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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. so im curious, why does everyone hate IE thesedays? and if your going to make claims, id like to see some technical data to back you up for your browser's choice


    I have IE, Firefox, and Chrome on this machine, mind you my pc is still running XP and ive not made the jump to 7 yet (fuck win 8)

  2. Disney kinda died when they announced they wouldnt be making any more animated movies, but CGI has replaced traditional animation


    Sadly, disney games tend to suck something hard, they havent done a decent game since SNES era, so i'd hate to see a new starwars game by disney, something about is wrong, this literally is a disturbance in the force. though you can bet the purest fans wont take this laying down, thats for sure


    only way the could royally fuck up, is if they made the bad guys a bunch of klingons by accident

    Mad-Old-Odd-Spy-Elk likes this
  3. this help is mostly going to be used firstly to fix my Haunted Graveyard map, then any other outdoor maps following this.

    Im just trying to get the basic understanding of this shader, so I can make the light souce better in my maps, indoor maps are getting better, but can still use lighting improvements as well


    I ge tthe feeling im going to be redoing the Map's sky shader entirely

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