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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. ive also considered the scale of things, but when you start working on small scale details in GTK it can become a nightmare fast, im also still planning to find a way to mod JA into a 2.5D side scroller


    I only dabbed in this field once, since various control mods would be needed, as well as a camera that wouldnt shift position but perma stay at a fixed angle yet allow scrolling.


    I made this mock up years ago cause i considered exploring this more to unlock a new use for the engine at the time, it would open a door for platforming mods, side scrollers Like the castlevania example I made, etc. But as you can see theres still stances and animations that would also be required if playing the game ina 2.5D mode,



  2. there is some more rounding, im just experimenting with scale, etc im also using player spawn as my reference guide to scale, and since there was so many different bridge sets for the same starship, keepiing continuity with the same set is kind of an annoyance thankfully i have lots of play room since its just an early build of the bridge, so nothing is final, just getting rough layout down


    reference used was this one,


    NAB622 likes this
  3. well depends, if the JA exe's could be made to handle memory better, and handle more brushwork, (i know szico would love that) the engine would be still fairly capable in my opinion, since some of those mapper, like Szico, and SJC, just to name two, have done great things, I would lIke to continue modding for JA as long as possible, its an easy learning curve, not to mention the Jedi knight series, is what got me into modding

    Circa likes this
  4. A Constitution Class Starship, yes, modelled after NCC-1701 Enterprise


    Since this ship has several refits over its life, this vessel might have some areas that have been refitted, for aesthetic purposes and to make some areas more interesting, Main engineering for example willl be from the refit

  5. actually id be happy if they at least used the havok physic's engine, or some physics engine, think of how well some of the character animations would be if they used physics, hair flow, cloak/cape flows, etc not to mention a hell of of alot better battles

  6. your going to force my hand at turning on my xbox Inyri, just to check my Mass effect 3 stats again, lol keep modding miss forge, though at the rate your going, you'll likely replace every weapon in JA with a ME weapon eventually


    I retract my earlier statement, it seems ive not gotten to that yet, ive been attempting to get Sniper mastery for all the sniper weapons

  7. ive only used Gmax, 3Dmax6 and milkshape, and in school lightwave for macs, but all in all, I suggest if you dont want to learn via self knowlage, to use a tutorial video, since I find video or visual learning helps greatly then a textbook version

  8. "A modders skill flows from the internet, but beware of the troll's side"


    the hardest part i had to overcome was working in a 3d enviroment from multiple angles, but if you've had experience in some form of 3d before, even mapping, the same basic knowlage can be applied in moddeling


    plus I was taught Lightwave and 3dmax in highschool, but mapping with GTK basicly gave me my fundimental 3D skills,

    my advice, just screw around, or start of by playing around with existing or premade models
  9. open GL is usually better then direct3d these days, but sometimes newer cards drop elements that enabled "legacy modes" for older applications, ive yet to try JA on my netbook yet, as it uses the Intel Chipset for video, but the HDMI out is handy, the machine wont run some older game, they just explode the models, but DX10 type games seem to work fine, DX9 or DX8 seem to screw up royally for me, the hardware is openGL based in my case. so I maybe facing the same issue as you soon


    It has to run JA since I can map while im not home, and its not useful if I cant test the work for me

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