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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. if a new collaboration is to be set, I suggest we first discuss the rules for the next project, just so everyone is on the same wavelength, or more a more through set of rules maybe, and perhaps we could avoid another...collision for lack of better words, my only collaboration maps was the Goldeneye Bunker, and the canceled Vampire blood chronicles mod. but communication is a must on any project that isn't solo. sorry its just my two cents, I just feel its a shame that this project has gone so far south, each contributor was showing great promise.


    Rule of thumb Mag, Always highlight your entire msg and copy to the clipboard before posting, just incase it doesn't send the first time, you don't have to reword it

  2. the thread title says it all, in order to keep the launch of the USS Enterprise on time, I am looking for help for a glossy white texture with either a glossy shader that's semi reflective, example would be the imperial floors any assistance here would be helpful since I know jack all about shaders aside reusing ones from maps that work for me

  3. "Dammit Jim" the bridge may not function well as a duel area but it will be present for aesthetics, but I will see if I can make it functional in some form, main engineering now has the hum of the warp core now, and the map has been outfitted with transporter sound effects that replace the default teleport sounds (might be an optional assets file with this map like my "Goldeneye packs"


    The bridge and main engineering need texture and shader work, but its still WIP


    Added the hand rails, and a crap tunnel for now to block out the void, and the steps from the refit Enterprise's bridge



    Getting ready to add the Helm and Com


  4. my idea wasn't seamless, was the have a teleporter in front of a camera area, I know not the best or most efficient way to do this either


    best example I can give for my map atm:


    Enterprise say has a door to a holodeck (I know constitution class didn't have this) but it opens to any randomly generated world, this would be useful if I wanted the portal not to just be against a wall or form the "archway" in the middle of a forest say, so yes these seamless portals intrigue me

  5. I changed the bridge scale slightly, from the original that I made, lets say 1.0 to maybe a 1.2 scale the areas around the outer or  saucer shape just didn't seem large enough at the time the bridge also might make a good duel area



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