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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. most mine was learned from trial and error, and some was passed onto me from another mapper, and tutorial wise was rich diesel's but yeah some stuff isn't covered in the text books, this would be one those cases, where even I didn't know about the max number of detail type brushes so i'll have to rethink my current map

  2. well major kusangi's hair the texture is rather flat, and Im assuming the shader removes the black from the image or the TGA has alpha


     cull disable
            map models/players/kusanagi/hair.tga
            alphaFunc GE192
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse

  3. I dunno if this would answer what I did with TGA files, the originals were PNG's but the tutorials called for TGA's

    if I recall the TGA is a 24bit + alpha you can open it in photoshop though and verify, I can dig up the original PNG as well, since I kept all my Castle textures archived


    This is from my Haunted Graveyard Map


    Fence TGA:



             Cull none
             qer_editorimage textures/graveyard/fence.tga
             map textures/graveyard/fence.tga
             blendFunc blend
             alphaFunc GT0
             rgbGen identity
             map $lightmap
             rgbGen identity
             blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
             depthFunc equal

  4. I could just use "caulk" lifts for the ladders or invisible elevators at the ladders, just a hunch or do away with ladders for lifts all together


    in game screen of what the top of the bridge will semi look like: (needs better textures and a glossy shader)



    Last screen for today, you can see the bare bones of the bridge now, and just what kind of view it would offer, main view screen needs some work but I have to use what I got for source, all of the original movies have poor consistency No textures are final, since the bridge isn't even in the right area yet on the mapping grid, its currently part of engineering deck



  5. I only did one music pack years ago, for a beta version of the vampire blood chronicles mod (now stuck in limbo) but it wasn't that hard, but I have to agree the ambience music should be fitting for that area or scene, where as action music is needed for firefights say, and something epic for a boss battle, even the super star wars games on SNES had the same overture from the movies, cept battles had some thumping 16-bit music to accompany them, but I suppose at the time the game might have had development limitations, but it doesn't stop us as modders from expanding on these ideas

  6. Well after viewing this entire thread so far, I'm impressed with the work thus far, and feel this project is going along rather smoothly, I applaud all who participated in this community activity, and I hope to see more WIP pictures on this project, sorry but I have to return to the Enterprise, if I wasn't so busy already I might have joined, but sometimes its just as fun to watch the process

    MUG likes this
  7. its been a while since ive posted, only a minor thing to show right now, the turbolift interior, some areas of the ship while its being constructed will be hidden as I plan to have at least one major easter egg in this map


    Engineering deck is basically completed, at about 4000 brushes, I will tweak this a bit to lessen the amount of brushes being used, but it sets up if I go by the 30k limit, I can have 5-6 decks then, the entire ship will use the Enterprise refit design now


    Also I don't know why its so glowy, It never did this in windows XP but in 7 its all shiny now.




    Engineering also received an expansion based off the movie set stills and some of the diagrams based off the ship, the EPS manifolds haven't been

    installed yet or the Y shaped conduit at the rear of the warp core




    Reference image used for main engineering:



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