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File Comments posted by Willemoes

    Sio Bibble

       92    9

    This is perhaps one of my favourite models so far!
    I think if you were trying to capture the style from that era then you most definitely succeeded! It's very much on par with the original base models, which is quite the achievement. I think it's jank, but jank at its best! I would unironically like modern gaming more if there was more of this kind of graphics rather than polished AAA quality stuff.
    You can see how well it fits with the background, it does not look out of place at all.

    Guardian Shell

       127    5
    6 hours ago, The Unguided said:

    Amazing model. Sick concept. Good job! With your permission we may find use of it in Movie Battles II, perhaps.

    I'm planning to use this model for future projects so I prefer not, but thanks for asking 🙂

    The Unguided likes this
  1. 20 minutes ago, McGroose said:

    This model looks like it has more polygons than every single base JK3 playermodel combined, exceptional work. Great translation of 2D artwork into 3D. It looks like you took at least some slight artistic liberties into your own hands with how to make this model actually be playable in the game, as I imagine trying to get his proportions right while also not looking incredibly jank must've been quite a challenge, but you did it well.

    I've saw a whole bunch of the Vader redesigns by Chenthooran Nambiarooran a while ago, but I was not aware of who made them, nor of how many he made. Thank you for letting me know the author behind them. The redesigns are hit or miss, but you simply cannot deny the eye for detail and the artistic flare all of his concepts have. Here is a list of most or all of his redesigns https://www.artstation.com/artwork/48Zkl

    If possible, I would love if you could contact Chethooran and have them give their opinions on your model.

    I used to have him added as a friend on facebook, but I think he deleted his account. I don't know actually if he is even active as an artist anymore or how to contact other than his artstation. I would like to hear what he has to say, but at the same time I'm also terrified haha

    Thank you so much for the kind words. It's really uplifting for me to see some response on something I've spent a lot of time making. Every one of these comments cheers me immensely 

    McGroose likes this

    Jester Knight

       251    9
    23 minutes ago, mjt said:

    Damn those look good! What workflow did you chose with regards to going from PBR to JKA shaders? Love to see the cape vertex deforms again - I immediately noticed it on the preview animation 🙂

    Hey! I applied a smart material that baked the roughness and metalness down into spec And Normal map, base, height into a diffuse. This was provided by AshuraDX, but it is definitely something you can also make yourself in substance painter.
    Maybe @AshuraDXcan shed some more light on that process.

    I'm glad you like the vertex deformation!! I'm also really happy about it and that it even worked haha.

    mjt likes this
  2. So you didn't actually do any modelling here and focused primarily on texturing, I just want to point out that is pretty impressive.

    You have some of issues happening here, first of the fabric needs to be scaled down. Here it looks as though each strand in the fabric on snoke's cloak is the size of his fingers, which is a bit unfortunate.
    It's such a shame cause the texture you basically projected onto the face of the model has yielded some really good results.

    I look forward to seeing what other things you produce!

  3. Noses don't look like that and why the hell doesn't he have a chin? it looks like George Lucas
    I think you need to study the fundamentals.

    Jokes aside this is definitely not Kyle Katarn, not even his likeness. Looks like a completely different person. You definitely need to work on the jaw and chin, I suggest looking at sculptures of heads to fully understand how it works. Imagine the head in segments, test and try out stuff and keep at it. It's good that people are being supportive, but this is simply wrong. Good luck with it :)

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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