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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. I have no idea how 3dsmax's exporter works, and it completely depends on that.
  2. \ vs / may matter in some cases, you should use /. And the paths need to be relative to GameData/base/, so you don't want something like C:/Program.../base/models/map_objects/mymap/foo.jpg, just map_objects/mymap/foo.jpg. The texture has to have width and height that are powers of 2 (e.g. 512*256) and if it's jpg it mustn't be progressive.
  3. To determine what is visible from where, the map is split into small areas, and then visibility between them is calculated. These areas are created using the structural (i.e. non-detail) brushes. So a many-sided brush will create lots of areas. MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY means you have too many of these areas. You don't want many small areas anyway - one area per room is usually sufficient. Which is why you just want very simple, straight walls and floor for each room, and pretty much no detail whatsoever. Maybe I could do the necessary repairs for you... Is the version you sent me the most recent one? Can I go ahead and edit it, then send it back? It's missing a couple of textures, by the way:
  4. You need to be waaaay more aggressive with the use of detail brushes. You can press Ctrl+D to hide detail brushes, Ctrl+P to hide Patches, and Alt+2 to hide entities. That will leave you with just the structural brushes as they're considered by vis. Now ask yourself: Is this basically an empty room with plain, probably perpendicular walls? If no, it's likely more complex than necessary. Take that spiral staircase: First of all, You definitely don't want every single step to be structural - do you have any idea how many portals that's going to create? The number is too damn high. And secondly, the room itself is round - but as far as visibility is concerned you really only need a cuboid. The 12-sided brush in the center doesn't help, either, contrariwise. Well, just let me make a couple of screenshots... Other things: There are quite some broken brushes and patches, which you should get a warning about on compiling, in 1.6 and 1.4 anywayThe Area Portal texture must only be applied to one side of the brush, the rest ought to be system/skipDon't worry about Entity Leaked, that happens whenever an entity is inside a brush but in the case of models at least that's not a problem - Map Leaked is the bad leak
  5. It would be much easier if you just uploaded the map for us to take a look at.
  6. Just setting a target and a wait sucks. Use target2 and a toggle door instead.
  7. It's up to the exporter. It may or may not support tags and if it does it can do them however it wants. Consults the documentation. (Judging from the download page which makes no mention of tags I'd say it may not support them.)
  8. How about you supply a model for us to reproduce it with? In general, it's not necessarily a problem with the model, MD3View doesn't support MD3 quite correctly, if stuff is not in the expected order it gets confused (but the format totally supports this).
  9. Feel free to share a map where such a problem exists and we can tell you why it's happening.
  10. If you just have a func_door with no targetname a trigger for opening and closing it will automatically be created, no need to do anything else. If you want to place the trigger manually (and again, you usually don't need to) use a trigger_multiple and set both the target and the target2 to the func_door's targetname.
  11. Sounds very much like a UV problem. There may be a face with no UV Map, or a face with less than 3 vertices, but the latter should be impossible...
  12. Properly unpack the models folder into GameData/Base. In order to be able to load a .glm it is REQUIRED to load the gla. The two belong together. Since the .gla name referenced in the .glm is relative to GameData/*/ (it has to be), the importer needs to be able to find GameData in the path and the .gla in the same folder as the .glm - usually .../GameData/base/models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla. Also, read the manual that's included in the .zip file.
  13. I would imagine that to be in some way related to normals, though I can't tell how exactly. Maybe they're facing the wrong direction and the material is two-sided?
  14. The game needs to be able to figure out where the path ends. To figure that out it looks for the first null-byte. Since there is no null-button on your keyboard you'll need to set the raw value, which is possible in a hex editor.
  15. Pretty much any Hex Editor will do, like Tiny Hexer to name one I've used. Just make sure to press the "Ins/insert" key so the cursor highlights the current character, overwriting it when you enter something, as opposed to inserting it in front. Make a backup Open the file in a Hex Editor of your choice Search for the name of the texture you want to replace (you may need to switch on a "text search" mode) Hex Editors usually come with two columns - the raw bytes and their character interpretation. Select the texture you want to overwrite in the character interpretation, switch on overwrite mode ("insert" key) and enter your new path In the raw byte column, terminate the name with a 00 byte.
  16. I just got this mail to notify me of a reply to a status update on my profile feed: It would be convenient if that kind of mail also included a link to the status in question (in this case http://jkhub.org/statuses/user/50-mrwonko/?status_id=3440).
  17. Texture paths in .glm files are safe to edit (with a hex editor) as long as you take care to overwrite and not insert or delete so nothing in the file changes its location. Paths are terminated with a 0 byte and limited to 63 characters.
  18. If you only edit an existing model the only way to get the UV seams error (besides the obvious UV editing) is merging vertices... As for the name, be aware that the object name in Blender is of no relevance whatsoever, there's a ghoul 2 name in the object properties that gets used. I'm not sure how duplicates in there are handled, but they should be avoided.
  19. Yes, and then they will search for a solution and download OpenJK.
  20. The masterserver to query is hardcoded in the client (jamp.exe), so any replacement for that can also change the masterserver(s). In short, just use OpenJK.
  21. No, we have our own JKHub master server. And the gamespy masterserver isn't even used by JA to find games, it's only used by the GameSpy client, and to quote myself:
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