gave older files some more limelight.


    Looks nice but could use some work.


    Yeah, i'm no expert with HTML, its just to demonstrate some simple changes you could make to spruce it up without having to spend loads of time doing a full redesign.

  9. So I have heard that JKHub will be getting some upgrades in future, however the actual design of the site currently is really pretty good, it could just do with some visual tweaks rather than a complete redesign to make it a little slicker.


    I was directed towards this forum and would like to offer some suggestions on how that could be done, though of course as a relative newcomer here i don't want to step on anyone's toes who may already be involved with this.


    I gained a fair amount of experience when i helped design the previous site for the guild that i am in and feel i can offer some suggestions based on what i learned about the layout and aesthetics of a website like this, but rather than describe them to you i will post a picture from some HTML kitbashing i did using the Internet Explorer F12 DOM feature.


    The only other change not shown on the screenshot here would be to have a 'Latest Posts' box and Picture of the Day'on the right hand side. I should also point out one small thing i changed was to have a thumbnail of the mod in question in the latest files list instead of the user avatar, as this helps encourage peoples curiosity to check them out!


    It would be relatively easy to make these changes as they are fairly minor but i feel make the site look even nicer!


    I hope you like it! It may be a little rough around the edges!



  10. Hey everyone. Some of you here will remember me, though many might not. The names Nozyspy, now *former* manager of JKFiles over at the FileFront Network. Unfortunately with the closure of JKFiles I am left without a home and so I hope you will welcome me here, even though I realize I am somewhat of an interloper in this well established community. 


    I actually remember when Caelum set this place up, but at the time I was rather busy trying to work around the bugs and keep JKFiles going and alas didn't really have time to come here. In fact, if i remember correctly Caelum actually worked at JKFiles for a while.


    I fully intend to use this site much more frequently now and would love to offer any help I can!


    I was very sad to see JKFiles and the rest of the network shut down. I put years of my life into that place, something between 6-7 years in fact, first as a reviewer, then 4+ active years as manager before the catastrophic bugs and health problems finally sapped my energy to run the place single handedly (the bugs meant I literally could not hire staff because they couldn't log into the site backend). For the last 2+ years I desperately wanted to get back there and into reviewing again, but simply didn't have the energy to face doing it all on my own. Thus I have the somewhat bitter sweet epitaph of being the last ever manager of the biggest most successful site on the entire FileFront Network, which was one of the biggest, if not the biggest modding networks on the internets.


    I still feel a responsibility towards this community, even though the closure of the Network was taken at levels way above me. I feel a great sense of loss, and I hope I can contribute to keeping this place active and healthy, even if nothing more than to post regularly!



  11. I'm glad to see so many of you are still around! Didn't you use the name Dretzel for a while on JKFiles? Or am i getting mixed up with someone else?


    I do seem to remember that you helped me spruce up many of the pages there with some fancy HTML!

  12. Ah, nice to see you here Nozyspy. :)


    Nice to see you too man, I remember you! :)


    I see you stepped in as Admin. Grats. I wanted to contact someone to see how the site was going along and whether there was anything I could do to help. I actually didnt see that until i read the news item a bit more closely. I remember SiLink too, some familiar faces around here!


    Well well. More familiar faces popping up.


    Ahhh Nab, i remember you too, nice to see you again mate!


    Im pretty shocked about JKFiles being shut down, as I didnt get any prior warning via Staff emails or anything. Last thing I heard the network was meant to go into 'archival mode'. I.e, just keeping the sites ticking over but not doing anything to repair them is what i took from that. But it looks like things got so bad it was decided they just were not practical to maintain them as is at all any more.

    Sentra and mrwonko like this
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