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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. I don't speak Spanish, but I believe he's saying he's a graphics designer who made some Marka Ragnos model and is now looking for a mapper capable of creating easygen terrains and a programmer for a mod he wants to do. I suggest you learn English, automatic translators are not very good. (Edit: No, I did not use an automatic translator, contrary to what Circa implies below. I'll keep this an edit in the interest of not derailing the thread)
  2. Blender is capable of batch processing. Some adjustments to the plugin may be required, I don't know, I've never looked into that kind of stuff, I just know it's possible.
  3. It's probably not related to the problem, but you chose the wrong directory: Create directory C:\Users\luke\Downloads\Mods\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base/basePresumably you selected GameData/Base when you should've selected GameData. engine path : 'C:/Users/luke/Downloads/Mods/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/' executables path : 'C:/Users/luke/Downloads/Mods/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/'These should be .../GameData/. Path selection has never been very user friendly in GtkRadiant... As for your problem, I don't see any errors in that log... So it's pretty hard to know what the problem is.
  4. Try asking in #radiant on irc.quakenet.org, someone there should know.
  5. mrwonko

    This Christmas

    I have two things in mind - what happens if I do both? Mega present? I guess it doesn't matter since I'm unlikely to finish both... :-)
  6. mrwonko

    This Christmas

    This seems quite interesting from a game theory standpoint - if somebody already opened a present you fancy you have to decide: do you take it away and know what you get? Or will you open a new one hoping it'll contain something even better? Maybe you take something you think only you like so it won't be taken away. Still it feels like those that get to choose later have a bit of an advantage - they can choose between all the opened presents and the chances of the remaining presents containing something awesome get smaller and smaller. Or do they? Not knowing what is in the remaining presents means you have to guess since you can't know what's to come... It's possible they're the best ones but it's hard to judge. Since I'm so intrigued I'll probably participate, by the way.
  7. You actually registered to spam? Wow. Voicing concerns is one thing, but actively sabotaging/disrupting it is pretty disgusting.
  8. You set the texture to use with the md3shader object property as shown in the video at 1:45. You have to use relative paths to Base, so if your texture is in C:/Games/Jedi Academy/GameData/Base/models/map_objects/my_awesome_map/great_texture.jpg you'd set md3shader to models/map_objects/my_awesome_map/great_texture
  9. So why should I go there instead of JKHub? Does it offer anything new?
  10. So you model in Blender, then export to 3ds max, where you export to md3? There are md3 exporters for Blender too, why not give those a try? And don't forget to read the exporter's manual/readme; chances are you have to apply the texture in a certain way for it to be exported correctly.
  11. If you use paragraphs to make your posts more readable the chances of them being read increase. Walls of text are discouraging.
  12. No. I can't talk for anyone else, but personally I just stopped working. I'm not busy doing something else, I have enough spare time whilst not at uni to do a decent amount of work. I'm just too lazy. That said, changing that will only lead to me being more busy at first because I have to prioritize uni work. But the next priority after that is that big old mod I still haven't finished. That said, I'm all for new people getting into modding. I'm not so sure about the tutorial situation though - a lot of them have been lost through the ages. But I still plan to remedy that and write more. If this whole "stop being lazy" thing works out, I will.
  13. Why? It's fine to make money off your work. He just has to provide the source code as per the GPL, but to my knowledge only to those who buy the program. (Although they are then free to redistribute it as they see fit, provided they keep the license.)
  14. Nice! I see there's gamepad support. What about mouse & keyboard?
  15. I'm not sure there's a right way to do that... Probably situational. But in general a common start point sounds simpler, even if it wastes some space since it saves frames with no movement. But given how small the format is that hardly matters.
  16. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I remember you. The main curators of the JA source are the OpenJK team. They've already separated the rendering part of the engine into a dll with an option to load a different one instead. I believe @@Xycaleth wants to make a custom renderer at some point but I don't know if he's started yet.
  17. Just multiply the gradient from white to black with a wave that goes from 0.5 to 1 and back (I believe that means base = 0.5, amplitude = 0.5?), I guess. (Multiply should be blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO, if memory serves.)
  18. Sorry about that, I've somehow missed the message with the link. But now MoonDog's already helped, so yay!
  19. I can't really tell you anything without investigating the code in depth.
  20. Usually you'd do the opposite - use the clip texture so the player can't get closer than 2 units to the wall anywhere. To let the player pass through a brush you need to write a custom shader for each texture you use and it allows the camera to move inside the brush as well, which you don't really want ever.
  21. I suppose it's not called that... What's it supposed to do?
  22. Why? Just do it properly. It's the only way that does not involve a shitload of coding, new models formats and whatnot.
  23. Take a look at q3map_surfaceModel, it should do what you're looking for. Not sure how well it holds up with slopes, but I guess if you create the models with that in mind (i.e. lower them into the ground) it should work. Maybe create a separate model for slopes.
  24. Could you provide a simple version of the map you're using? I don't think the problem is with the script.
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