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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. You probably did not read the documentation or follow it correctly. Once again, put the stuff in the correct folders, paths are relative so there's always the question of "relative to what?".
  2. Yeah, check this out.
  3. Don't save it to your desktop, for starters. It belongs in gamedata/base [or your mod's folder]/models/map_objects/***/. Radiant should be able to display ASE just fine. If Radiant can't handle the model Q3Map2 probably can't, either, they use the same functionality for loading them.
  4. Using a Radeon 6950 with 2GB VRAM and have no problems in Blender. Then again, if I do modelling at all it's low-poly.
  5. What are you most excited to code, with regards to OpenJK or other Jedi Academy projects? What were your biggest surprises reading the source code? (Positive or negative.) What do you do when you're not working on OpenJK?
  6. In personal conversations pressing tab in the message text area moves the cursor to the search field on the top right, which is utterly confusing. Instead, it should highlight the send button, as it does when writing forum posts.
  7. Don't do complex shapes in Radiant, "just" model them.
  8. I'm not sure how BehavEd could be improved... It supports just about everything you can do (well, almost), its only limitation is it being Windows-only. Or what are you thinking of? I agree with the other Software though - all the visual editors (MD3View, ModView, EffectsEd) could use some shader support, for example, and carcass isn't that great either.
  9. Also, don't save as progressive jpg. And keep the width and height a power of 2, like 256 or 512.
  10. Long vs Short makes no difference whatsoever, it's purely a matter of order. Which makes tags a pain to create since modeller's usually don't need to care about vertex order, so few tools support it well. Even Raven screwed it up occasionally, just look at r2's torso_head_cap.
  11. I prefer not to use the vertex tool at all because as you mentioned it's easy to create broken brushes. Instead I move edges and use the clipping tool. Back when I started all we had was 1.4. I got used to that and never got into 1.5, so I jumped straight to 1.6.
  12. Does it disappear when you don't have its origin in view? Then the MD3 exporter you're using is broken and doesn't export a proper bounding box.
  13. Whatever you do, in the end the machine instructions to open the file have to be in the game so it can be reverse engineered.
  14. Protect how? From reading them? The game has to read them so how would that work? If that's what you want then rest assured that it is completely impossible even with changing the game if you still want them to be of any use. Afraid of thiefs?
  15. As in, a single .shader/.mtr file contains multiple materials. The (sensible) suggestion is to load the materials from the .shader and the .mtr, with .mtr being preferred for materials that are in both. That way, materials that need no rend2-specific changes don't have to be duplicated.
  16. There is not, such a feature would have to be added to Radiant. It's possible in theory - .map supports comments, and in there the group number could be mentioned - but nobody's done it. But if you just want to select a bunch of stuff in an area, draw a brush around it and Rightclick -> Select -> Select Inside.
  17. By using a versioning tool like Git or Mercurial. That's proactive though, not retroactive.
  18. So the map was not saved properly? The saved version is actually what it was before? Can you reproduce the problem? Also, weird way to phrase it: "Something happened for no reason, why?"
  19. This is the code that handles lights in Q3Map2. There does not appear to be any code handling "angle", which confirms the results of my test of simply trying it out (which took less than 5 minutes): It does nothing.
  20. Why don't you just try it? My tests suggest that it doesn't do anything.
  21. The texture coordinates. Using it might make no difference compared to not using it.
  22. A quick glance at the code suggests it is connected to effects in some way and never actually changes, unless I missed something.
  23. Reminds me I have yet to finish MotS... As for DF2: uhm... I don't remember much. I remember an elevator that moved diagonally, probably on Nar Shaddaa, which I found interesting since a func_door in JK2/JKA can't move in that direction. The stuff you pay attention to as a mapper... DF1 on the other hand I remember more clearly, probably in parts thanks due to the mod that recreated the beginning.
  24. Well I don't know much about rend2, but the shader indicates OpenGL 3.0 is enough, no need for 3.2. But yeah, it could be related to your mobile GPU not being up to the task or the drivers not supporting it.
  25. The Mobility Radeon 4650 is supposedly capable of OpenGL 3.2 so as long as your driver supports it that should work. You can verify this e.g. using the GPU Caps Viewer. It displays your supported version in the OpenGL tab and lets you try various demos to further test it.
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