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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. umm I Tobe_One I believe made a zombie arm as a weapon once before, or it was Last_Wish
  2. 2.5D is just an illusion for the most part
  3. CaptainChar

    JO/JA coop

    Ironicly I had looked into Co-op in the "Vampire Blood Chonicles" mod, we didn't get very far, but it would be nice to have a co-op mode that works, our idea worked more or less server side, the server determined if player 1 reaches goal, basicly load next map, it would force all players to next map, instead of multi mapping, it was a crude setup only suitable for linier style games
  4. I mean say a high quality hall way uses 2000 brushes, in 2.5D in theory it'd use only 1000 brushes, thus doubling the length of a level, although each level is limited in length via the editor distance, the "HOM" effect wouldn't be seen since only a small portion of the level is being rendered, roughly just what's beyond the camera's view, cut scenes could still use full 3D areas to give more illusion to the world is bigger then what it is. OR: you take your spare 1000 brushes from the side of the room you don't see, and reuse them for buffing up the detail more my plan is to use the 2.5D mod to probably make a "Super Star Wars" like game other modders could use this mod to do things like the following: Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles: http://youtu.be/j6N_w1RlUzI Megaman maverick hunter X: New Super Mario Bros: http://youtu.be/VsrHgQkN_rc All these games are classic side scrollers with 3D models,
  5. theres a theoretical advantage with the 2.5D setup, you'd only need half the brushes for a usual hallway lets say, allowing that other half to be used down the line for more level or if you wanted to keep each level a set lengh, you could have glorious detail
  6. The One And Only was working on a hud which would give the sway effect of the original game, kinda like Metroid prime 3 did I plan on possibly making a "Surface" map from SP and make it a CTF gameplay map due to its large size or a "big team" style map, with prob updated effects giving it actual slow instead of just a fog Gun wise im working on the trip mines to be proxy mines
  7. the only mock up I did was changing the camera angle, apparently the mod "Jedi fighter" got it down, but I don't know if the camera would follow the players or if its simply put at a fixed postion
  8. Ive only ever covered a mockup concept of this as seen in the castlevania thread, however I believe if pulled off it would open a new door for modders, mappers etc alike, since you could make 3D side scrolling stages per say, a perfect example for this use would be a possible remake of the "Super Star Wars" games seen on the super Nintendo, im just tossing the idea out there
  9. sounds similar to the former Jk site for files, but ive been using that readme format forever so I don't need to really change things
  10. I see a Some Cruz, also is there any way to get a hollowman/ hollow knight in game? eg just a suit of armor with no one inside it per say. these guys are seen since Castlevania 1, usually using throwing axes at you, in Dracula X they carry spears and pikes and attack from more distance
  11. just for @@CaptainCrazy for his prior work on GE source My intention is simple, keep everything the same, cept update the textures, resolution, and character models, levels will remain the same as if it were the HD xbox live arcade canceled version, Ive found that JA's engine is perfect for HD N64 remakes RPC-90
  12. @@CaptainCrazy I have recreated to the best as I could, at 4 maps so far, and each of my maps has a hidden casset tape/DVD of the Goldeneye movie as seen in the original bunker level as the security tape
  13. all effects are changed, all SFX are changed, Shotgun will be up soon, pump action,
  14. I didn't make these, its just another weapons pack that im sorting out, if I had a coding mod, id have it set up like the original 64 game where predetermined sets would load for a level, instead of the level loading presets
  15. Im piecing together a weapon pack for the GoldenEye 64 maps, this one will be on my mediafire account soon, since there was a lot of people wanting the guns from the early screenshots, such as the shotgun etc.. these guns will only be temp till someone models some originals PPK Silenced (default gun) (may change sfx so only makes silence shots) AK-47 Assult rifle/grenade launcher combo Rocket Launcher
  16. could always have the hero passing by, notice a village in distress and go to investigate where they find out Dracula has returned
  17. I seem to have an over abundence of Map ideas

    1. Onysfx



  18. Id like to point out, in Castlevania Dracula X, or Rondo of Blood, Dracula sieges a town to get the Belmont's attention, usually kidnapping people, its a reoccurring theme
  19. IM going to go ahead to liquidate all the beta screens I had, from the former "Vampire Blood Chronicles" mod Dracula 2nd form: Castlevania early 3d Mock up, note the N64 keep Early Exterior shot of the castle Early version of the keep I made:
  20. Death and Dracula in my keep maps were extremely tough, especially since Dracula in that version transformed into a rancor, (we didn't have the model yet done for the SOTN/RoB/DoS form down) but originally, me and Zion were going to look into a scripted Dracula battle, the classic teleport then fireball moves, I considered this as (when Drac's in motion his cloaked, when he stops he must stop to fire his projectile attack, leaving him open for attack, this was a crude method cause neither Zion or myself knew of scripts or coding then, Death Is a bit easier since he would have behaved more like Ragnos in our original version, floating around, cept wielding a scythe, which as I recall Tobe made 3 varients of
  21. to quote OJP, "That was simply a concept shot done by Keshire ages ago. We talked about the idea for a while but unfortunately decided that it would simply be too difficult to implement. Sorry to disappoint." So if it can be pulled of it would mark a first time thing
  22. AshuraDX made the Death Egg Robot, its still a work in progress but I showed it off cause it eventually will be present
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